Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 633 - Beginnings of an Earthquake, and Police Pressure

Chapter 633 - Beginnings of an Earthquake, and Police Pressure

Chapter 633 Beginnings of an Earthquake, and Police Pressure

Puberty basically equated to the rebellious phase.

During this phase, many kids would act out and challenge everything and anyone.

In Luke’s two lives, he had seen too many hotblooded and disobedient kids. They gave him quite the headache.

Gold Nugget shook its head quickly.

It would be an idiot to acknowledge it; wasn’t that giving the fiend an excuse to take back the twenty thousand dollars it had just earned from the mission?

It was bold enough to argue with Selina because it was mentally connected to Selina and knew that she loved Dollar and therefore treated it nicely.

Besides, Selina was forgiving. She never really punished it even if she claimed she would.

On the contrary, the fiend might smile every day, but when he got angry, he would give

Id Nugget an “energy rubdown.” It was as painful as an electric shock for humans.

That wasn’t something it wanted to experience at all.

Luke glanced at it and nodded. “Alright, it seems you’re not getting cocky.” Turning his head, he said to Selina, “You should let it watch more soap operas when it has nothing to do. The kind about old friends, the trials of adolescence, I love my home – that sort of thing.” Selina was enlightened. “That’s right. That should teach it more about life.”

Gold Nugget couldn’t be any more despairing.

It knew that the fiend was always biased toward Selina. josei

Gold Nugget, who had been about to go through late puberty, was scared back into obedience.

Its mood didn’t improve until they left home and it had today’s cake. When it came to food, the fiend was quite nice to it, at least. Hm, he was also generous enough with money.

After the ocean liner mission last time, Luke asked Gold Nugget how much of a bonus it wanted, and it had asked for twenty thousand dollars. Luke had handed the money over in full right away.

As to why the pilot could get two hundred thousand dollars, Selina had also explained it to the dog head. That man’s special plane could be considered an early investment, and most of the money for the ticket covered the plane’s depreciation cost.

In comparison, the dog head was only doing hard labor, so it naturally couldn’t be paid as much.

Just as its mood was starting to recover, the ground suddenly shook, and Gold Nugget dropped the Napoleon cake that was in its mouth.

Although it reacted fast enough to save it, a bit of the cream still fell onto the backseat.

The dog frowned and quickly swallowed the cake in a few bites, before it licked the cushion with its big tongue.

Unfortunately, the cream had already slid into the gap between the cushions.

It’s over! I’m going to be taught another lesson! The dog couldn’t be any more despairing It furtively raised its head and looked at the front seat, only to see that Luke hadn’t noticed at all, but was looking outside with his brow furrowed.

At that moment, the ground hadn’t stopped shaking

Luke pulled over and said, “It’s an earthquake. Selina, turn on the cameras and see if there’s been any disasters nearby.”

As far as he could tell, this wasn’t a small earthquake.

An earthquake that could shake a moving car had to be a magnitude five at least, and the source couldn’t be far away.

Luke got out and stood on the road.

The tremors were even more obvious and lasted more than thirty seconds. He started to wonder; don’t tell him it was a major earthquake?

Luckily, the tremors settled in less than a minute and didn’t go higher than a magnitude five. It wasn’t too bad.

Inside the car, Selina alerted him: “There’s activity on our internal channel. A huge number of emergency calls are flooding in regarding accidents caused by the earthquake.”

Frowning, Luke quickly got in and started the car. “Okay. Gold Nugget, stop licking. It wasn’t your fault.”

Gold Nugget’s scrunched-up face immediately relaxed. It barked.

Luke: “However, you have to be more careful when you eat. You’re the only one who sits


Gold Nugget began to whine.

Selina snorted. “You have the nerve to say you’ll wash it? I’m the one who washes it for you every time. Your new dog house is even more complicated. How can it be washed in the future?”

Gold Nugget barked in dissatisfaction.

Luke said with a smile, “It’s fine, the dog house can be vacuumed. It doesn’t smell, anyway.” Gold Nugget was conflicted. It’s true that I don’t smell, but why does it feel weird, the way you say it? When they arrived at the police department, all the detectives of the Major Crimes Division were waiting in the hall.

After they arrived, Dustin nodded. “Okay, basically everybody’s here now. Let me now explain what we’ll be facing today.”

Nobody in the Major Crimes Division was really surprised. They knew that Dustin had been waiting for Selina and Luke.

Dustin coughed lightly and said, “The epicenter of the earthquake this morning is about sixty kilometers to the north of the city center, and we clearly felt the tremors here. A lot of emergency calls are now coming in. If it’s a regular case that isn’t directly related to the earthquake, ignore it, got it?”

“Got it,” replied everybody at the same time. “Law and order has been shaky in L.A. recently. After this earthquake, there’s bound to be many people who’ll take advantage of the disaster.” Dustin continued, “So, I want you to warn the gangs under your jurisdiction not to cause trouble for us during this time, or we’ll settle the score with them later.”

Everybody nodded silently.

They were being asked to notify the gangs that they were familiar with.

Of course, that didn’t mean that they were colluding with the gangs.

Once this was over, LAPD would come down even harder on whoever added to their woes during this time.

HQ had a division which specialized in gang affairs, but the Major Crimes Division detectives in each precinct couldn’t idle by either.

There were tens of thousands of gang members in Los Angeles. Relying on just HQ’s Gang Intelligence Unit to put pressure on the gangs wouldn’t scare the gangs at all. Conversely, the unit would just be run ragged, and wouldn’t be intimidating enough.

The Major Crimes Division was different.

Each Major Crimes Division was a tiger which clashed daily with the gangs in their precinct, and knew them very well.

If they really wanted to give the gangs a hard time, all they needed to do was set up a perimeter at a few critical locations.

This time, the detectives weren’t acting on their own, but with the collective will of the police department.

The police had no problem killing a few small fry who were acting up to intimidate their fellows.

Seeing everybody nod, Dustin lowered his voice and added, “Remember, HQ and the precinct are right behind you. Don’t worry too much. If any of them dares to try anything with you, don’t bother with it and just report back. SWAT has canceled all their leave and is standing by.”

Luke was amused.

Wasn’t this just telling them to use the simplest and crudest way to get things done?

Whoever dared to provoke them would receive a warm visit from the professional goons that were SWAT.

Dustin’s briefing lasted no more than five minutes before he dismissed everybody.

He just needed to let everybody know the official stance on this issue so that his subordinates would know what to do in the next few days.

During these few minutes, the phones rang nonstop in the Major Crimes Division, which suggested a super busy day for everybody. Luke and Selina didn’t leave in a hurry. Instead, they went to Elsa’s office.

As a small squad, they had to communicate with Elsa first before what looked like imminent chaos took place.

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