Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1069 - Who Are You Here For? Enjoy the Feast

Chapter 1069 - Who Are You Here For? Enjoy the Feast

Chapter 1069: Who Are You Here For? Enjoy the Feast

Luke turned around and saw a short old man in his fifties walking over.

The old man wore a white scarf around his neck. Coupled with his black suit, he looked like a Catholic priest.

Luke recalled the information from John. He had paid special attention to the “exclusive NPCs” at the Rome Continental, and there was only one who looked like that.

He was the owner and manager of the Rome Continental Hotel, Julius (Winston was the manager of the New York Continental Hotel).

The man already had his hand stretched out as he got closer. “Long time no see, Jonathan.”

“It’s been a long time, Julius,” Luke said, his face still calm.

It couldn’t be helped. John had always been that way. He usually didn’t have much of an expression on his face. He had the air of an aloof Prince Charming.

After shaking hands, they walked over to a couch and sat down.

Julius’s eyes flickered. “I can’t remember the last time you were in Rome. I heard you retired?”

Luke said, “I did, before.”

Julius held his gaze. “Let me ask you a question. I hope you’ll answer me honestly.”

Luke nodded.

Julius leaned forward slightly. “Are you here for the pope?”

Luke leaned forward and shook his head. “No.”

Julius let out a long breath and relaxed. “That’s good.”

As he spoke, he took out a room card from his pocket and handed it over. “Thank you for your honesty. Take this; you can stay in the best room here.”

Luke took it. “Thank you.”

“Enjoy your stay,” said Julius.

Luke didn’t go to his room. Instead, he walked back to the front desk. “Is the Sommelier here?”

The receptionist smiled. “He’s always here.” Saying that, she raised her hand and pointed to a small door next to her.

Luke walked in.

There were rows of guns in the room.

The firearms weren’t densely packed together, but there were many types. There were quite a few models that were rare on the market, and there were even many modified products.

A middle-aged man dressed in a black gown looked over from behind the counter.

This was the so-called Sommelier, who was actually a weapons master.

A sommelier tasted and mixed drinks, while a weapons master judged and modified guns; the nature of the work was more or less similar.

When he saw Luke, the Sommelier smiled and bowed slightly. “Nice to see you again, Mr. Wick.”

Luke nodded. “Same here.” josei

But he couldn’t help but sigh inwardly. Look at how well-respected John was. He was recognized wherever he went.

As a hitman, not only was he over-the-top, he was also stupidly handsome!

If this guy didn’t have Elementary Concealment, he would have been beaten to death long ago!

But this was good. It worked in his favor right now. The thoughts flashed through Luke’s mind as he spoke to the Sommelier.

Ten minutes later, the Sommelier nodded. “They will be sent to your room tomorrow morning at nine o’clock. Does the time suit?”

Luke took out a roll of gold coins and put them on the counter. “That’s all. Thank you for your service.”

The Sommelier only glanced at the gold coins but didn’t take it. He smiled and nodded. “You’re welcome, Mr. Wick.”

Luke turned around. When he reached the door, he heard the Sommelier’s gentle voice. “Mr. Wick...”

He turned around, and the Sommelier continued, “Please enjoy the feast!”

Luke smiled, nodded, and left.

Then, based on John’s information, Luke found the place which sold maps, and obtained a map of the D’Antonio estate.

Finally, he ordered four suits from the Tailor provided by the hotel, two for leisure and two for combat. One of the combat suits would be sent to his room at nine o’clock tomorrow morning. He would collect the rest when he checked out.

Luke had paid a lot of gold coins for everything, but he didn’t feel sorry at all.

In any case, they were John’s, and Luke hadn’t had to exert himself... Okay, subduing John had taken a little effort.

Luke had basically never worn a suit before.

This was a habit carried over from his previous life.

In his previous life, he was just an ordinary clerk. Usually, he just wore a casual jacket and shirt to work. When he got home from work, he would change into a T-shirt and shorts. In winter, he would simply wear cotton pajamas.

It was impossible for him to wear a suit when he went out to eat skewers with his friends and colleagues once in a while.

Wearing casual clothes to work, then going out after work in a suit to eat skewers – wouldn’t that be crazy?

After being reborn in this world, there was basically no need for him to wear a suit before he went to high school. When he became a police officer, he wore a uniform, and after his life as a detective began, he never bothered with this issue anymore.

It wasn’t until John Wick appeared that he realized that these so-called “thugs in suits” were still very flashy.

The suit that he had just ordered was a special product; it definitely wasn’t the kind that would rip and reveal his underwear.

For a moment, he looked forward to tomorrow’s operation.

It was evening by the time he was done.

He wasn’t the real John Wick. There wasn’t much danger in carrying out this mission.

He wanted to take this opportunity to tour Rome.

He had to return to New York immediately after the mission tomorrow.

It was Selina’s first time pretending to be him, and he couldn’t stay here for too long.

He rented a car from the hotel and drove through the streets of Rome.

He hurriedly visited the Colosseum and the Mouth of Truth. He wasn’t interested in the Trevi Fountain, but the salon where Audrey Hepburn got her famous hairdo was said to be next to it.

Of course, the salon wasn’t there, which disappointed Luke.

Finally, as night fell, he sat in the Piazza di Spagna under the Trinità dei Monti.

When night fell, the pool in the square sprayed out water in all shapes and sizes amidst colorful lights. There were still many tourists here.

A foreign couple had just walked into the square with ice cream, when they were caught by a passing patrol officer. He gave them two choices: One, finish the ice cream before entering the square. Two, throw the ice cream in the trash can before entering the square.

In short, no one was allowed to eat ice cream in the square, especially when they were sitting next to the fountain.

Luke smiled.

This was also interesting.

In “Roman Holiday,” there had been a scene of Hepburn eating ice cream while sitting next to the fountain.

The scene of Princess Ann’s tongue licking the ice cream, like a kitten, was vivid in his mind.

Many young couples came here for ice cream.

Unfortunately, there was no shortage of people who didn’t care about public hygiene, and there was no shortage of tourists in Italy.

There were many people eating ice cream at the fountain, and there were even more people throwing rubbish around. The city government could only forbid them from eating ice cream in the square.

The young couple had no choice but to swallow a few mouthfuls of ice cream, and they twitched uncontrollably.

Luke couldn’t help but laugh.

It was January, and eating ice cream in small mouthfuls was a pleasure. Eating it in large mouthfuls, however, was extremely cold.

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