Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1116 - Target

Chapter 1116 - Target: Sentinel Services

Chapter 1116: Target: Sentinel Services

Amused, Luke nodded. “It’s settled then. Meet me at eight tonight. See you then.”

He then nodded at Carol to reassure her, before he left the fast food restaurant.

The two girls in the fast food restaurant looked out the window. The man walked over to the grass dozens of meters away and said something to the girl there. Then, they packed up and left in the car.

It wasn’t until the SUV disappeared into the trees that Lorna turned to look at Carol. “He’s not your boyfriend?”

Carol was stunned. “How is that possible? We’re not... We’re just friends.”

She almost said, “We’re not close,” but managed to switch her words at the last minute.

Lorna was suspicious. “But you trust him so much. No, not just trust him. I think you would dumbly agree if he told you to turn yourself in.”

Carol was a little embarrassed, but still argued in a low voice, “He... saved me twice. He didn’t know me then, but he knew I wasn’t bad. He’s a good guy.”

Without a stranger like Luke around, and given that Carol didn’t have a forceful personality, Lorna’s rebellious heart automatically disappeared, and her mindset returned to normal.

Thinking for a moment, she said, “Is that why he asked me if I’ve done anything bad?”

Carol nodded and quickly added, “He asked me the same thing.”

Mona was surprised. “He doubted you?”

To describe Carol nicely, she was pure and kindhearted. To put it badly, she was dumb and weak. How could Luke be suspicious of her?

For a moment, Lorna’s impression of Luke improved.

At the very least, it proved that he hadn’t been targeting her with his questions, and that it was just part of his nature.

She wanted to continue asking about Luke, but she remembered that this wasn’t the place to talk, so she got up and said, “Let’s go back.”

Walking out of the fast food restaurant and down an empty path, Lona asked, “Why does he care so much about us doing something bad?”

Carol replied without thinking, “Because he’s a police detective.”

Lorna was shocked. “Police? Why didn’t you tell me? No, we have to go. We can’t count on people like that. He might let those people know, and they’ll come after us.”

Carol stopped her helplessly.

Although Lorna was almost 20 centimeters taller than her, Carol had the absolute advantage in terms of physical strength. Lorna almost staggered. “What are you doing?”

Carol said, “He won’t arrest us.”

Lorna was unconvinced.

She had never met anyone who didn’t want to capture them, unless they didn’t know their identities.

When most people learned that they had superpowers, they wanted them gone, and the easiest way was to get those agencies to come and secretly capture them.

Carol then started to pull her along. “I met Luke in Houston in 2003. He was a detective with the Major Crimes Division...”

A moment later, after listening to Carol’s explanation, Lorna finally relaxed.

From Carol’s description, Luke had long known about superhumans. He let Carol go, and even gave her money to escape.

Earlier, he had noticed Carol first.

If he really wanted to let those people know, he wouldn’t have needed to go and talk to the two of them or alert them; that made no sense.

Had she really run into a good person? Lorna was full of doubts. josei

It wasn’t because she was paranoid, but in all these years, she had never met anyone who could treat them calmly and normally.


On the other side, Elena curiously asked Luke about Carol and Lorna.

Luke simply said that he knew the short girl because of a case, but he had never seen the other girl before.

Elena stopped asking.

In any case, she wasn’t asking these questions because the tall girl was too pretty.

After making one round around the supermarket, Luke sent Elena back to the college, returned home, and went to his workshop to look for information on Sentinel Services.

Very soon, Little Snail found the relevant information.

The reason why it was so fast was because the information was so scant it was only made up of a few messages.

Looking at the handful of messages, Luke knew that this information was from superhumans.

From how Carol and Mona didn’t carry phones on them, it was clear that both superhumans and Sentinel Services were equally secretive.

Except for that lunatic Kilgrave, who acted brazenly under Kingpin’s protection, smart superhumans kept a low profile.

There were indeed many organizations in this world that hid in the dark and captured superhumans for research.

From Carol and her partner’s words, Sentinel Services wasn’t anything good, or they wouldn’t be so scared when they mentioned it.

These messages which mentioned Sentinel Services were also quickly deleted; clearly, someone was deliberately removing this information from the Internet.

There had definitely been more information online about Sentinel Services before, but Luke hadn’t paid special attention to it; this was only from the backup information samples which the multifaceted system created as per its usual practice.

Now, Luke placed keywords related to Sentinel Services as the top priority, along with pertinent information related to superhumans.

From now on, as long as this information appeared on the Internet, the multifaceted system would immediately preserve it.

It wouldn’t be long before a lot of clues appeared.

In an age of information, it was the hardest in the beginning when looking for someone.

Once a key search factor was nailed down, however, it was impossible for anyone to hide completely.

Even Luke would find it hard to sneak out and cause trouble if he was monitored 24/7, so he had always kept a low profile.

Sentinel Services wasn’t a big deal; Luke didn’t think much of this secret department.

What he wanted was information on superhumans.

Whether it was superhumans who had been caught or information on them, it was an opportunity for him to bulk up his list of abilities.

Also, he was confident that he was quicker at finding people than Sentinel Services.

It was unlikely that Sentinel Services was more skilled than Tony Stark. They didn’t have the ability to make a scientist like him, who was like a son of destiny, work for them.

Otherwise, they would have been able to catch superhumans as soon as they appeared; Carol and Lorna wouldn’t have been able to escape at all.

Luke had arranged to meet Carol and Lorna at eight o’clock, but he already had a rough idea of their whereabouts.

Unless Lorna’s ability was to open a portal or fly fast, it was impossible for them to completely escape surveillance cameras.

He already had a plan for the two girls.

Carol wasn’t an ambitious person. If she really wanted to lead a normal life, she could wear the Thousand Faces mask and change her identity.

But from Luke’s brief contact with Lorna, he could tell that this teenage girl was tempestuous; it was very likely that she hadn’t even considered her future yet.

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