Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1287 - The God Who Became a Dog

Chapter 1287 - The God Who Became a Dog

Chapter 1287: The God Who Became a Dog

That being said, the witch was quite angry.

Just now, the clone had grabbed Iron Man with the rope dart in one hand and tossed several gun clips to the detective with the other.

After the detective reloaded the guns, what they fired were bullets that had the strength to contend with her.

However, the power in the golden bullets was too weak to be a threat; they could only kill the puppet soldiers and shatter her Touch of Shadow.

She turned serious at that moment, and the black fragments and the liquid left behind after the puppet soldiers exploded in the subway station moved according to her will, condensing into a black snake that was the width of a bucket. It roared and lunged at the detective who had disrupted the situation.

Hiss~” The black snake was surging forward aggressively, when it suddenly froze and stopped moving. Its huge mouth was only two meters away from Luke.

“Your opponent is me!” The clone was standing in front of the snake, both arms gripping the head and preventing it from moving forward. “Take him away.” josei

The clone spoke to Luke.

Luke jumped toward the station exit, grabbed the end of the rope dart, and dragged Tony with him as he ran off.

The metal suit sent up sparks as it clattered over the ground before swerving around a street corner.

This woman wasn’t that simple.

Luke wasn’t afraid of her, but it would be bad if Tony was left there.

Besides, using enchanted bullets to instantly eliminate most of the monsters was already a little too powerful.

If he really fought and crippled the woman, he would draw a lot of attention.

The situation this time was different.

The explosions had already attracted the attention of the FBI and Homeland Security. Now that this woman with superpowers had appeared, secret agencies would also show up.

If Luke revealed such power against evil creatures, many people might be tempted.

When all was said and done, the enchanted bullets would have to be revealed sooner or later.

For other people, using up dozens of enchanted bullets might not have much effect if they all hit air.

Luke, on the other hand, was a super shooter. Every one of his shots was lethal, and dozens of enchanted bullets were enough for him to kill a few small bosses.

Someone would definitely be moved by this ability of his.

Thus, he decisively had his clone take action to send him and Tony away.

In any case, the tycoon would testify that it was Batman who told Luke to leave.

How many people in New York would be willing to defy Batman?

In the subway station, the clone finally got serious.

Previously, the clone and Luke had been in the same place, along with Tony. There were too many things to consider.

It was safer for the clone to stay behind on his own so that he could fight with his full strength.

At that moment, he wasn’t in a hurry to take action. Instead, he seized the moment when the other party was accumulating strength to thoroughly examine her.

There was something strange about this woman.

When he had been interrogating Katya earlier and done a scan with his armor, she hadn’t appeared any different from a normal person.

It had been easy to control her with Elementary Pheromone Control.

Now, Katya had suddenly turned into a completely different person. She looked like a witch, and even her figure was different.

From a size A to C, a man could tell at a glance.

Secondly, the armor detected that this witch had almost no human attributes.

Her body temperature was very low and there was a rotten smell on her, like that of a corpse.

Finally, Elementary Pheromone Control basically had no effect on the witch.

It had been a few months since Luke acquired the Pheromone Control ability, and he had become good at using it.

This ability was very helpful. What was even more terrifying was that women basically couldn’t resist it at all, and they could be controlled without them even realizing it.

That was because it didn’t affect the mind but the body, and people made too many unconscious physical movements which they weren’t aware of.

The witch in front of him was clearly a woman, but apart from some slight influence and movements, it was like she was a blank slate with no reactions whatsoever to Pheromone Control.

Luke’s blood-red lenses flickered, and he activated his abilities to investigate everything about this strange witch.

The witch opposite him bent forward slightly, like a wild beast waiting for an opportunity as she slowly circled him. “Batman, you’re as strong as they say.”

Luke’s heart jumped. They?

The witch said, “So, I’ll turn you into my puppet before I give you to them so that they won’t get anything.”

As she spoke, Luke’s arms suddenly turned empty. The snake’s head disappeared, but the body suddenly curled around him.

Then, the snake head slowly rose from the tail end and opened its mouth not far from his head as it hissed threateningly at him.

Looking at Luke, whose head was the only thing that could be seen above the snake’s body, the witch laughed again. “Nobody will save you this time. This is all a mortal like you can be in front of greatness — weak, pathetic, helpless.”

Luke suddenly chuckled. “Aren’t you being controlled by mortals now? Weren’t you sent here to catch me? You’re so great, but the mortals treat you like a dog. After this, they’ll give you a few bones as a reward, right?”

Hearing that, the witch roared and appeared in front of him with a fierce expression. She grabbed his neck with her right hand, and the Batman suit creaked.

“D*mn humans, how dare you blaspheme against a god! I’ll definitely make you pay…” she roared.

Luke interrupted her again. “Let them be your masters so that they can help clean up your sh*t every day?”

The witch’s eyes blazed. “Go to hell!”

After being mocked nonstop by Luke, she finally couldn’t take it anymore. She decided to disobey orders and kill this foul-mouthed guy.

That was because the things that hurt people in this world weren’t words, but facts.

No matter how much she bragged about being a god, it couldn’t change the fact that she was now being used like a dog.

What made her even angrier was that there was no way to escape the control of these humans so far.

It was like her face was pressed into a pile of sh*t and she was forced to eat it one bite at a time.

There was nothing she could do except fly into a rage.

After confirming some things, Luke didn’t waste any more time.

Whoever it was who controlled this witch, he didn’t have any information on her, which meant that the other party rarely used her.

Knowing the limits to how much extraordinary power could be used in pursuit of a goal was always better than unbridled behavior.

Now that Luke knew that the witch was under someone else’s control, it wouldn’t be too hard to track down leads.

It was impossible for all secret agencies to not leave a trail. Compared with the mystical “one-man army” that was Luke, an organization would leave behind clues several times over.

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