Steel, Guns, and the Industrial Party in Another World

Chapter 145

Chapter 145: The Continuously Boarding Passengers

TL: Etude

“Lord Grayman, I have a favor to ask,” said the female advisor quietly to Paul after they returned to the naval base.

“Don’t be so formal, Miss Ladi. Just say what you need,” Paul replied.

The advisor hesitated slightly before asking, “Would it be possible for me to travel south with the ship?”

“Are you interested in the opening of new sea routes?” Paul inquired.

“Not exactly,” she explained. “I wish to return to my homeland on the Southern and bring my mother here. Although the Southern might not reach Horn Bay, I can manage the rest of the journey on my own. Given my other identity, traveling by sea is more convenient and quicker.”

Paul was not entirely pleased with this request. This “witch” before him was a key to unlocking unknown realms. What if he lost this “key” along the way?

However, outright refusal seemed inconsiderate, especially since her reasoning was sound.

“Oh, I have been neglectful and never inquired about your family. I’ll speak with Austin about it. I’m not too familiar with shipboard affairs and am not sure if we can accommodate one more person,” Paul said.

The advisor bowed slightly in gratitude. “Thank you, my lord.”

Paul added, “But you used to travel with your adventure group companions, right? Will it be alright for you to travel alone after disembarking?”

The advisor confidently replied, “I have traveled alone for extended periods before.”

“Perhaps, I could send someone to bring your mother here. That way, you wouldn’t have to make the long journey.”

“No, I must do this myself. If the naval commander disagrees, I’ll travel by land,” she said firmly.

“Then I’ll ask the Southern to sail as far south as possible and arrange for crew members to accompany you ashore for assistance.”

“Well… alright, if it’s Count Grayman’s request, we can indeed accommodate more people on the ship,” Austin, the naval commander, agreed after Paul mentioned Ladi’s request.

However, Paul could tell from Austin’s furrowed brow that he was very reluctant.

“Is there a problem?” asked Paul.

“Yes, my lord. Generally, having women on a military ship isn’t ideal. The ship is full of men, and apart from the moral implications, the additional consumption of fresh water by them is astonishing. They need fresh water for washing small items of clothing and will do anything to get it. They can corrupt the sentinels, non-commissioned officers, and even the officers – in short, the entire ship’s crew, even if it’s not their intention,” Austin explained gravely.

“Especially a beautiful woman like Miss Ladi, who could distract many weak-willed men just by walking on the deck.”

“And the Southern isn’t a large ship. It only has one private room, the captain’s quarters. Where do you propose she sleeps?”

“I’ll talk to her again about this.”

“I can’t believe the always courteous naval commander is such a prejudiced person towards women!” the female advisor fumed. “Does he think every woman is a delicate flower, nurtured in a greenhouse? As a former adventurer who has traveled many seas, don’t I know how precious fresh water is on a ship?”

Paul shrugged helplessly, “Well… there’s nothing that can be done. The Southern has to test its endurance, which means it will avoid docking as much as possible, making the fresh water situation even more critical on board.”josei

“Trust me, Lord Grayman, I can certainly overcome these small difficulties.”

“But how about the other concern Austin mentioned? I’ve heard that if you stay on a ship for too long, even a pig starts to look like a beauty,” Paul remarked.

“That’s even easier to solve!” declared the female advisor before leaving, leaving Paul puzzled.

A guard interrupted Paul’s thoughts. “Lord Grayman, some people have arrived at the base, claiming to be local merchants seeking an audience with you.”

“Let them in,” Paul responded.

Soon, a group of people crowded into his temporary office. Among them were some familiar faces to Paul, like the ship merchant Barnett Todd and the salt merchant Godwin Toby. These men were no longer just ship and salt merchants; they had invested in the “emerging industries” Paul had advocated, like papermaking, canned goods, porcelain, etc., earning substantial profits and paying hefty taxes to the Administration Council.

There were also a few unfamiliar faces, but they all had the look of merchants.

“Ladies and gentlemen, what brings you to me?” Paul asked as they respectfully greeted him.

After exchanging glances, Mr. Todd cautiously spoke up, “We’ve heard that you’re arranging for a ship to sail south to open new routes.”

Paul nodded, “Yes, that’s correct. I believe I’ve already mentioned this to you.”

Excitement flickered on the merchants’ faces. Lord Grayman was indeed serious about this venture.

“So, could we…?” Mr. Todd carefully phrased his request, “Could we send a few representatives to accompany the ship southward?”

“To survey the area?” Paul completed his sentence.

“Exactly, to survey,” Mr. Todd’s eyes shone with eagerness.

Paul internally chuckled at the merchants’ keen sense. He had intended to let the Southern make a round trip before announcing this to them, but their proactive approach suited his plans perfectly. He wanted them to witness the new ship’s capabilities, the commercial opportunities in the south, and the broad prospects of maritime trade.

So, with the merchants eagerly awaiting his response, Paul banged his fist on the table, “I agree! But I’ll have to discuss with the navy how many of you can be accommodated.”

The merchants rejoiced, praising Paul’s wisdom.

“Count Grayman, this is going to put me in a difficult position,” the naval commander complained, his face clouded with frustration. “Such arrangements should have been planned well in advance.”

“Now, suddenly adding a group of people means readjusting personnel, space, and material provisions.”

Feeling slightly embarrassed, Paul said, “I neglected to consider that. But please, try to accommodate these merchant representatives. It’s crucial for future overseas trade.”

“Alright, I’ll go back and have a meeting with Quik and the others to try and make adjustments.”

Just then, a knock on the door interrupted them.

“Come in,” Paul called out.

The door opened, and in walked… a strikingly handsome young man.

The man had long black hair and a clear, pale complexion. His long, slightly curled eyelashes framed eyes as clear as morning dew, sparkling brightly, with the red pupils adding a touch of mystery.

What was most captivating was the neatly trimmed beard that perfectly balanced his slightly feminine aura.

Paul was stunned!

Austin was startled, wondering how such a person got past the guards. He hadn’t seen anyone like this on the base before, and it was particularly concerning considering Paul had recently survived an assassination attempt.

Just as the naval commander was about to call for security, the stranger spoke in a voice that nearly made the two men jump.

“Count Grayman, Commander, may I now have permission to board the Southern?”

The voice was unmistakably that of the female advisor!

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