Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1314 - The Boogeyman

Chapter 1314 - The Boogeyman

Chapter 1314: The Boogeyman

The soldiers split into two. The two men at the very front of both teams bent down and charged out.

Luke’s hands moved at the same time. The four knives disappeared, and the four criminals collapsed as soon as they pulled the triggers.

Two of them had their heads pierced, and the other two had knives in their chests.

However, this didn’t affect the criminals’ attack. Another four people rushed out.

If it wasn’t for the narrow aisles here, more people would’ve pushed in at the same time, but for now, only two could advance from each side at a time.

This was also why Luke had chosen this position. There were cabinets of varying heights around it, which was most suitable for fighting a crowd at the beginning.

Moreover, he was always faster than the criminals.

After throwing out the four knives, he grabbed the four that were on the counter and threw them to the left and right again. At the same time, he jumped over the counter in front of him and sped up as he slammed into a tall cabinet two meters away.

A few screams rang out at the same time.

Two of the four criminals who had been hit were dead and the other two were seriously injured, but nobody was paying attention to them anymore.

Luke didn’t stop after crashing into the tall cabinet. He continued charging forward, breaking through an opening in the criminals’ formation.

A passive position was different from an active attack.

He had already drawn out two knives from his waist, and he threw them at the criminals on both sides.

He was too fast, and they were too focused on the aisle up ahead to turn around.

Two knives suddenly appeared in the heads of two criminals, killing them instantly.

Luke charged forward again.

Boom! Clang!

A second cabinet was pushed down, and Luke successfully broke through the bottom of the surrounding formation. His hands brushed over his waist again and two knives flew out to hit two criminals at two and ten o’clock in the head.

There was an excited gleam in Luke’s eyes as he reached under his jacket and crouched and spun around to avoid the bullets fired at him.

His hands moved quickly again, and two criminals collapsed at three and nine o’clock.

Pushing off of his toes lightly, he turned around and fired back. His jacket flapped, but it didn’t stop him from reaching for the last two knives at his waist.

This time, he flicked his hands upward and sent the two knives into the chests of two more criminals who were turning around.

In less than ten seconds, 18 of the 30 newcomers had collapsed.

The attackers were shocked, and the commander outside was dumbfounded.

In just a few seconds, Luke fully demonstrated the three essential skills all hitmen needed to learn — speed, accuracy and ruthlessness.

The knives were lethal, always hit their mark, and didn’t stop.

The three pairs of eyes in the dark also revealed surprise, but there was no fear.

Until now, everything Luke did was still within the range of a normal person.

What surprised them was that the previous information only mentioned Boogeyman John’s marksmanship, and didn’t specifically state that he was so skilled in cold weapons.

But that was all there was to it.

Any one of them could crush Boogeyman John in terms of speed.

No matter how fast, accurate or ruthless you were, it was meaningless when you ran into a faster opponent.

However, they didn’t immediately take action. The timing wasn’t right yet.

At that moment, Luke had killed 18 people in a row, but was now truly surrounded. At the same time, he had no more knives on his belt.

He rolled over a counter, and bullets shattered the glass.

Without any hesitation, he punched the case next to him. He grabbed two gladii and flung them at two shelves seven to eight meters behind him.

While these gladii were short swords, they were as heavy as machetes.

Two criminals had just pressed themselves against the shelves and were about to turn around and crane their necks, when they heard two thuds. They felt pain in their chests as they were each pinned to the shelf by a heavy gladius.

Their teammates didn’t care about them. They continued pressing forward as they fired wildly.

After throwing out the gladii, Luke jumped four to five meters away.

Shards of glass flew past his head, and he reached into the broken glass case to pick up two crude grub axes, and threw them out. josei

The axes lodged in the heads of two criminals who had just appeared, like unicorn horns, and they were sent flying.

Luke stuck his hands inside the case again, and frowned when he grabbed two spearheads. These things didn’t have a stable enough core for throwing.

But he didn’t put them back. As he turned around, he flicked his wrists, and the spearheads shot at two criminals who were charging at him from behind.

In the end, these flying spearheads deviated slightly from the target.

The tips of the spears, which had been aimed at their chests from below, veered off to hit the two men in a spot below their stomachs.

The two of them fell without a sound, their hands covering the spearheads as they writhed on the ground like fish on the brink of death.

Luke sweated.

But anyone who came here had to be prepared for their balls to be popped.

Luke decisively slid two meters across the smooth floor and approached another glass case that he was interested in, which was full of short daggers.

Squatting next to the case, he grabbed six daggers. He pushed at the counter with both legs, and the counter slid dozens of centimeters back.

With a kick, he passed under a counter and slid through a gap to the middle of a ring of several counters. He got up and threw out two daggers.

Four criminals were gathered on one side. Two of them had just turned around and opened their mouths, but before they could even make a sound, they were hit.

Luke didn’t stop as he pressed forward.

The other two criminals rushed out, only to see Luke raise his hands two meters away, and two curved blades flew out and pierced them in the eye.

At that moment, there were only six criminals left in the second and third teams.

At the commander’s order, the four survivors on the second floor rushed down as well when they heard the gunshots downstairs. However, they were instantly sent flying when they ran into Luke.

At that point, the remaining six people no longer dared to move.

The battle had been too fast and fierce.

Even though they had participated in hundreds of fights, these criminals had never seen such a fierce battle.

In less than a minute, only six out of 34 people were still alive; the legendary Boogeyman with superb marksmanship had actually killed so many on their side without firing a single shot.

Was a legendary killer so terrifying?

The confidence of the six experienced criminals completely collapsed. Even the commander’s order to attack seemed to come from afar.

Adrenaline could no longer pump them up. Instead, their hands and feet shook like crazy.

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