Steel, Guns, and the Industrial Party in Another World

Chapter 106

Chapter 106: Naval Gun Test Firing

TL: Etude

Paul brought with him this time 12 naval cannons, including two 12-pounders, six 6-pounders, and four swivel guns. Together with the two 6-pounders and four swivel guns previously used for training, the navy now possessed 18 cannons. (it said 20 last chapter)

Swivel guns are small-caliber cannons mounted on a base that allows for 360-degree rotation, firing grapeshot and small cannonballs. They are very light and flexible, used to support boarding actions and cover the blind spots in a ship’s broadside firepower.

When the Hope was being built, gun ports had already been reserved on both sides of the upper deck for mounting cannons. As it was the first construction of its kind, only eight gun ports were opened, four on each side.

After the trial sail back to port, Austin directed the sailors to receive the new cannons brought by Paul. Four of the 6-pounders were immediately installed on the ship, along with a box of cannonballs and several barrels of gunpowder.

Installing naval guns was not a simple task. The limited space on the ship required the use of ropes and pulleys to construct a feasible cannon recoil mechanism. The navy had experimented on land for a long time before finding a workable solution.

“Let’s go, take me for a spin at sea! We can try firing a couple of shots while we’re at it.” Once the sailors had installed the cannons, Paul eagerly ordered to set sail.

The sailors hoisted the sails, and several of them worked together to wind up the anchor with the capstan. Propelled by the wind, the Hope once again slowly sailed out of the harbor.

Many of those who came with Paul were on a ship for the first time. They excitedly looked around, as if the Hope was a , large toy.

“This is exactly the feeling I wanted!”josei

Sailing into the vast ocean with the sea breeze, Paul felt as though he was in the great age of maritime exploration on Earth.

In one corner of the deck, two female advisors whispered among themselves.

Eileen, lost in thought, said, “I never knew a boat could move this fast without oars.”

Ladi also commented, “Indeed, it’s rare to see such a large ship propelled solely by wind and sails.”

As an adventurer, she had seen much of the world, but the non-oar-powered ships she had encountered before were generally small vessels sailing along the coast or on rivers, only capable of carrying a few people.

Eileen spoke mysteriously, “Let me tell you, besides the paper, porcelain, and canned food we use every day, this Count Grayman has come up with quite a few things.”

Her feminine nature made her eager to share her discoveries with her companion: “His army has a very terrifying…”

She suddenly stopped, remembering the “confidentiality agreement” she had signed.

Ah, it’s so frustrating!

Eileen recalled the cannon and musket firing she had witnessed during the flag signal exercises. She had wanted to describe to Ladi the immense power and loud roar of the firearms, which had left a deep impression on her.

“If only we could equip the kingdom’s army with these weapons in large quantities. In the face of such power, the rebels in the south would surely crumble.”

She had thought this more than once, wondering if she should reveal her identity as a princess and ask the lord to share the manufacturing techniques with the royal family.

But fear of an arranged marriage held her back time and again.

Ladi tilted her head in curiosity, “Terrifying what?” Her gesture was quite adorable.

Eileen smiled brightly, “I can’t say now, but you’ll probably see for yourself soon.”

Before setting sail, she had heard Paul’s “let’s try firing a couple of shots” and noticed the four cannons deployed on the deck. It was likely that they would test fire the naval guns during this trial sail.

Sure enough, she soon heard Paul command, “Take the ship near that rocky cliff, let’s test the effect of the shipboard cannons.”

Austin immediately relayed Paul’s command to Quik, and the Hope turned its bow towards the nearby cliff.

The gunners began to load the cannons, quickly readying the two 6-pounders mounted on the port side.

Soon, the Hope reached a position about 500 meters from the cliff and oriented its port side towards it.

Austin loudly commanded, “Gunners, get ready!”

Eileen immediately pulled on Ladi’s clothes to remind her, “The sound will be very loud, cover your ears.”

Ladi did as she was told, tightly covering her ears with her hands. Others on the ship also covered their ears in preparation.


As soon as Austin’s words fell, the two gunners lit the fuses of the cannons in front of them.

Accompanied by a thunderous roar from the cannons, everyone felt the ship shudder violently.

Looking forward, the power of the shipboard cannons at this distance was impressive. Rock shards splintered on the cliff, and one of the cannonballs hit a large protruding rock, shattering it instantly.

“Wow… that’s powerful!” Ladi, witnessing the cannon fire for the first time, was a bit stunned.

Eileen explained to her, “This is a cannon, capable of long-range fire like a ballista or a catapult.”

Ladi thought to herself that the power and range of the cannons far surpassed those of ballistae and catapults.

She recalled the day Paul recaptured Port Fran, when thunderous sounds had emanated from outside the town, and soon after, the Alda army had breached the city.

It appeared that the loud noises that day were made by these weapons. Such power could indeed blow open city gates, no wonder the pirates’ defenses were of little use.

Each side of the ship had four gun ports. Once all were equipped with cannons, how powerful this ship would be.

Against a similarly sized sail-and-oar ship, a salvo of cannon fire, if all hit, would leave how many oarsmen?

Ladi also realized that Alda was facing the threat from the neighboring Kent family, but Count Grayman had never shown any signs of panic. Was this the strength he relied on?

After three rounds of continuous fire from the port-side cannons, the shooting stopped.

Austin loudly ordered, “Check the condition of the ship!”

It was only the simultaneous firing of two cannons. If it damaged the ship, it would mean the Hope was a failure.

“Everything is normal in the hold!”

“All clear on the foredeck!”

As reports came in one after another, everyone’s tension eased.

Austin handed the telescope to Paul, and the count carefully observed the condition of the cliff.

“This power should be enough to deal with those fragile pirate ships,” the naval commander confirmed.

Paul, reminded of something, turned to look at Hansel, the head of the Department of Agriculture, who appeared to be in quite a bad state.

Hansel, looking visibly shaken, was tightly gripping a railing. Seeing Paul looking at him, he said with a mournful face, “I apologize, this is my first time going to sea on a ship.”

“Ah, Mr. Manager, we haven’t really gone to sea yet, just taking a few turns near the port.”

“Why don’t you wait a few more days and travel south on the Hope once everything is ready?”

Hansel quickly waved his hands, “No, no, no, I think I’ll take the land route south this time. I wouldn’t dare delay Lord Grayman’s affairs.”

Laughter erupted from everyone on the deck.

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