Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1330 - Rescue and Negotiating Terms

Chapter 1330 - Rescue and Negotiating Terms

Chapter 1330: Rescue and Negotiating Terms

Nelson had clearly been set up tonight.

Dustin and Luke were now on Nelson’s side, and had “jumped ship” not long ago.

If Nelson fell, it wasn’t hard to guess what Brad would do to these “traitors.”

Luke wasn’t scared of Brad, but he wasn’t interested in office politics.

If Nelson fell out of the running, Luke taking down Brad would only benefit some other party.

In comparison, giving Nelson a helping hand now was the least troublesome choice.

A few minutes later, the middle-aged doctor returned with a defibrillator, and Luke took it out of his hands at the door.

A few minutes later, Luke opened the room door. “Come in and watch her. Call me if anything happens.”

The middle-aged doctor: “Huh?”

Luke didn’t waste time talking to him. He went straight to the drawing room.

The doctor didn’t want to get involved in this matter; how could he hide his half-hearted behavior from Luke?

Since this doctor hadn’t wanted to save the woman, there was no need for Luke to give him respect.

Stunned for a moment, the middle-aged doctor then quickly walked over to the bed and immediately examined the woman. Then, his face was filled with shock. “She’s really alright?”

For a moment, he was confused. Was he the doctor, or was that young officer the doctor?

It wasn’t like the woman had been suffering something as simple as shock; without hospital medicine and equipment, it would be hard to save her.

While the unscrupulous doctor was doubting himself in the bedroom, it was a different matter in the drawing room.

Luke said bluntly, “The young woman isn’t dead. Miss Potts, Miss Gwenis, you can leave first.”

He then looked at Jeffrey and Nelson. “Decide right now which hospital to send the patient to. Her life can still be saved.”

Hearing that, Jenny and Pepper got up.

The woman wasn’t dead, so this matter had nothing to do with them anymore.

Entering a crime scene by mistake and entering a room with an unconscious person were two different things.

The two women didn’t care how Jeffrey and Nelson wanted to play this; that was far beneath them.

In the first place, they hadn’t come to the party for these two minor characters. Now that something had happened and they had almost been screwed over, Jeffrey could only wait to run out of luck if he didn’t take the initiative to seek them out and give them an explanation later.

There was also a hierarchy to power.

Jeffrey, who was worth billions, had no right to impose conditions on these two female bigshots, who had hundreds of billions in assets.

The dignity of a bigshot couldn’t be impugned.

Watching them leave, Selina, who was standing behind Nelson and Jeffrey, gave Luke a mocking smile, as if to say, “You’re really considerate toward your female CEO.”

Luke simply waved his hand for her to come over.

What a joke. Pepper had also left. What could he possibly ask her to do?

They also went to the door and left the drawing room to Jeffrey and Nelson.

In less than a minute, the two men quickly reached an agreement. Jeffrey called for an ambulance from a hospital that was under his family’s control.

Jeffrey, who was a weakling compared with Jenny and Pepper, had the absolute advantage in front of Nelson.

Even though Jeffrey was in the wrong, Nelson took the initiative to step back.

That was why they were able to reach an agreement so quickly.

Nelson didn’t have a choice. He couldn’t afford to piss off the Soderberg family, nor let the woman die.

Jeffrey didn’t want a death in his villa, and didn’t force Nelson too much. He only wanted to suppress the matter and would give Nelson an explanation later.

That was the end of it.

Luke and Selina were about to pack up and leave, when Jeffrey stopped them.

Nelson didn’t say anything. He simply nodded and gestured that he would call them later.

Jeffrey, who saw everything, frowned. Wasn’t Luke Nelson’s loyal subordinate?

A leader had to uphold his dignity at all times.

If he wasn’t a loyal subordinate, Nelson wouldn’t act so casually.

After Nelson and the bodyguards left, only the three of them were left in the drawing room.

Jeffrey, who had a basic understanding of Luke, simply said, “I hope you can keep what happened today a secret.”

Luke nodded decisively. “Sure, as long as Chief Nelson has no objections.”

Jeffrey frowned. “I’ll settle this with him.”

Luke said, “Then I’m good.”

Jeffrey was a little stumped. He felt that the detective’s attitude had changed a little.

Luke, however, asked again, “Is there anything else, Mr. Soderberg? My partner and I were about to leave.”

Speechless, Jeffrey raised his hand and gestured for him to go ahead.

After they left, he paced around the drawing room.

Why was he so polite toward Luke? Of course, it wasn’t because he had saved the woman in the bedroom.

The woman wasn’t from the Soderberg family, and it would just be troublesome at most if she died here.

Luke wasn’t a New Jersey police officer, nor was this case in NYPD’s hands.

What Jeffrey was afraid of were Jenny and Pepper.

Whatever Pepper could think of, how could Jeffrey not consider the same?

He had even noticed Pepper’s expression when she heard Luke Coulson’s name. She clearly wasn’t unfamiliar with him.

He then sent a message to his assistant to investigate Luke, and especially any possible connections he might have with the two women. His assistant then replied that Luke and Tony Stark had fought together at the Wall Street subway station a few days ago.

There was nothing else Jeffrey could say.

Tony and Luke had weathered a crisis together. Who knew what Tony’s attitude was like toward this detective?

Even putting Tony’s attitude aside, Pepper’s attitude toward Luke clearly wasn’t ordinary.

Jeffrey had some idea of what Pepper thought of him; he absolutely couldn’t compare with Luke. josei

This feeling was reinforced when Luke told Jenny and Pepper to leave first.

So, the sticking point here was Luke’s attitude.

However, Luke’s final words meant that he wouldn’t get involved in the aftermath, provided that Jeffrey negotiated with Nelson.

A political creature like Nelson could be appeased with some benefits, and Jeffrey really didn’t think much of it.

It seemed that he had to give Luke a clear sign. When he thought this, he relaxed, but his face darkened.

He took out his phone and called his cousin. “Mike, my beloved nephew, Cook, stirred up some trouble here. You better come at once…”

On the other side, Luke and Selina left Block B and walked across the lawn of the villa next to the river before they returned to the main Block A building where the guests were gathered.

In the meantime, Luke received a message from a certain CEO asking whether he needed her to deal with the aftermath of tonight’s case.

Luke told her to take a break and to be sufficiently prepared for their business meeting tomorrow.

Sure enough, she spat contemptuously at him in reply. He smiled and put his phone away.

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