Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 632 - Foul Language and Late Puberty

Chapter 632 - Foul Language and Late Puberty

Chapter 632 Foul Language and Late Puberty

“Why are you still in L.A.? And you were still out and about in the last two days?” Luke smelled blood from her waist injury.

It had clearly re-opened.

Bloodmint put the pistol away and was silent for a moment before she said, “It’s been too chaotic recently. What can they do if I leave?”

She looked at the slums outside the window.

Luke heaved a soundless sigh. Was this woman a saint in her past life? Her own life was so tragic, yet she didn’t forget to protect these people whom she barely knew.

He typed: “You should go. You can come out of hiding after a few months at least. I’ll keep an eye on things here for you.” Bloodmint was silent. There was a struggle in her eyes.

Luke typed again: “The police’s attention is now focused on Alex, who was just arrested. This is the best time to leave. Once things settle down, the police will come after you again. You’ll be found sooner or later.”

Bloodmint finally took a deep breath. She appeared at a loss. “But where can I go?”

Luke thought for a moment before he took out a key as well as a note which had a long string of letters and numbers printed on it, and gave them to her. “Rio, Brazil.”

Bloodmint looked at him strangely. “What’s this?”

“The key and password to a safe in a certain private bank in Rio. The cash in it will be enough for you to lay low for a while,” continued the anchor’s voice. “I can’t accept this.” Bloodmint frowned and wanted to give it back.

Luke raised his hand. “It isn’t hard for you to make money with your skills, but to avoid the police and the Fraternity, it would be best for you not to do anything. Take this money and live quietly for the time being.”

Bloodmint shook her head again. “I’ll go, but I don’t need this.”

Luke chuckled soundlessly, before he typed and played: “Just consider it a loan. You can pay it back with interest after this period. But you’ll have more options if you have enough money, so don’t turn this down.”

Looking at Bloodmint, who was still hesitating, he thought for a moment before he added, “Rebecca spent some time in Rio as well. She left in a good mood. Maybe you will, too.”

Bloodmint was tempted. After hesitating for a long while, she finally nodded. “Then consider this as me borrowing the money from you.”

Luke nodded in satisfaction. “If possible, don’t give up on working out, otherwise you won’t be able to defend your turf when you return.”

Bloodmint was lost for words.

The little girl had told her how thirty of Garcia’s men were killed.

This Puncher was even stronger than she had imagined. No wonder he said he and Rebecca were close.

The weak wouldn’t win Rebecca’s respect.

Luke: “Remember, leave Los Angeles in a day or two.”

Bloodmint: “Why the rush?”

Luke: “I’ll clean up this area. There’ll definitely be a lot of people who’ll be coming around here to look for leads.” Bloodmint: “...Got it. I’ll leave latest the day after tomorrow.”

Luke: “You promise?”

Bloodmint smiled bitterly. “I promise.”

Luke nodded in satisfaction. “You can still follow L.A. news when you’re abroad. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.”

Bloodmint: “Huh?”

Luke didn’t say anything after that, and simply slipped out of the van.

He was only giving Bloodmint a hand in passing. The key and password which he gave her came from Pedro, that minor boss in Rio.

Luke hadn’t thought much of the two million in cash back then, and had only taken the key and the password. Letting Bloodmint use that trash now wasn’t a bad idea.

As a semi-official Fraternity assassin, she was somewhat of an extraordinary person herself. She was ruthless toward criminals but had compassion for people she didn’t know in the slums, which matched Luke’s own worldview.

Also, considering Bloodmint’s personality, she would definitely pay back this favor.

It was for this reason that Luke had called on her before his cleanup, so that she wouldn’t become collateral damage.

Bloodmint was fierce, but her imagination was limited by her capabilities.

Relying purely on passive defense to protect an area was impossible. Thinking this, a cold light flashed in Luke’s eyes.

The east side of Los Angeles was basically uneventful that night.

Selina yawned and got up. Smelling the aroma of food through the slightly open door, she complained, “Can’t you close the door when you go out?”

Getting out of bed and putting on a T-shirt, she glanced at Gold Nugget’s luxurious dog house and was even more unhappy. “I already said a million times, switch to hibernation mode if you’re not using the tablet. The battery’s running out but you don’t charge it. Is Gold Nugget going through puberty? Why doesn’t it listen to anything?”

That being said, she still plugged in the tablet to charge it, paused the show that was playing, and switched it to hibernation mode.

However, the intense battle scene on the tablet made her want to beat the dog again. What use is there in watching this? You’re not human!

As she grumbled about a particular dog head, she went to wash her face and brush her teeth.

It was still dark outside, but she already had enough sleep.

These days, she could go to bed before midnight and get up at five in the morning without feeling exhausted during the day.

The benefit of rising early was that there was more time for breakfast. She would read the news and files for an hour, train for an hour, and then go to work with Luke. There was plenty of time for breakfast.

Coming out of the bathroom, she went to the kitchen.

Gold Nugget was sitting at the kitchen door as usual and accepting food samples from Luke every now and then.

When Luke asked if it tasted good, it nodded its head.

Hearing the noise, Dollar looked back and immediately went over to greet its young master obediently.

This was Dollar’s natural instinct, so Gold Nugget never stopped it. The dog would feel depressed if it was stopped, and Gold Nugget would suffer from that emotion as well. Besides, Selina’s arrival meant that breakfast would start soon, and it wouldn’t need to rely on small snacks to sate its hunger.

Everybody wolfed down the food at the dinner table.

When they were done eating, Gold Nugget looked at Luke pitifully again.

Luke ruthlessly squashed its delusions. “The food on the stove is for Claire. That’s not nearly enough for you. If you want to eat more, you can have some raw beef and seafood.”

Gold Nugget quickly gave up.

Actually, it wasn’t that hungry; it was just a gutton.

Claire had a much smaller appetite than the three of them. The two steamers of buns on the stove indeed weren’t enough for Gold Nugget.

Luke petted the dog with a smile. “We’ll go to the cake store and buy you a Napoleon cake. Will that do?”

Pleased, Gold Nugget nodded. Selina, however, mumbled, “This guy’s going through puberty. It doesn’t listen to anything I say. We should cut down on its snacks for two days.”

Gold Nugget immediately bristled and barked. Selina was shocked. “You’re swearing?”

Gold Nugget instantly wilted and began to whine. josei

Selina pointed at it. “Look, it picked up foul language from watching HBO every day.”

Gold Nugget couldn’t defend itself as it had really learned those obscenities from TV shows.

Luke heaved a sigh. “Gold Nugget, don’t tell me you’re really going through puberty?”

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