Steel, Guns, and the Industrial Party in Another World

Chapter 146

Chapter 146: Ladi’s Analysis

TL: Etude

After finishing his inspection of the shipyard and staying a few days in Port Fran, Paul planned to start his journey back to Lakeheart Town.

Before his return, he organized an award ceremony to provide significant material rewards to the soldiers who had made great contributions in the battle against the pirates and in previous fights against wizards. Depending on their evaluated merits, the soldiers received rewards ranging from 10 to 25 silver coins.

In fact, even without this ceremony, these rewards were already prepared to be given to the meritorious soldiers. The Alda military had already established a comprehensive system of military honors, where the evaluation of merits and the amount of rewards were determined by established regulations, not by the whims or personal preferences of superiors.

However, organizing an award ceremony further boosted the morale and sense of honor within the army.

The entire military was buzzing with enthusiasm.

The preparations for the Southern’s departure were also underway, scheduled to set sail in two weeks. The female advisor planned to return to Lakeheart Town with Paul first and then come back to Port Fran the day before the Southern’s departure.

Soon, Paul bid farewell to Mayor Theodore and others and embarked on his journey back to Lakeheart Town. Considering the attack they encountered on their way there, Austin dispatched a team of musketeers to escort him back.

Accompanying Paul on his return, besides the musketeers and the second squad of internal guards, were 18 coffins. In the battle on the way to Port Fran, 15 soldiers had died on the spot, and three more severely injured had succumbed to their wounds after being brought to Port Fran. The first squad of the internal guard had lost half of its members.

The remaining half who were injured were still recuperating in Port Fran, many likely to be left with disabilities. The guard captain Victor, who had his ribs broken, was still bedridden.

Seeing these coffins, Paul felt immensely heavy-hearted, and the excitement of opening new trade routes dissipated instantly.

These fallen guards were from Lakeheart Town, and since their mission to Port Fran wasn’t kept secret, their families would undoubtedly be waiting by the roadside to catch a glimpse of their returning sons or husbands. It would be another scene of sorrow upon their arrival.

Riding alongside on a horse, Ladi noticed Paul’s demeanor and spoke with a sense of guilt, “I’m sorry, Lord Grayman. I should have reminded you to be more prepared, or even directly stopped you from traveling. If we had stayed in town, perhaps things would have been much better.”

Paul shook his head and replied, “No, you did warn me. It’s my responsibility for not being adequately prepared. I’m sorry for not believing in your ‘divination’ before.”

“If we had stayed in town, given that wizard’s madness and capabilities, he might have caused many civilian casualties. It was best to deal with him in the wilderness.”

Ladi furrowed her brows as if recalling something, and after a few minutes of silence, she suddenly said:

“Lord Grayman, when I examined the wizard’s body, I found a tattoo with a somewhat familiar pattern. At that time, I couldn’t remember where I had seen it before, so I didn’t think much of it.”

Paul immediately turned his head towards the female advisor, asking anxiously, “Have you remembered anything now?”

Ladi, surprised by Paul’s urgency, quickly responded, “Yes, I just remembered that this pattern belongs to a mage organization—the Arcane Society. I’m not sure if they still go by that name, though.”

“The Arcane Society?” Paul frowned. “Do mages have organizations?”

The advisor nodded and explained, “Yes, for various purposes such as exchanging magical insights and helping each other, mages form secret societies. However, most mage organizations are quite loose, with members meeting infrequently.”

“And this Arcane Society?”

“The Arcane Society is a unique mage society. Unlike others, it is very well-organized, and it seems to have many members. Its stance, though, is quite normal, mainly advocating for unity and mutual support among mages to collectively resist the threat of the church. There are many other mage groups with similar views, although none have gained much influence.”

Paul asked, “Have you had any contact with them?”

“Yes, when I was in the south, the Arcane Society once invited me to join them.”

“It seems you disappointed them.”

“Yes, organizations like the Arcane Society usually have many strict rules and regulations. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have grown so strong. This implies responsibilities and obligations, and at that time, I just wanted to be a scholar and adventurer traveling the world.”

Paul expressed his gratitude, “I am thankful for your decision back then, otherwise, I wouldn’t have had such a capable advisor.”

Ladi blushed slightly and continued, “Lord Grayman, what I wanted to say is, the wizard who attacked us directly called me a traitor. He held a grudge against me for standing with you against him and repeatedly insulted me.”

“Generally, mages respect each other’s positions. So, I have an unpleasant conjecture that the Arcane Society, to which he belonged, may have undergone some changes. Mages with differing ideals and paths can hardly gather together.”

“Some changes?”

“Becoming more radical, hostile towards groups other than mages, just like that attacking mage exhibited.”

Ladi’s face showed a trace of seriousness as she spoke.

“I have another worse conjecture. That mage said Gaden and his pirates were his subordinates, and their sudden and rapid rise recently corroborates that someone powerful is backing them. However, mages rarely interact with commoners, let alone go to great lengths to support a pirate group. So, based on two points—”

The female advisor listed them:

“1. A mage, no matter how powerful, cannot replace an army.”josei

“2. Considering the quasi-military nature of the pirate group…”

Hearing this, Paul also began to grasp her implication.

“You’re suggesting that the Arcane Society might be planning something in the Northwest Bay?”

Ladi nodded, “The Church, which is most hostile to mages, has relatively less influence here than in other places. If they do have some intentions, Northwest Bay is an ideal location.”

After listening to the female advisor’s analysis, Paul inwardly cursed the Arcane Society: Can’t you find somewhere else to cause trouble? I’ve just managed to bring some prosperity to my territory, and now I’ve attracted these calamities.

Seeing Paul’s increasingly grim expression, Ladi comforted him, “Lord Grayman, all these are just my conjectures; the reality might be different.”

“No, when there’s a possibility of something bad happening, it’s bound to happen. I firmly believe in that.”

Paul whipped his horse, “That wizard and the Arcane Society: I will eventually investigate them thoroughly.”

He disliked enemies who sneak around in the shadows the most. If they had the guts, they should face his army head-on in a battle!

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