Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1529 - Second Match, and Just Do It

Chapter 1529 - Second Match, and Just Do It

Chapter 1529: Second Match, and Just Do It

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Luke parked the car, and two people and one dog walked into the gym.

After Luke bought the gym, it would close daily at three in the afternoon. It was now almost four in the afternoon, and most people had left.

The only person left had already changed into his exercise gear and was punching a sandbag.

‘With muffled bangs, the sandbag was sent flying back and forth.

“Ah!” He roared and punched out.

Bam! The sandbag broke off and was sent flying five meters away.

Panting heavily, he slowly lowered his hands, unable to vent his frustration.

D*mn Howard, d*mn Pierce, d*mn Fury! That bunch of idiots actually let Hydra swallow up SHIELD.

Were they all idiots?

It hadn’t been easy for him and his comrades to destroy Hydra, that monster organization, but now, SHIELD had become a bigger Hydra!

To achieve his objective, he bade farewell to the woman he loved, jumped onto the plane, and crashed it into the ocean.

Bucky, his good buddy, was nowhere to be seen, and was probably already dead.

Decades later, Steve was fished up from the bottom of the ocean and woke up. Was it all just to take down Hydra again? This ending... was simply ridiculous!

Panting, he walked over to another sandbag.

He had only been warming up just now. He needed to work off more energy, or he might not be able to help but beat Nick Fury up.

Technically speaking, Nick Fury wasn’t the only one responsible for this; he probably had the smallest part.

But Howard had been dead for more than ten years, and Pierce was a member of the World Security Council. The only person he could beat up was Nick Fury.

Unfortunately, that was just a thought.

He was a soldier. He couldn’t think of a solution to SHIELD’s current problem.

When he left earlier, Nick Fury had still been as inscrutable as ever, standing by the window and looking into the distance.

Nick Fury was definitely a great schemer.

No matter how dangerous it was, he wouldn’t panic.

Now, not only wasn’t Nick Fury making any big moves, he was also giving Steve a break, provided he remained on standby.

He had just captured a few Hydra members before he called it a day. What was this guy thinking? As Steve pondered, his ears twitched and he turned to look at the door, only to see Luke, Selina and a dog standing there.

In the gym, when Steve was the only one around, the sounds of the door opening and footsteps were very obvious.

Looking at his expression, Luke smiled. “It seems you lack an opponent.”

Steve smiled too. “Then why don’t you do it?”

Luke nodded. “Sure. Same rules?”

Steve bumped his gloves twice. “Just boxing.”

Luke took off his uniform, two rarely seen guns in their holsters, and a few odds and ends from his waist.

He warmed up at the same time as he flexed and bounced lightly on his feet.

Selina smiled and watched with Gold Nugget.

To be honest, Steve was the only person she was more curious about in the Avengers.

She knew more than most people about what Tony was like.

Thor and the Hulk weren’t human and not fun at all.

She had beaten up Natasha in the semi-symbiotic state.

Hawkeye’s long-range damage output was indeed outstanding, but Luke was the professional who was best at long-range skills.

Steve, on the other hand, was legendary in both identity and deeds.

More importantly, the fact that he could come back to life after being “dead” for decades was even more impressive.

Should Batman do the same one day and come back to life? Many people would be shocked.

‘While Selina was daydreaming, Luke and Steve were already in the boxing ring. josei

This was the second time they were fighting. They no longer tested each other, and directly started fighting.

This time, however, Luke didn’t take short jabs, but used the traditional boxing style as he punched Steve full on.

Bam! Bam! Bam! The sound resounded in the gym.

Selina focused.

The two people in front of her were the strongest hand-to-hand fighters she had seen — as limited to Earthlings.

Monsters that could blow up a Chitauri battleship with just a punch or a hammer didn’t count.

While the match was played by the rules, it was still extremely exciting.

Every attack and defense choice was simple and efficient.

Selina wasn’t that second-rate fighter from two years ago. Her combat training program had been tailored for her by Luke, and was the only one of its kind.

After Luke became a combat master, the way he looked at things was different. All his training was very focused.

Selina’s practical skills were close to the peak of Basic Combat, and her insight had grown.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been able to successfully ambush Loki in the Battle of New York.

Someone who was too weak wasn’t qualified to ambush a strong opponent.

The battle between the two in the ring gradually tured intense.

Luke suddenly leapt out of the boxing ring and waved at Steve to continue.

At that moment, Steve’s eyes were no longer dark and angry, but full of excitement.

Fighting with fists hitting flesh, and unconstrained by the environment, felt very liberating.

They still couldn’t attack with their feet, but among the various equipment in the gym, their fighting styles changed completely.

Something like punching an opponent in the stomach while doing a roll wasn’t something you could do on the level floor of the boxing ring.

However, with the help of various equipment and chairs, the two parties attacked in an increasing flow of unusual ways.

While they couldn’t use their feet, boxing didn’t limit contact with other parts of the body.

A moment later, even Selina couldn’t help but step back.

Leaning against the wall, she crossed her arms. These two guys were too ruthless! Thankfully, she didn’t have to fight them, or her vital organs would’ve been blown up.

As women, she and Natasha were more skilled, but less lethal.


But this was like a confrontation between two sides where one party had already reached the stage where they could easily crush their opponent in every aspect.

It would be very hard for the other party to turn things around no matter what tricks they used.

Selina mulled over this. Sure enough, blunt force was the way to go! Gold Nugget’s tricks wouldn’t be as effective against these two.

As long as there was an opening, the tables could be turned.

This was the way of pure combat.

After fighting for ten minutes, Steve finally raised his hand and signaled at Luke to stop.

Luke reacted swiftly and stopped. He gasped, “Still feel like beating someone up?”

Steve was also panting as he pulled at the ties on his gloves with his teeth. “Yes, but I don’t want to beat up just anyone.”

Luke shook his head with a smile and started taking off his gloves. “There are some things you shouldn’t spend too much time thinking about. You just need to confirm your goal and just do it.”

Steve paused, a strange expression on his face. “What are you trying to say?”

Luke chuckled. “Isn’t all this because of a pretty girl? Don’t tell me you’ll still be polite if someone robs you of your girl, and you’ll let them?”

Steve was lost for words for a moment before he burst out laughing. “That’s true..”

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