Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1528 - Shock Absorbers and Treasure

Chapter 1528 - Shock Absorbers and Treasure

Chapter 1528: Shock Absorbers and Treasure

Translator: Henyee TranslationsEditor: Henyee Translations

A person who was obsessed with the Internet and computer hacking would be utterly depressed if she lost her hands. josei

It would be inconvenient for Skye to walk around outside with these shock absorbers on, but she could stay inside and focus on her keyboard.

There were only two things she needed to do every day: Firstly, learn all sorts of things. Secondly, train to control the shock waves that came out of nowhere.

She and Luke chatted for a while every night via video call. The “technician” who modified the shock absorbers also no longer dropped by, and her life turned peaceful.

After solving Skye’s problem for the time being, Luke’s focus switched to something else.

It was a matter related to Skye, but it started with the harvest from the previous “snake-catching” operation.

During the fight in the washroom in Congo, Luke had taken the briefcases of both parties involved in the underground deal.

Both sides were underground merchants. The system wouldn’t defend this sort of deal.

‘The goods were three stolen antique weapons.

However, Luke hadn’t been able to find the owner, and there was no way to return them.

Before putting them in storage, he did a routine inspection on them, only to discover that they were made of the same material, which was extremely rare and special.

In terms of style, the antique weapons belonged to several African tribes from hundreds of years ago, which no longer existed.

If it wasn’t for the special material, the weapons would only sell for 2,000 dollars at most.

At that time, the buyer had brought 200,000 dollars with him.

While he was racking his brain over how to control the energy of Skye’s vibrations, Luke quickly remembered this metal.

It could absorb the vibrations significantly, but at the same time, it would lose its durability at a particular wave frequency.

Luke had immediately used this unusual metal in the “shock absorbers.”

Only a very small amount was required to conduct the shock waves away from Skye’s hands so that they didn’t shatter.

Once the shock waves absorbed by the metal reached a saturation point, Skye just needed to release it on a target — this could include into the air.

‘The shock waves absorbed and then released by the special metal had a compound effect. With one punch, Skye could easily shatter a 20-cm concrete wall.

With this pair of “shock absorbers,” Skye would actually be a superhuman with combat ability.

Although there were better names, Luke still chose “shock absorbers.”

For now, the only thing they could do was slow down the vibrations in Skye’s arms.

Also, it was a prototype that had been invented in a hurry. It had very simple functions, and didn’t need a codename that was too impressive.

Once he could increase the upper limit of the shock absorbers and make a device that could control the power output, Skye would become a “shock wave cannon.”

At that time, she would be the clean energy source for this “cannon,” which would be efficient and sterile, and didn’t need to be refueled. It was simply perfect.

Luke could only scratch his head at the fact that this supergirl had inexplicably popped up out of nowhere. He had clearly designated her as a tech whiz in the beginning, but in the blink of an eye, the girl had fallen into the abyss of “violent output.”

Why do we have to be so violent when the world is so peaceful? Luke asked himself.

He then got his answer: It was all the fault of the Chitauri! Hm, and the fault also belonged to Loki and Hydra, and the Hand and the High Table, and all other criminal elements in the world!

It’s not my fault, but this world’s fault! It’s these criminals and damn aliens that are forcing me to go further and further down the path of violence!

‘After he was done psyching himself up, Luke cheerfully studied the special metal.

If Skye could use it, naturally, so could Luke.

This thing could absorb shock waves, but was afraid of a sound wave at a particular frequency.

Luke’s Elementary Sound Wave was the best experimental “tool” for testing the metal’s characteristics.

Ina normal situation, the special metal was extremely durable and impervious to temperature changes, no matter how cold or hot it got.

It was only unable to cope with a sound wave at a particular frequency, which was when it could be processed.

‘There were too many experiments to carry out.

Apart from the particular sound wave which made it malleable, it could store many types of sound waves.

Sound waves were, in the end, a type of shock wave.

Skye’s shock absorbers could absorb shock waves, but what if Luke made a device that could store sound waves for later release in one go?

For example… if he used Lion’s Roar x2 or even x10, would his opponent be directly shredded to pieces, or die from bleeding from all their orifices?

It was an interesting question, and a very powerful means of combat and support.

It could only be said that Skye really was a treasure.

He had dug randomly and unearthed two good things!

As for her own actual combat ability? Sorry, Luke really hadn’t considered that.

Skye wasn’t a battle fanatic like Mindy.

Luke had never thought of grooming her into a combatant, because the one thing he didn’t lack was support.

It was good for the girl to play around on the computer. It was normal to leave fighting and killing to the adults.

After the big party, Director George told the public that a fault with the wiring had led to certain combustible items blowing up.

The investigation was ongoing.

Luke, as the “owner” of the building, didn’t protest, and even helped out in secret. The people here got free food and shelter, and they hadn’t even been injured. What objections could they have?

NYPD wasn’t in the mood to care about a fire that didn’t involve any victims. This matter would soon become an unsolved cold case.

Except for some people who were uneasy and moved out of the shelter, everything went on as usual.

The burned section was in one corner of the building and didn’t affect the main structure. After reinforcement and refurbishment, the building could still be used.

For the time being, the “charred” rooms in that comer remained under maintenance and were left to Luke’s own Clinton renovation company.

Most of his energy was devoted to the research project on the Level 2 clone’s end, while he himself went to the office with Selina, slipped away and worked cases every day, and life retuned to normal.

They got off work at half past three as usual.

Selina drove them home. Not long after they left HQ, an absent-minded Luke suddenly sensed a familiar figure out of the corner of his eye.

He turned his attention to a guy wearing a light brown leather jacket, and smiled. “Selina, let’s go to the gym.”

Selina turned and immediately saw the person who walked into the gym. She smiled. “Don’t tell me your hands are itchy?”

Luke basically never fought her one-on-one.

Without her symbiosis with Gold Nugget, there was too big a gap between them, and there wasn’t much point in sparring together.

The person who had just entered the gym was the only one who could go toe-to-toe with Luke.

After all, that man was a beast who could kill hundreds of Chitauri soldiers with a shield..

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