Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1152 - If You’re Guilty, Die Again

Chapter 1152 - If You’re Guilty, Die Again

Chapter 1152: If You’re Guilty, Die Again

At the very front of the hallway, a ninja in red was crouched in a corner. Suddenly, he felt a weight on his back, and with a crack, intense pain radiated from his chest.

He wanted to get up, but realized that he no longer had the strength.

Luke simply stepped on his back, leaving behind a huge footprint.

The second ninja, who was holding onto the ceiling light, just saw his partner being stepped on, when it went black in front of his eyes.

Luke, who had crushed the first ninja with one foot, leapt up, and his iron-like leg lashed out. The ninja’s chest caved in to match his partner’s back, and he was sent flying.

Using the force from the kick, Luke adjusted his posture and kicked off of the wall.

The waist of a third ninja who brushed past him was crushed. The ninja was sent flying ten meters before he hit the ground and rolled several times.

At that moment, Luke had charged out of the hallway and into a spacious hall.

The ninjas here finally reacted, and two gleaming katanas swung out.

The cape on Luke’s back suddenly hardened, stopping his fall. With a hard twist, he kicked out with his legs.

Clang! Clang!

With two crisp sounds, the two katanas were broken, and the two ninjas were kicked in the face.

Their faces instantly collapsed.

Luke landed lightly and stared at a black figure not far away.

Although there was barely any light here, he could still see the man’s face.

The man was spinning a chain with a hook on the end, as if he was ready to attack at any moment.

Luke recognized that face.

Not long after he arrived in New York, he had killed this guy called Yoshitake Shin to save Matt.

At that time, the guy had seven or eight ninjas in red with him. He had also been wearing a red ninja outfit and holding a chain sickle.

Now, Shin was dressed in black, and the weapon in his hand had turned into a hook on a chain.

“Batman!” Yoshitake gritted his teeth and said the name in a low voice.

All this time, he had thought that this number one superhero was far away in Los Angeles and that his strength wasn’t worth mentioning.

Even if there had been buzz about Batman’s appearance in New York in the last two days, he didn’t think he would run into him so soon.

But now, Batman was standing in front of him and had killed more than ten of his men in an instant.

Luke slowly raised his right hand and pointed at Yoshitake Shin. His deep voice echoed in the building. “You, guilty.”

Yoshitake Shin’s heart trembled slightly.

It never ended well for bad guys pointed at by Batman.

Everybody knew that this meant that Batman wouldn’t let the person go.

He had seen the video of Batman beating up two vampires outside the hospital in Los Angeles.

Batman wasn’t a benevolent person.

He didn’t kill people, but that wasn’t necessarily the case for certain things that weren’t human.

For example... himself!

But Yoshitake Shin didn’t panic, because he had nothing to fear.

With a shout, the hook chain in his hand flew at Batman like a scorpion’s tail.

Luke didn’t dodge at all as he charged at the man.

It was very strange that this guy whom he had killed once could come back to life, but his abilities hadn’t improved, and he was still so weak.

Luke simply raised his right hand and gave a light flick with his fingers, and the hook that had been aimed at his neck was deflected.

Yoshitake Shin didn’t stop there. He pulled on the chain and it wrapped around Luke’s ankle.

Luke’s foot instantly flashed as he kicked the hook just as it reached his ankle, and it flew back to bite its owner.

Alarmed, Yoshitake Shin ducked.

But the hook abruptly made a wide arc and took a sharp turn in the air.


Yoshitake Shin fell to his knees with a thump, the same disbelief on his face as when Luke pierced his head with a knife last time.

The hook had already pierced his chest from under his right armpit, and he couldn’t breathe.

Who knew if he was wondering how Batman was able to kill him so efficiently, or if he was wondering why he was even weaker.

Luke simply stood in front of him and said coldly, “You’re guilty. You deserve to die.”

The light in Yoshitake Shin’s eyes gradually dimmed, and his lips moved, but he couldn’t finish his sentence.

Luke didn’t want to hear it.

God made a mistake letting this person live once more.

It was only right that he died with his eyes open and unfinished words.

When Yoshitake Shin fell to the ground, Luke put the man’s body into Space 1.

System: Kill Yoshitake Shin, an important leader of the Hand assassin group. Mission accomplished.

Total experience: 5,000. Total credit: 5,000.

Contribution rate: 100%. EXP +5,000. Credit +5,000.

Luke was pleased.

He had deliberately let this guy be resurrected last time, but he really wanted to kill him this time.

He walked back and forth in the hallway, killed all the other ninjas and collected their bodies.

In this group, Yoshitake Shin and the two ninjas in red who had been killed at the beginning were the strongest.

Clearly, the Hand couldn’t perform resurrection so casually.

Naturally, these people couldn’t be resurrected now.

With the system’s death proclamation, there was practically no chance of them coming back to life.

Hearing the approaching sirens, Luke turned invisible again.

He secretly put the stone coffin that looked like a big bottle into Space 1.

System: Life-type magic tool has been detected. Can be converted into 10,000 credit points or modify the inventory’s functions. Convert / modify?

Luke just looked at it. Naturally, he didn’t choose to modify it now.

Although he didn’t know what other functions the modification would bring, he felt that this trip had been worth it.

For this alone, he was determined to kill all of them in the future.

In addition, killing 17 ninjas in red, including Yoshitake Shin, and saving the dozen or so kids, earned him a total of 24,000 experience and credit points. josei

None of these ninjas were worth less than 1,000 experience and credit points.

That meant that every ninja had done more bad things than fifty innocent people.

Luke knew why the experience and credit points were so high.

For example, most of the hitmen of the High Table whom he had killed only went after targets who were worth generous rewards.

Unless it was to protect themselves, their every move had to be economical.

As long as they weren’t crazy, professional hitmen wouldn’t kill ordinary people without any reward.

If they did a lot of this, they would lose worth as hitmen.

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