Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1527 - Good Rewards For Good People, and Unexpected Delight

Chapter 1527 - Good Rewards For Good People, and Unexpected Delight

Chapter 1527: Good Rewards For Good People, and Unexpected Delight

Translator: Henyee TranslationsEditor: Henyee Translations

Luke had told Selina earlier that Skye’s power was genetic, and regular exercise wouldn’t aggravate it.

If exercise could trigger a fluctuation of power, the natural activation of powers in Inhumans wouldn’t be so rare.

In any case, Selina also had to train. It was just that Luke was busy, so she stayed with Skye in the living room.

Seeing that Skye was in low spirits, dragging her off to train for half an hour would ensure that she slept like a pig later.

While Selina dealt with Skye upstairs, Luke looked at the system panel in the basement, only to see that Skye’s list of abilities had already turned dark.

After obtaining her list of abilities, Luke had manipulated the game so that they were tied.

In any case, the list would always be there now. This kid was already unlucky enough. He didn’t want to make things worse.

Skye’s abilities were basically to be expected, and included Basic Hacking and Basic Internet and Computer Hardware.

Naturally, what Luke was focused on was Elementary Vibration.

At his needling, the system gave a very simple explanation: Elementary Vibration (inherited genetic modification, can create vibrations. Prerequisites: 60 Strength, 60 Dexterity, 60 Mental Strength, 50,000 Credit. Partially available.)

Luke immediately felt that it was worth it.

He just wanted to use the system to confirm his speculation.

Unexpectedly, Skye’s Elementary Vibration could be partially learned. josei

It wasn’t that Luke thought that he didn’t have any luck, but Gordon’s Elementary Teleportation was also an inherited genetic modification.

The “unavailable” tag for it was very reasonable.

Elementary Temperature Control, which was on the list of abilities he had obtained from Emma a while ago, was also unavailable.

These two abilities were invaluable for a “lawman,” which made Luke jealous.

Teleportation went without saying, but Emma’s power was also extraordinary.

He had thought that she used some sort of flame control. However, while Temperature Control was similar, its application was substantially different.

It could also be said that Emma only understood 50% of how to use her power, and that was “fire magic.”

The complete version of Temperature Control was mastery of at least the ice and fire attributes, but it seemed that Emma had never thought of using “ice magic’ at all.

‘There was no doubt that Temperature Control didn’t match Luke’s “body hardware.”

After two unavailable abilities, he subconsciously gave up on his expectations toward Skye’s abilities.

Who would have thought he would get such a nice surprise?

The only problem was that the prerequisite for his stats was 60.

However, as long as he obtained tens of millions in experience points, he could meet the requirements; it could be considered the bare goal for him to work hard toward for the next few years.

Because he had obtained Elementary Vibration, Luke wouldn’t treat Skye poorly.

All this time, the bad guys who provided Luke with abilities naturally did so after death or being imprisoned.

Neutral and good “teammates” were all rewarded.

As the saying went, good things came to good people.

He had randomly picked Skye up back then, and now had another ability!

The truth was that Luke had helped at least 800 people in the last two years, but the abilities he obtained from them were far less than from killing bad guys.

There were dozens of homeless minors like Skye whom he had helped, but this was the only time he had gotten such a pleasant surprise.

Most people who accepted his help were ordinary people, and only existed in his contact list and database at most.

So, he really was a good person.

Thinking that, Luke reclined his chair and lay down.

His Level 2 clone was doing a checkup for Emma, and he could rest for the time being.

Unlike with Skye, he simply used a drug to make the mother and children fall asleep before he stored them in Space 2.

Skye was an Inhuman that had yet to be discovered by Afterlife, so it was unlikely anyone would follow up on her.

Emma and her sons, on the other hand, had been in Afterlife for a year before they came out. Luke wouldn’t feel at ease until he thoroughly examined them.

Besides, if Afterlife found the mother and children in the future, Luke couldn’t guarantee that he would be able to track them down.

After an examination by Osiris and with Mental Strength, the results were out — everything was normal.

At the very least, Luke hadn’t found any problems with Emma and her sons.

If Afterlife could still find Emma after she went into hiding, it would most likely be due to a superpower.

The arrangements for Emma were very simple.

Luke only needed to provide her with two simple pieces of nanotechnology. When she went out, she could stick them on her face to change the distance between her eyebrows and make her cheekbones higher and wider.

These two gadgets were much easier to use than the Thousand Faces System.

It was a very simple method, and if she cut and dyed her hair, and changed the way she dressed, it would be enough to prevent anyone from recognizing her.

With these things, except for the fact that she couldn’t take her children to crowded places, Emma wouldn’t have any other problems.

An expensive and very professional part-time helper would take care of everything for her.

She just needed to take care of the two kids. She didn’t need to think about cleaning, doing laundry, grocery shopping or cooking.

Of course, that was all Luke would invest in her.

A young mother with two kids clearly wasn’t suitable for him to train.

Also, a large reason for her conflict with Afterlife was because she didn’t want to be controlled.

Luke didn’t want to become a second Afterlife, so this investment was made by a “real” alias that had nothing to do with him. It could be considered a deal between the alias and Emma.

It could be said that he was providing this service in anticipation of Emma helping out once in the future. After that, nobody would owe anyone any more favors.

Although Emma had misgivings about this condition, Luke’s alias hadn’t signed a contract with her and they had only made a verbal agreement.

For Luke, this was nothing more than a small amount of money. He wasn’t banking on using her.

After all, if he used this sort of chess piece, things would get tricky.

‘When the time came, it was hard to say if Emma would have the courage to help.

Luke preferred teammates whom he had trained up over a long period of observation.

The special force, for example, would gather without hesitation once he gave the signal, no matter who their opponents were.

They were the most trustworthy and devoted.

The next day, Skye was sent off as well.

She went to a place less than a kilometer away from the seaside villa where the Level 2 clone was, so it would be easier for Luke to go over with the equipment to examine her.

Almost a week later, the shock absorbers which Luke had modified many times were finally completed.

During this time, the Level 2 clone had spent 300 credit points, which was all converted into Light of Life to preserve Skye’s arms.

If he hadn’t done that, Skye’s arms would’ve been shattered.

Not everyone could hold superpowers.

Emma, for example, had been too lucky. Otherwise, not only would she have burned herself to death when her power was triggered, she would have also implicated others — like her sons.

Now that she was wearing the shock absorbers, which looked like mechanical gloves, Skye could finally relax..

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