Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1071 - The Difficulty Is In Acting

Chapter 1071 - The Difficulty Is In Acting

Chapter 1071: The Difficulty Is In Acting

A real idiot was probably someone like Iosef of the Tarasov family.

As an heir, Iosef not only lost his little life over a car and a dog, a large number of his father’s people had been buried with him. He was the real fraud.

And Santino... Well, whatever the case, he was fighting for the position of family head. He could be considered half a formidable figure.

If he succeeded, he would truly become a formidable character.

Therefore, the difficult part of Luke’s plan lay in his acting skills.

How to make the other party think they could take down Boogeyman John by increasing their forces, and send out a large number of experience and credit points — no, a large number of assailants — would depend on Luke’s acting skills.

Fortunately, his acting skills had improved rapidly over the past year or so. He might not win a Best Actor award, but he could at least be considered an experienced actor.

It wouldn’t be hard to act like he was in imminent peril and could drop dead after just a few more moves.

However, he would need plenty of professional blood bags and makeup props. If necessary, he could pretend to be injured.

Of course, it was impossible for him to really be injured, much less leave behind a single drop of his own blood, since that could be used in testing.

There were records of John’s blood, fingerprints, and iris scans at the Continental Hotel. As long as they matched, this Boogeyman alias would be reimbursed.

It was like Luke always said: “Be prepared. Safety first.”

In the evening, Luke checked his gear in his room before he put on a black shirt and clipped on a necktie.

The two Glock pistols were also in their holsters.

The advantage of this gun was that it was fast, steady, and had enough bullets. It was more practical than other pistols for killing ordinary unprotected criminals.

He picked up his suit from the bed and put it on. After tidying himself up in front of the mirror, he turned and looked around.

The man in the mirror had his longish hair slicked back with hairspray. He wore a brand new black suit and shiny leather shoes.

Satisfied, Luke nodded. This was an example of a proper man.

He grabbed the flat bag on the table, slung it over his shoulder, and pushed the door open.

When he drove away, a woman with short hair looked at the car’s tail lights, took out her phone, and sent a message: The Boogeyman is headed to the location.

Far away in America, Santino opened the message and looked at it. He put away his phone and silently stared at the sculpture in front of him. He took a deep breath. “Boogeyman, don’t disappoint me.”

The car drove for over 40 minutes at night and stopped beside a mountain road.

Luke got out of the car with his bag and quickly went up the mountain, quickly disappearing into the darkness.

The D’Antonio family estate was located on a gentle slope.

The main building was an ancient castle built on the hillside. It had been modified and expanded to become the ancestral estate of the D’Antonio family.

According to tradition, the coronation ceremony of the new family head would be held on this special ancestral land.

As a historical site, the part of the D’Antonio estate which the ancient castle sat on still existed.

Especially the catacombs. Not only did the D’Antonio family not destroy them, they even invested a considerable amount of money into preserving them.

After all, this was an ancient site. It represented the long history and ancient honor of the D’Antonio family — at least, that was what the D’Antonio family felt.

This ancestral land couldn’t be allowed to languish because of old age, nor could the shadow of the ancient building disappear. The more ancient parts that were destroyed, the worse the damage would be, and the history of the D’Antonio family would become a joke.

Although there weren’t many historical blueprints of this ancient castle, the Continental Hotel still had them.

Using the route he had marked out on the blueprint, Luke quickly climbed the hill and cut through gaps between the buildings until he reached a small door in a remote area. josei

This was a safe place where the master of the castle had stayed during ancient battles.

The family could wait here as their knights fought the enemy, and could slowly decide whether to fight to the death or turn around and escape through the catacombs.

There were also guards standing watch and patrolling nearby, but John Wick’s Elementary Concealment was really useful.

Luke slipped through the shadows.

Even though the guards were only five meters away, they didn’t notice someone sneaking past them.

It had to be said that Elementary Concealment was indeed very formidable.

Although it didn’t seem very formidable on its own, it was a top-notch secondary ability for Boogeyman John and Luke. It was a must-have for ambush and assassinations.

After entering the catacombs, his movements became more relaxed.

There was only a small amount of necessary lighting here. Dark shadows were everywhere, which was the most suitable place for Elementary Concealment.

The locations of the surveillance cameras were projected onto Luke’s lenses. He examined the terrain that was suitable for battle as he advanced.

If it was John himself, the surveillance would cause him some trouble.

But for Luke, it was easy to interfere with the surveillance and freeze the feed for half a second.

Even someone sitting in front of the feed wouldn’t be able to see him pass by.

Just like that, he strolled into the main building.

Today was the day before the coronation ceremony, and a lively banquet was being held on the grass outside.

There were singers, bands, and people talking everywhere. They were all here to celebrate the coronation of the Queen of Camorra.

Gianna, the queen-to-be, had just sent away a big shot from another family. She was preparing to return to her room to take a bath and rest for an hour before going out to entertain more guests.

Unlike the luxurious modern living room, the bathroom was a dark and old room with a high ceiling.

It was more than a hundred square meters in size. Most of the furnishings were ancient, and the bath was an antique stone bath from hundreds of years ago.

The reason why this room was so big was to give the massive bath, on a raised stone platform three steps high, some space.

Standing in front of the mirror, Gianna looked at her exhausted self and laughed self-deprecatingly. “To wear the crown is to bear its weight. What a blissful worry!”

As she spoke, she took off her snow-white fur coat, revealing a silver-white fishtail gown.

At 26, she was no longer a young girl, but with enough money and meticulous care, she looked like a woman in her early twenties, which didn’t diminish the pride unique to a woman.

As she wiped the corners of her eyes, however, she shook her head regretfully. “It looks like I’ll be getting more wrinkles this time.”

The coronation ceremony would establish her position as the family head and her seat at the High Table, but she still had many things to sort out.

For example, those of the twelve members who had wanted to seize the opportunity to cut off Camorra’s benefits had to be beaten up, and her worrisome younger brother Santino had to be taught a lesson.

It would take at least two to three months before everything was settled.

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