Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1313 - Military Knives Galore and the Prelude to Battle

Chapter 1313 - Military Knives Galore and the Prelude to Battle

Chapter 1313: Military Knives Galore and the Prelude to Battle

The two criminals froze, and blood suddenly flowed from their foreheads to their chins as they collapsed.

Before they fell, Luke had already passed them to reach two of their teammates who had just been about to step onto the stairs behind him. He slashed at the back of their heads.

At that moment, the remaining four criminals downstairs finally fired their guns.

Luke jumped and somersaulted. Pushing himself forward with his telekinesis, he was so fast that he looked like a blurry afterimage.

In the blink of an eye, he flipped over their heads and slashed at their necks.

The last two men subconsciously raised their guns.

Luke, on the other hand, dropped down quickly and stabbed them through the chest.

They were stunned for a moment, before they slowly collapsed.

Luke let go of the scimitars and drew out the military knives strapped to the men’s thighs. After standing still for a few seconds, he threw one knife at the stairs with his right hand.

A criminal who had just stuck his head out from around the corner of the stairs collapsed with a knife in his forehead.

At the same time, Luke turned and threw out the second military knife.

But unlike the first straight shot, the knife spun a little in the air, and the hilt just happened to hit the railing with a clang. The blade was instantly deflected to fly toward the second floor.

One of the criminals, who was standing on guard at the top of the stairs with his gun, sensed a shadow flash in the corner of his eye, and the deflected knife pierced his right eye. He rolled down the stairs.

The four remaining criminals on the second floor were tense and bewildered.

Not only did they not see how the first criminal was attacked, they didn’t even know how the second criminal died.

Even though they were ready to die in the line of duty, they weren’t stupid.

Dying without even knowing where the enemy was wasn’t in line with the commander’s orders.

Their mission wasn’t to simply die, but to hold back this opponent and try to keep fighting; the longer, the better.

Ignoring the four frightened chicks, Luke turned around and looked at a case. josei

This case was similar to what could be found in a jewelry store. It was long and flat, with a wooden frame, and five glass surfaces. At a glance, one could see that the items inside were all military knives.

Mad Dog, M9, Alaskan Harpoon, Fallkniven, Rambo, Buck – they were all in the cabinet.

Clearly, this cold weapons museum wasn’t limited to antiques.

Luke’s hands itched.

Many of the people he had killed were experts at using knives, and there were even more people who were knife enthusiasts.

Looking at these knives was like choosing toys.

Luke’s hands moved before he could make a decision.

Opening the lock, he took out all the knives.

As display items, these knives weren’t sheathed. With a thought, Luke took out a belt and quickly strapped the knives to it.

At the same time, he flipped open a military blade with his left hand.

There was the rustle of footsteps from several doorways as more teams entered.

Without any hesitation, the coldblooded commander shoved more than half of the men that were outside into the museum.

Luke disappeared into the darkness.

16 criminals entered through the front and 14 through the back.

Luke didn’t stop them. Instead, he let them enter and meet up in the exhibition area on the first floor.

There were counters of varying heights here as well as all kinds of cold weapons.

The only thing that could be seen was the dim green light of the emergency exit sign. The light shone dimly on the glass cases, making it look like something supernatural was about to happen.

Crouching on the floor, Luke pulled out two M9s with his right hand.

He didn’t get up. He simply leaned out from behind a counter and threw out the two knives.

Pu! Pu! Pu!

With two dull thumps, two criminals collapsed.

The M9 knives stabbed them in the chests. They couldn’t breathe, let alone yell, and could only twitch on the ground.

None of the criminals saw Luke, and he immediately retreated back behind the counter.

Just as the criminals increased their vigilance and checked their surroundings, there was a clang of metal.


One of the criminals screamed and fell. He clutched at his abdomen, but didn’t dare touch the hilt of the knife.

With a bit of telekinesis and deflection, the knife had bounced off the wall and stabbed the man in the stomach.

While many people were distracted by the scream, Luke half-knelt on the floor and flicked his right hand. A swiss army knife flew out unhurriedly.

While it was still in the air, he took out another military knife with his left hand and threw it hard.

Clang! Clang!

Thanks to the abnormal deflection and telekinesis, he killed two birds with one stone.

“Ah!” One person clutched his chest and screamed, while another was stabbed in the face and dropped without a sound.

At that moment, the commander outside the building suddenly received a video signal.

He accessed the feed without hesitation. Luke was standing up slowly from behind a shelf and unhurriedly moving away from where he had launched the sneak attack.

Then, there was the rhythmic sound of tapping on the communication channel.

After listening to it, the commander gave the order without any hesitation. “You now have the target’s location. Attack at full force. Don’t stop.”

At that order, the remaining 20 or so criminals on the first floor immediately charged at Luke.

They had locked onto Luke’s position, and were in strict formation as they covered each other on both sides.

Luke’s heart jumped. They were here!

He suddenly stopped and didn’t move. Instead, he stood in front of a counter and placed eight military knives down before he undid the button on his suit jacket. He also straightened his clothes.

Then, he adjusted the knives on the counter and picked up two knives in each hand. The remaining four knives were placed parallel to each other on the counter.

He lowered his head and seemed to stare at the knives, deep in thought.

In the shadows, three pairs of eyes looked at him in confusion. What was going on?

After the other side gave the order to attack at full force, the criminals didn’t hesitate and surrounded Luke in less than ten seconds.

They didn’t pause for long. Before they even finished surrounding him, the commander’s cold voice rang out in their earpieces. “Fire.”

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