Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1153 - Batman Is Cold, and Selina Wants to Take Action

Chapter 1153 - Batman Is Cold, and Selina Wants to Take Action

Chapter 1153: Batman Is Cold, and Selina Wants to Take Action

The Hand was actually one of the twelve members of the High Table.

But it was an evil existence that felt no mercy for ordinary people. Even Kingpin couldn’t compare with it in terms of how vile it was.

At the very least, Kingpin still regarded ordinary people as potential “clients” and preserved basic social order, thus preserving his business.

Thus, although he didn’t have any sympathy for ordinary people, he wouldn’t kill them casually.

He had killed more gangsters in comparison, when annexing all the gangs in America.

But the Hand wasn’t like that.

If it wasn’t for Luke and Matt cleaning up the gangs in Clinton, the Hand absolutely wouldn’t have been so good as to use a real estate company to relocate residents.

Perhaps the last few to move out might never be seen again.

Anyone who got in the way of the Hand was assassinated without fanfare. That was how the Hand did things.

The Hand ninjas were also different from the other hitmen of the High Table.

These ninjas didn’t need reputation or money; they were just the Hand’s weapons, tools for getting rid of obstacles.

As long as the Hand gave the order, they didn’t mind slaughtering civilians and getting innocent blood on their hands.

So, the Hand couldn’t stay, and the ninjas couldn’t either.

While Luke was pondering this, the patrol cars arrived, and teams of patrol officers charged in.

Luke watched them take the kids to the ambulances before he went to the roof.

Before he reached the roof, he canceled his invisibility and let his tall and black figure appear at the top of the building.

Watching the police cars drive off, he looked at another building not far away, where two dark red figures faced him.

The blood-red lenses on his visor flickered, and he jumped. His cape unfurled as he followed the ambulances.

After 100 meters, blue light flashed, and the man disappeared in the night sky.

The woman who had been staring intently gasped. “Batman? He disappeared.”

Matt’s heart jumped, and he was silent.

Invisibility couldn’t erase the sound of the Bat suit slicing through the air, so Matt knew that Batman had just concealed himself.

But he didn’t want to say anything to the woman next to him.

He trusted Batman more than this woman. josei

She was none other than Matt’s ex-girlfriend, a woman named Elektra.

Luke had revealed himself to them earlier so that Matt wouldn’t overthink it.

The glance he gave them had clearly said: I know you’re there.

He didn’t say anything else.

Batman was just that cold.

Of course, a certain tycoon was the exception.

After all, Luke had to make a living! Without the tycoon’s armor skills, it would be harder and harder for Batman to survive.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to openly wear a suit made with Tony’s technology and hang around in it in front of the tycoon. Although the tycoon definitely had a lot of suspicions, he was blocked by Luke’s attitude and couldn’t ask any more questions.

How could he ask?

Given Tony’s arrogant personality, if he pursued the matter of the Bat suit, how could he return the multiple lifesaving favors he owed Batman?

In front of other people, Tony could still calmly say, “I’ll give you a check. Fill in the numbers yourself.”

But he didn’t have that sort of confidence with Batman.

Batman saved ordinary people, but did he say anything after that? No.

Batman never asked for money when he saved people.

This was how Batman always had the upper hand.

Matt and Elektra were also now caught in this moral dilemma, and they didn’t dare question Batman’s actions at all.

Why was Batman here? That wasn’t important.

How did Batman end up saving the kids? That also wasn’t important.

Nor was it important whether or not Batman knew the inside story.

Batman liked to save people. That was more than enough. He never explained himself to anyone.

Even though countless people were looking into the important reason for this, which might be related to the origin of this “Black Angel,” they could only guess.

It was impossible for them to get a concrete answer from Batman.

After a brief silence, Elektra shook her head. “I’m leaving. I’ll come find you again if I have news on the Hand.”

Matt didn’t say anything and just went downstairs before he headed for Metro General Hospital.

He wanted to take a look at the kids who had been rescued.

At that moment, Metro General was busy.

More than ten kids had been sent over, and they were in bad shape.

Luke had examined them earlier; not only were they being drained of blood, there was also a strange mix of toxins in their bodies.

He couldn’t be considered an absolute dunce in the field of medicine, but he didn’t have any healing abilities. Thus, he left the professional matters to the professionals.

Treating someone was far more complicated than killing them.

It was definitely better to carry out systematic examination and treatment at a place like Metro General Hospital, which had all sorts of equipment and numerous doctors.

Standing on top of the building diagonally opposite the hospital, Selina said, “The ninjas who came back as reinforcements were too fast. Are you sure you didn’t trigger an alarm in that building?”

Luke: “No.”

Selina said, “Less than two minutes after the police cars set out, the Hand ninjas appeared and headed straight for the old building where the kids were locked up. They were probably monitoring the police comms.”

Luke hummed in agreement.

Selina said, “Last time, we monitored Yoshitake Shin’s body, but none of them showed up. After that, someone in the 15th Precinct helped suppress the matter. Will they show up this time?”

Luke said, “That’s possible. Even if they gave up on the kids, I took something else that should be important to them.”

After a brief silence, Selina said, “I’ll take action when they get here.”

Luke asked, “Are you sure?”

Selina snorted. “I don’t kill random people, but these beasts don’t deserve to be called human. If they dare come tonight, I’ll kill them. If one comes, I’ll kill one. If 100 come, I’ll kill 100.”

Pondering for a moment, Luke said, “Well, they probably don’t have 100 people, right?”

These ninjas weren’t common. They couldn’t be that good in close combat and cold weapons without more than ten years of training.

Stumped for a moment, Selina then said angrily, “I don’t care. If there aren’t 100 of them tonight, I’ll just kill them every time I see them from now on, until I kill 100 of them.”

Luke finally revealed something to soothe her. “Don’t worry, these guys really aren’t human. Do you know what I found on Yoshitake Shin? A coroner’s Y-shaped incision.”

Selina was surprised. “Could it just be a cut to scare people?”

Although it was a little strange to scare people this way, it made more sense than resurrection.

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