Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1586 - Brother-in-law’s Secret Observation, and One Round

Chapter 1586 - Brother-in-law’s Secret Observation, and One Round

Chapter 1586 Brother-in-law’s Secret Observation, and One Round

After the Battle of New York, Damon and Mindy used their credit points to clear their “debt” with Luke in one go, and finally had enough money to spend.

It wasn’t that the father and daughter had been very poor before; it was just that every time they spent a lot, they remembered their huge debt.

Thus, they subconsciously tightened their purse strings and didn’t dare spend money casually.

After the father and daughter cleared their debt, they had enough credit points left to pay for future equipment upgrades.

Luke also gave his teammates a huge bonus after the Battle of New York.

Also, Mindy had become friends with Nikki and Monica, and was no longer trying to quit school.

So, when Mindy suggested setting up a separate training site, Damon readily agreed.

After on-site inspections, they chose a location where the landscape and terrain weren’t too


It was in one corner on the very edge of the neighborhood, so it was very quiet.

It was a bungalow next to a slope that didn’t have much of a view.

The slightly higher terrain hid the house from view. From a distance, the roof of the house couldn’t be seen.

On the road, they could only see the turn into the house.

All of this was an advantage for Mindy and the others.

When all was said and done, they couldn’t let loose when training indoors, but they could go all out when they were outside.

Damon did some “landscaping” to turn the outdoors into a training site.

It was just small modifications to the trees and flowers which didn’t diminish the surrounding scenery but added to it instead.

Damon successfully tricked the neighborhood committee here into agreeing to his blueprint.

In fact, it was a perfect mockup of a “house training map.”

Coupled with the cover of some low trees near the intersection, it was difficult for outsiders to see them from the road, which made it easier for Damon, Mindy, Monica and Nikki to train.

The only things in the bungalow that had been left untouched were the toilet, bathroom and kitchen. Everything else had basically been converted into professional training rooms. josei

While the girls changed into their training clothes, Luke returned with hot coffee and snacks.

Why was the coffee hot? How could a detective work comfortably without anything in his car for heating up things?

After preparing drinks and snacks, he sat down and waited for the monkey show.

That was right. In Luke’s eyes, this was just a monkey show.

No matter what Claire and Mindy did, could they escape his hold?

So, he let them play. In any case, nothing big would happen.

If they didn’t take advantage of this moment to enjoy their childhood, they might not be in the mood to do so in the future when all sorts of major events happened.

He took a sip of his coffee and looked at Stacy. “Want some?”

After a brief hesitation, Stacy shook her head. “I’m a little sensitive to caffeine. I can’t fall asleep easily after drinking it.”

Luke was amused.

Stacy’s ability could be considered a physical attribute. If she couldn’t sleep at night, it definitely wouldn’t be because of caffeine, but because she really didn’t need that much sleep.

The only reason she said that was because he didn’t have any extra cups, and it wasn’t appropriate for her to go get one herself.

He pushed the food box over. “There’s no caffeine in these, but they’re a little hot.”

This time, Stacy didn’t refuse. She picked up a taiyaki with red bean filling and took a bite. Her eyes couldn’t help but narrow in satisfaction.

Sweet foods were the ultimate favorite.

What Luke felt was too sweet was something that a lot of Americans would scramble to eat. In comparison, this taiyaki was still low in calories. “You’re not going to play with them?” asked Luke casually.

Stacy paused for a moment before she said vaguely, “I don’t like exercise much.”

Luke took another sip of his coffee with a smile. Not bad, she was quite cautious.

It was a pity that her mental fortitude was still too poor. Otherwise, in the face of a future brother-in-law, she would have to pay attention to the lies she told.

You claim that you don’t like exercise with your physique? In front of a detective, you’re too green.

It would have been more believable if she said that she was on her period. At the very least, Luke wouldn’t bother with a physiological problem like that. After time passed, there would be no proof.

On the other hand, if she said she didn’t like exercise, she would have to lie to Claire as well, which would be troublesome in the future.

No wonder Stacy, who had been running around as a set extra for the past few months, hadn’t gotten anywhere in her career.

With her lousy acting and ordinary mental fortitude, how could she win against those neurotic directors?

The great acting master and safety instructor Luke secretly chastised this half-student of his, and decided that he would give her more acting lessons for this month’s “pop quiz.”

Stacy didn’t know that Luke was about to veto her months of acting and give her more training

At that moment, she only snuck absentminded looks at her “brother-in-law.”

He was much more mature than when he had been in Los Angeles a year ago.

His initial babyface… Well, it was still a babyface. Even if he was wearing Gucci sunglasses, one could tell that he was young.

However, he gave Stacy the feeling that he was even more mature.

But since she had a grudge against him, she immediately dismissed the thought and told herself that it was an illusion.

She couldn’t help but sigh.

To be honest, Stacy really didn’t know what to do about Luke.

Who the hell knew why she had fallen for Claire?

She had been with the twins for so long, but had never felt this sort of “like.”

After undergoing psychological training, she couldn’t help but analyze the reason. In the end, she had to admit that maybe it was only Claire whom she liked.

While she was feeling conflicted, someone next to her silently used Mental Communication to “peek” into her thoughts. He usually wouldn’t do it with his own people, but now that Claire was involved, this was the only treatment that Stacy, who had yet to be confirmed as a “backup” teammate, could receive.

In the end, family always came first.

So far, it seemed that there was no need for him to intervene.

Claire was free to like who or whatever she wanted. Unless what she liked was very dangerous, there was no need for him to interfere.

For example, Stacy could only be considered a cigarette at most; she wasn’t drugs.

He could crush this cigarette with one fist. It wasn’t like she was the only “cigarette” in the world.

At that moment, the four girls came out of the bathroom.

Claire was wearing a brand new training outfit of Nikki’s. They were close in height and size, so it was fine to use it for the time being.

On their way out, Claire and Mindy’s gazes collided every now and then.

It was like primary school students jostling each other.

When they got to the ring, they stopped at the same time.

Mindy blinked. “How about a round?”

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