Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1117 - Plan, and Fake

Chapter 1117 - Plan, and Fake

Chapter 1117: Plan, and Fake

The supergirl trio had been training for months.

Luke had already registered a shell company, which in turn had bought a small record company.

Things like getting an agent could be sorted out later, but Stephanie was already ready to release a single.

Under Luke’s tutelage, this girl with Elementary Sound Wave could use her voice to its fullest.

For her, vocal technique was nothing; what was important was feelings, or the ability to steal hearts.

But was this that big a deal when she already had looks and singing talent? Obviously not.

Being able to steal hearts was an ability which a top singer needed. However, Stephanie had yet to even release one single, and would need to climb her way to the top step by step; it wasn’t too late to revisit this issue again ten years later.

He would have to check on the three girls again soon; they would have two more “junior sisters” if the latter met all the requirements.

Of course, Carol was already 21, and could be considered a big sister.

However, with her 1.55-meter height, thin frame, and weak personality, she probably wouldn’t be able to be the boss.

If each of the five girls got a Thousand Faces mask and a new identity, they could start a new life.

Stars would naturally draw attention, but ordinary C- and D-list stars were effectively “hiding out in the open.”

Besides, not all of them could become stars; everybody else could just work as staff members.

Once they became a little more well-known, they could set up a security team and block out snoops in an open and just manner.

The security team would be able to take care of any problems, which was in line with how celebrities did things.

Sentinel Services wouldn’t pay attention to these sorts of minor celebrities, and security would stop them from making outright contact.

That way, even though the girls were in the spotlight, they were hiding in the open.

Also, he would cut off their information channels so that they wouldn’t know each other’s real backgrounds.

For example, the singer Stephanie might have a good relationship with her assistant Carol, and “lion’s roar” Stephanie might know the superhuman Carol.

However, the singer and assistant wouldn’t know that the other party had superpowers, and the two superhumans wouldn’t know that the other party was actually their singer or assistant.

In the future, even if something happened to one half of this 3+2 combination, they wouldn’t be able to reveal information on the other half.

He could also expand the company into an entertainment company and make it a little bigger so that there would be a lot of staff and constant movement.

The people the entertainment company interacted with would also be very complicated and difficult to monitor, which would make it an even better hiding place for the girls.

Rubbing his chin, Luke couldn’t help but laugh. Thinking about it, opening a company seemed like fun.

Even better, money could be used to sort out everything in this company.

Money was indeed the most convenient “ability” for him.

After considering everything, Luke got to work.

He had already collected and confirmed the opinions of the three girls, and was now making their Thousand Faces masks.

He would wait to see what Carol and Lorna wanted. Who knew, maybe Lorna wanted to change the color of her skin.

Thinking this, Luke felt like laughing.


The good weather lasted throughout the day. There were no clouds in the sky, and the crescent moon cast a dim light.

As usual, Luke didn’t drive his own car, but a pickup that had nothing to do with him. Similarly, he wasn’t using his own face.

Tonight, he wasn’t Luke, but a professional who had accepted payment from an anonymous client to sort out Carol and Lorna’s identities.

Luke was rich, and should act like it when necessary.

He had bragged too much in front of that rebellious girl; it wouldn’t be easy to intimidate her if he wasn’t convincing enough.

Suddenly, there was the sound of rumbling.

Luke casually switched functions on the fake phone which had been propped up on the dashboard, and a notification came through his wireless earpiece. “Two helicopters are flying over from the east.”

He was headed from the south to the north, on roughly the same route as the two helicopters.

But he didn’t think too much of it, even if the two helicopters were a little quieter than regular ones.

There were too many helicopters around here. It wasn’t unusual for wealthy residents in New Jersey to take a helicopter to New York for work.

He continued driving, but a bunch of Ford SUVs soon appeared behind him. They were black and looked like a convoy.

The convoy, which was made up of seven cars, moved very fast. It passed Luke’s pickup at lightning speed.

Narrowing his eyes, Luke operated his fake phone and pulled up the surveillance feed near where Carol and her partner were staying.

He had taken a detour before he sent Elena back at noon, and had set up surveillance cameras at various exit points, just in case.

Thinking that, he extended his hand out of habit... and nothing happened.

Stumped for a moment, he then smiled bitterly and reached into his pocket to take out a black mask and a pair of gloves.

His inventory was too convenient. It had been a long time since he had really taken out something to cover his face.

Thankfully, he had been carrying them on him in case he needed them.

While it wasn’t a big deal if anyone saw his face, wearing a black hood was easier than handling his real identity.

Putting on the mask and gloves, Luke hit the gas and sped up.

Soon, he heard faint voices on the wind.

They weren’t cries for help, but simple orders and reports from a team.

He hit the brake and parked the car under a tree.

Getting out of the car, he looked at the two helicopters hovering in the sky with searchlights on, and narrowed his eyes. Sure enough, they were a bunch of fakes!

Phil and Flegg, for example, mostly used their FBI aliases when they were out and about, which meant that while their mission was important, they still communicated with the FBI. josei

These two helicopters didn’t have any logos or even serial numbers on them. They were just black all over; clearly, they didn’t plan on letting anyone know their identities.

That shouldn’t be underestimated.

No logos meant that if eyewitnesses reported it, nothing could be clearly explained, and neither the police nor the FBI would be able to investigate the matter.

Thinking that, Luke quickly headed for the area above which the helicopters were hovering.

There was an old house amidst the underbrush in the woods; Carol and Lorna might have been hiding there.

Activating Elementary Concealment, Luke moved through the shadows and soon reached the back of a man in a black combat uniform.

That person was in a row with his comrades as they pressed forward like a comb through the grass to prevent the target from fleeing through the bushes.

When the man passed by a tree, a hand reached out from the side and grabbed his neck. His helmet was taken off and he was punched in the back of his head.

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