Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1288 - You Have Magic, I Have Science

Chapter 1288 - You Have Magic, I Have Science

Chapter 1288: You Have Magic, I Have Science

The other party had set a trap for Batman, and Luke could naturally do the same.

With a thought, his “chi” suddenly exploded.

The power of distortion was mixed into the “chi,” and the snake’s black body which was wrapped around Luke instantly rippled. Then, it twisted, and the originally tight hold was broken.

Luke jumped out and grabbed the witch’s right hand that was around his neck.

He flipped over her head, and there was a burst from the jetpack on his back as he landed on the ground.

Alarmed by his escape, the witch was too slow to react.

Her right arm was locked, and she could only follow Luke’s movements.

At that moment, Luke swung his right arm forward with the momentum of the jet thrusters.

The witch’s body instantly turned into a blur as she was flipped 180 degrees in the air before she was smashed down.


The ground cracked, and smoke rose from where the witch lay in a pit.

Luke exclaimed in surprise again. This witch had a strange body.

Neither her right arm nor her body had suffered any damage from being smashed onto the ground.

But… hm, it looked like her chest was a little flatter? Even as he pondered, Luke didn’t stop.

He stepped forward, stepped on her back, and twisted her right arm.

Sure enough, there was no sound of bones dislocating.

Luke immediately exerted more strength and tried to pull her right arm off.

The witch suddenly turned into black smoke and escaped his attack.

The black snake behind him regained its shape and opened its mouth to bite the back of his head.

Luke’s blood-red lenses flashed as he turned around. He raised his hands like blades and swung them down in an ancient martial art technique.

The moment he turned around, narrow openings appeared in his palms. Blue and white arcs of electricity emerged, as if two laser blades had appeared in his hands, and he slashed at the black snake’s head.

Then, he moved his arms Wing Chun-style to create a circle of blue light.

The black snake abruptly stopped.


An extremely unpleasant smell of burning flesh wafted out. Luke stopped, and the blue electricity in his palms disappeared. His steps were light as he moved several meters away before he turned unhurriedly to look at the witch.

The witch, who had turned into black smoke and was floating ten meters away, was shocked. “You…”

She had only said one word, when the upper half of the snake’s body suddenly shattered into dozens of pieces. The intact lower half also fell to the ground, as if it were a real dead snake.

Luke, however, lunged forward again, and blue electricity sparked in his hands.

This time, the witch wasn’t as arrogant as before. With a panicked expression, she instantly teleported ten meters away, and didn’t dare let him get close again. josei

Then, she raised her hands and was about to attack, when she looked at her right arm in surprise and screamed. “Ah!”

Her right shoulder had been cut halfway through. The cut was black and burned.

Luke wasn’t affected by her scream. He charged forward without hesitation.

The witch subconsciously teleported again, and then…

“Ah~” This time, she looked at her left arm.

She wasn’t so lucky this time. Her entire left forearm had been cut off.

After two attacks, the witch finally figured out what was going on.

It turned out that Luke had been ready the moment she teleported.

As soon as she landed, he swung out at the same time, and the blue electricity that looked like a razor blade suddenly turned into a blue whip which swept out silently.

However, Luke had yet to grasp the rhythm and pattern of her teleportation. He only hit her shoulder the first time, and she only lost half an arm the second time.

The witch gnashed her teeth.

She hadn’t expected to encounter such a troublesome opponent.

What she didn’t understand was that the other party was just an ordinary person who didn’t have any spells, but had all sorts of strange “props” that could hurt her.

Of course, Luke wouldn’t tell her that the blue electricity was from Ivan’s plasma whip, and the lethal cuts were from high-energy plasma.

The witch wasn’t completely immune to energy attacks; it wouldn’t be easy for her to remain unscathed.

On the contrary, she was restrained by the plasma energy to some extent.

So, Luke chopped the black snake up with plasma blades and poured a huge amount of high-energy plasma into the snake in passing, burning it to death.

The witch, on the other hand, had been wounded in both arms. She was a miserable sight.

After successful consecutive attacks, Luke didn’t want to give the other party any time to catch her breath. He unleashed his full strength and charged at her.

The witch’s eyes glowed red. With a roar, a mass of black smoke shot at him.

Luke twisted to avoid it.

However, the black smoke flashed and directly appeared in front of him. It crashed into his chest armor and disappeared.

System:?Special mental energy attack detected. Defense mechanism automatically activated.

Special mental energy eliminated. Cost: 1,000 credit points.

Luke cursed inwardly. With no time to mourn the loss of credit points, he lashed out with two plasma whips.

The witch indeed turned into smoke and disappeared.

He swiped at his waist with his other hand and threw out a handful of bat darts, which flew around the subway station.

Faint golden light flashed on each bat dart as he enchanted them with credit points.

At the same time, he swung the plasma whips in the gaps between the bat darts.

The witch suddenly materialized ten meters away. Before she could react, she was hit by a bat dart.

She howled miserably as the bat dart pierced her abdomen.

Luke’s eyes flickered, and two bat darts nearby flew at the witch.

The two plasma whips also drew hazy blue arcs in the air.

The witch didn’t stop screaming as she was hit by two more bat darts and the two plasma whips.

Luke pressed forward, which gave him more leeway to control the plasma whips.

With flicks of his wrists, blue light lashed out at the witch’s gray body.

The witch turned into black smoke again and disappeared.

Luke frowned.

Enemies whose movements couldn’t be limited were too troublesome.

The other party could retreat at any time, and he might not be able to catch up. Even if he did, he might not be able to stop her.

D*mn it, don’t you have the mentality of a close-combat mage? If you have the skill, learn from Asgard’s gods and fight head-on!?Even as he cursed in his heart, Luke hesitated a little.

Actually, it wasn’t impossible for him to kill this witch.

His telekinesis could be “enchanted” with credit points.

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