Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1070 - Strawberry Cone, Hooked, and Magic Trick

Chapter 1070 - Strawberry Cone, Hooked, and Magic Trick

Chapter 1070: Strawberry Cone, Hooked, and Magic Trick

However, no matter how honest a person was, they would occasionally have rebellious thoughts.

Luke had always been a law-abiding citizen, but now that he was sitting next to the fountain, he was feeling quite playful.

He casually dug around in his backpack and took out... a strawberry ice cream cone.

This was a portable snack that Selina occasionally needed outside, and was coming in handy now.

So, Luke watched as the young couple shivered and choked down their ice cream, while he ate his own ice cream in small bites.

The gazes around him turned strange.

There were many handsome men, but it was rare to see one as handsome as John Wick.

It wasn’t uncommon for handsome men to eat ice cream, but it was even rarer to see such a cold and handsome man eat a strawberry cone.

Luke, who had already attracted a lot of notice, was now the center of attention.

“Um... can you give me an ice cream?” A small female voice rang out.

Luke turned around and saw a petite girl in her early twenties looking at him.

She was a little embarrassed, but there was a hint of excitement on her face.

Obviously, she still felt a lot of pressure when compared to the handsome man in a suit whom she was trying to chat up.

Luke was as calm as ever. He dug around in his bag and took out another strawberry cone, which he gave to her.

The girl was pleasantly surprised. She thanked him in a low voice and took it with trembling hands.

She was giddy and hadn’t even thought about how the ice cream cone could be stored in the backpack; when Luke had taken it out, it wasn’t even wrapped in paper.

She took a small bite. Mmm, strawberry, sweet!

A few hundred meters away, on top of a building, a woman with short hair was holding binoculars and watching this scene from beginning to end.

The corners of her mouth twitched. Was this... really John Wick? The Boogeyman who killed countless people? He actually carried strawberry ice cream on him, and used it to seduce little girls?

Uh, okay. In fact, that little girl was the one who had taken the initiative to chat him up. But this was too ridiculous! The woman fell into deep self-doubt.

She wondered if the legends she had heard in the past were true.

Maybe she should call her boss? After a few years of retirement, this Boogeyman seemed a little unreliable. She hesitated.

At that moment, the patrol officer finally let the unfortunate couple go after watching them finish their ice cream.

He took a glance at the “important area” around the fountain, and was about to get into the police car and leave, when he suddenly paused.

He jerked his head around and saw a man and a woman eating ice cream next to the fountain.

The girl was smiling as she said something to the man. The man’s face was calm as he met her gaze.

A moment later, the handsome man in the suit slowly stuffed the tip of the ice cream cone into his mouth.


Patrolman: ...

However, although the man had destroyed all the “evidence,” the girl was only focused on talking, and had barely touched the ice cream cone in her hand.

The patrolman strode toward them as he growled inwardly: This guy’s blatantly showing off! If I can’t catch you, I’ll catch your girlfriend!

Seeing the officer walk over, Luke casually said, “An officer is here.”

The girl, who was asking the handsome guy what he was going to do in Rome, was stumped. She followed Luke’s gaze and saw the officer.

She was stunned for a moment before she looked down at the ice cream in her hands. She suddenly became flustered. “Ah, this, this, what should I do?”

Being caught red-handed by the police at the fountain might result in a fine.

She panicked and looked around, her gaze finally falling to her jacket, as if she planned to hide the ice cream inside.

Luke, who was slightly obsessed with cleanliness, couldn’t help but sweat when he thought of the sticky mess that would make of her clothes in winter. He could only say, “Give me your hand. Let me do a little magic trick for you.”

The girl: “Huh?” She obediently placed her hands in front of him.

Luke said, “The one with the ice cream.”

The girl immediately withdrew her left hand.

Luke put his hand on top of hers and said, “Let go when I tell you to, understand?”

The girl nodded blankly.

Luke said, “Ready? Let go.”

The girl subconsciously relaxed her right hand, and felt his hand pressing against hers. The warm and rough feeling enveloped her.

She was dazed, and her face turned red.

Not with shyness, but excitement.

This handsome man actually made a move! She was so blessed! For a moment, she forgot everything, and didn’t even notice the patrol officer who came over.

The officer lowered his head and focused on the two palms that were pressed together. “Food is prohibited here, especially ice cream. Violators will be fined 10 to 50 euros.”

Luke slowly moved his hand away, stood up, and nodded at the girl. “Goodnight.”

He then nodded at the patrol officer. “Goodnight to you too.” With that, he walked away.

Patrolman: “...Goodnight.”

He hadn’t expected this person to abandon his girlfriend.

He looked down at the girl’s right hand.

It was empty. josei

The girl also stood up. “Wait, wait, what’s your name...” she shouted as she chased after Luke.

The patrol officer scratched his head. “That’s not right. She was clearly holding an ice cream cone.”

The girl, who had run more than ten meters, suddenly froze.

People were coming and going in front of her.

The figure in the black suit was nowhere to be seen.

On the rooftop far away, the short-haired woman couldn’t help but put down her binoculars. She rubbed her eyes and thought to herself, I must have strained my eyes too much. How can the Boogeyman perform a magic trick for a little girl? This doesn’t make sense.

Unbeknownst to her, Luke, who was turning into another street in the distance, glanced at the roof and smirked. Was Santino’s dog a female? Hehe! John, you really attract the attention of the opposite sex.

He wasn’t John.

John walked a solitary path. Luke, on the other hand, had Tony Stark’s technology and numerous superpowers.

It was obvious who was spying on whom, and who was plotting against whom.

He had only taken the opportunity to visit the location where Audrey Hepburn’s classic movie scene had been filmed to check on the person who was following him, thereby killing two birds with one stone.

Satisfied, Luke returned to the hotel and went to bed.

The next day, he woke up at three in the morning. After eating the breakfast sent by the hotel, he started making plans.

The difficulty of the operation lay not in the successful assassination of the target, but in how best to do it in John Wick’s style.

At the same time, this mission wouldn’t be as easy as chopping melons and vegetables. It would be too easy to scare off certain restless people.

Pulling the snake out of its hole was a good plan, but if a dragon was placed at the entrance, would the snake come out? Only if it was an idiot.

Santino was fierce, but he definitely wasn’t an idiot.

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