Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1118 - The Mantis Stalks the Cicada, Unaware of the FinChapter Behind It

Chapter 1118 - The Mantis Stalks the Cicada, Unaware of the FinChapter Behind It

Chapter 1118: The Mantis Stalks the Cicada, Unaware of the Finch Behind It

In less than ten seconds, Luke walked out in the black combat uniform and replaced the guy.

If the other men in black combat uniforms were closer, they would notice that he had much less equipment on him. The bulletproof helmet and upper half of the combat uniform had been put on sloppily, while his pants and shoes were in a similar color.

Luke checked his submachine gun and clips as he walked.

The weight of the submachine gun wasn’t right, and most of it felt like it was made of plastic; what was even stranger was that the barrel didn’t feel like metal.

What was in the clips weren’t ordinary bullets either.

As someone who liked to play with tranquilizers, he immediately confirmed that these were tranquilizer darts.

This was very rare.

Tranquilizer guns were very common. They looked like rifles, and it wasn’t surprising if they were smaller in size.

However, a tranquilizer submachine gun was clearly for tracking; it was a cover, and the target had to be captured alive.

A lot of effort had been put into the equipment to catch those with superpowers.

A bunch of men in black combat uniforms were out here in the middle of the night to arrest Carol and her partner.

This had to be Sentinel Services, right?

While Luke was pondering, he heard a voice in his earpiece. “Two females detected. The targets for the operation have been confirmed. They’re fleeing north. Follow them.”

Luke jumped lightly and climbed almost ten meters up a tree and looked to the north.

100 meters away, two girls darted through the trees under the searchlights, and couldn’t escape Luke’s sharp sight. josei

It was indeed Carol and Lorna!

He had smelled them earlier, and was completely certain that the helicopters and the team were here for them.

Tilting his head, Luke smiled behind his mask. Let me see what Sentinel Services is like!

The system hadn’t responded when Luke knocked out the soldier earlier and stole his equipment.

He didn’t receive any sort of reminder, whether it was earning experience points or deducting credit points. Clearly, the system couldn’t spare him any energy while it was being modified.

Just in case, he wouldn’t kill anyone today.

But looking at the tranquilizer gun in his hand, he smiled happily. Look, what a considerate person!

The next moment, he disappeared.

In the meantime, Carol and Lorna were in danger.

The two helicopters were flying high in the sky, and were made with special materials to deal with Lorna’s superpower.

If she wanted to pull the helicopters down, she would have to focus on activating her abilities.

However, more than 30 men in black combat uniforms were approaching quickly.

If she didn’t move, they would notice her and use a huge amount of special tranquilizers to subdue her.

It would be tricky for her to deal with the Sentinel Services soldiers.

Their equipment was also specially made. They didn’t contain any metal parts, but porcelain segments; ordinary attacks wouldn’t be able to damage them.

Especially in the current situation, it was impossible for her to focus on attacking them.

Carol was no longer as timid as before. Her thin frame was now bent very low, like a wild cat about to attack, and she had a vigilant expression on her face.

Suddenly, she said, “Lorna, I’ll distract them. You go first.”

Lorna refused right away. “No, we’ll charge out together.”

Carol, however, was calm. “No, they’re too well-prepared this time. I won’t be able to escape the choppers, but you can escape by flying for a short while. As long as you reach the pier in the north, there’s a lot of metal there, and they won’t be able to do anything to you.”

Mona still refused. “It’s only two kilometers. We’ll charge out together. This time... I won’t show them any mercy.”

As she spoke, two metal table knives floated up from her hands.

Carol said, “No. We’re not bad guys; we’re not criminals. Also, if we kill them, they’ll send more people after us.”

Lorna said unwillingly, “But we’re about to be caught.”

Carol asked, “What if they catch even just one of us?”

Lorna opened her mouth, but couldn’t say anything.

If she went on a killing spree, and one or both of them were caught, they would be tortured harshly. Also, it was likely that Carol would be caught tonight.

The two girls had extraordinary abilities but lacked courage and experience, and were caught in a dilemma.

But soon, they wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore.

Pa! Pa!

Two very clear gunshots rang out, and the lights of the helicopters died.

Both parties were stunned.

Overjoyed, Carol said in a low voice without hesitation, “Let’s go.”

They charged north in the dark.

Carol was as lithe as a cat as she jumped through the bushes.

Then, she lunged forward and kicked a man in a black combat uniform in the chest, sending him flying seven to eight meters. He rolled a few times before he stopped.

Pushing off of her feet, she twisted in the air and kicked another soldier five meters away.

An escape route thus appeared.

Following behind Carol, Lorna flew five to six meters with every step she took, as if she was almost weightless. She wasn’t as fast as Carol, but she wasn’t affected by the terrain.

The two girls fled without any hesitation.

Sentinel Services had already caught several of their comrades. They didn’t have the courage or determination to fight, and could only find an opportunity to run. Thus, the two girls missed the show behind them.

After two gunshots, the commander’s voice rang out in Luke’s earpiece. “Be careful, they have guns.”

The corners of Luke’s mouth curled up as he pulled the safety pins on several round objects before he threw them out around him.

With Luke’s strength, precision and speed, the stun grenades exploded in the middle of the soldiers in two seconds.

Several clouds of smoke and blinding flashes appeared in the dark wilderness.

Luke even heard some of the soldiers wail and curse like beaten dogs.

Luke decisively raised the tranquilizer gun and darted into the smoke.

Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu!

The tranquilizers were practically soundless and clearly didn’t have as much force as normal bullets, but it was good enough for Carol and Lorna.

It was also enough for a certain someone who was practically undefeatable in a gunfight within a 10-meter range.

As the smoke from the grenades spread, Luke charged in and darted the soldiers right in the necks.

He used the first-rate tranquilizer gun just like a syringe.

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