Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1587 - Claire vs Mindy, Fight!

Chapter 1587 - Claire vs Mindy, Fight!

Chapter 1587 Claire vs Mindy, Fight!

Claire nodded with a smile. “Okay, let’s have a round. Do you want to do judo or boxing?”

Mindy chuckled and waved her hand. “We don’t play kids’ games here. How about UFC rules?”

Claire raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure?”

Mindy said, “Don’t worry. You’re Luke’s sister. I won’t hurt you too badly.”

Claire nodded thoughtfully. “That’s true. You’re Luke’s friend. Then that’s fine.”

Luke’s lips twitched. These two really liked to act so pretentiously!

But Mindy would definitely be the one to suffer more.

After all, Claire was his sister. He had already given her the biggest cheat he could pull out; it would be hard for her to lose.

He swiftly composed a message via his sunglasses and sent it to Gold Nugget at home. Claire couldn’t be allowed to use her full strength.

Otherwise, Mindy would probably cry today.

While he was sending the message, the fight had already started.

Nikki and Monica had initially planned to watch the show.

Although Luke was very good, Claire didn’t look like a strong opponent.

Ultimately, fighting depended on talent.

Mindy had trained with them for so long; she definitely wasn’t someone whom ordinary people could stand up against.

It was understandable that Luke, as a professional detective, would be good at combat.

His sister, on the other hand, was only a college student. Even with his guidance, she might not be that good.

Less than 30 seconds later, Nikki and Monica looked at each other in bewilderment. It seemed… that Mindy was being overwhelmed?

They focused their attention on the fight again, and soon realized the problem. In terms of combat skills and experience, Mindy completely crushed Claire.

But Claire was too fast. Even Mindy, who had unusual reflexes, was inferior to her.

Among top combat experts, those who reacted one out of 100 seconds faster didn’t just have a 1% advantage. Claire didn’t have much experience, but her distinctive combat skills looked very familiar.

Ordinary people might not feel anything, but Nikki had Muscle Control and Monica had Elementary Imitation, so they were very sensitive to movements.

They had learned a lot of tricks from Luke.

They could tell with one glance that this was clearly Luke’s style.

Thus, it was a competition between experience and speed. Unfortunately, they didn’t know that Claire was only using part of her strength. It was the mysterious old man who had told her to allow Mindy some dignity, so she absolutely couldn’t use all her strength. Otherwise, she could send Mindy flying ten meters with one punch.

The symbiosis with Gold Nugget was just that domineering

Claire couldn’t use a strength buff, but she couldn’t reduce her reaction speed either, and that was enough to suppress Mindy. However, Claire’s expression wasn’t as calm as in the beginning

She was already 19, and she had a mysterious old man helping to boost her strength. Plus, she was also cultivating the Kunlun Chi Refining Technique which Luke had taught her.

In a situation like this, a 14-year-old girl who wasn’t fully grown yet could actually fight her.

If the mysterious old man hadn’t improved her physique, she really wouldn’t be Mindy’s match.

Mindy was also very surprised. She was actually being suppressed by someone who didn’t have much combat experience.

Although she still had the Kunlun Chi Refining Technique as a trump card, Mindy could tell from Claire’s expression and movements that she still had some strength to spare. In this situation, she had already lost. Even if this wasn’t a real fight and she couldn’t be ruthless, the opponents whom she met in real battle were usually more experienced and very ruthless.

This meant that if Claire had ample experience, she could still suppress Mindy in a real battle.

Amidst their mental turmoil, the fight grew increasingly intense.

Recognizing how outstanding the other party was didn’t mean that they had to admit defeat.

The two of them were at loggerheads right now, and wouldn’t stop until they determined who was better.

Stacy frowned.

She wasn’t an ordinary person either, and wasn’t any less talented than the other four girls. Luke’s training course also contained a lot of combat content.

A moment later, she suddenly came back to herself and asked in a low voice, “Should we stop them? That little girl won’t be able to take it for much longer.”

Luke sipped leisurely on his coffee and bit into another slice of cake. “It’s up to them.”

Stacy opened her mouth, then closed it, not knowing how to reply.

It was mostly because she had suddenly realized something.

If he stepped in, that would prove that he liked to meddle. Then, would he meddle even more in her and Claire’s matter?

But something didn’t seem right either when he didn’t step in. josei

Luke, however, chuckled inwardly. What a good excuse.

Once these two naughty monkeys were done fighting, he would be able to outright lecture them.

Claire was already 19, and had been specially trained by her brother, but she actually couldn’t beat a 14-year-old girl. Thumbs down!

Mindy had already participated in the Battle of New York, but she couldn’t defeat a college student who was still studying. She was just as bad!

Look at how perfect things were! Neither side could escape.

As a third party who was destined to profit, Luke wasn’t in a hurry.

For the moment, he enjoyed his coffee and snacks leisurely.

The two girls continued pummeling each other.

This monkey contest went on for far longer than the onlookers had expected.

The fight lasted ten minutes before it ended with Claire using a limb lock on Mindy.

In this regard, Mindy, who was weaker and shorter, was at a disadvantage.

After losing the fight, she was even more unreconciled.

So, they went to the training ground outside for more sparring

An hour later, Claire beat Mindy five to three.

But Claire wasn’t happy about winning, and Mindy was even more dejected.

Looking at Claire’s black eyes and Mindy’s half-swollen cheeks, Luke gloated.

It wasn’t that he was heartless; this could only be considered collateral damage in combat training.

If they didn’t want something like this to happen, they might as well not fight for the rest of their lives.

Hm, of course, this had been Claire and Mindy exchanging pointers.

If it were someone else who dared to beat up his sister and two-star teammate, then that was another story.

After the fight was over, Luke took the injured girls to his place, and Nikki, Monica and Stacy were invited as well.

A few more people made no difference.

A moment later, the three girls who were visiting Luke’s place for the first time were both excited and curious.

In the end, Claire could be considered the winner, and with Stacy asking her all sorts of questions, she quickly tossed her gloom aside.

Mindy cheered up when Gold Nugget ran over and licked her. She hugged Gold Nugget’s big head and whispered to it about how much she had suffered today.

Gold Nugget’s consciousness decisively hid deep. I can’t hear you, I can’t hear you! It was Claire who hit you, not me!

Then, using the pretext of a special ointment, Luke rubbed a bit of Selina’s cleansing lotion on Claire and Mindy and used Elementary Light of Life to heal them.

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