Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 714 - All Of You, Guilty!

Chapter 714 - All Of You, Guilty!

Chapter 714: All Of You, Guilty!

Elsewhere, Luke chatted with Karen as they rode the scooter to her house.

It was even more chaotic in Los Angeles at night. Coupled with the pedestrians on the streets, Luke could only slow the scooter down to twenty kilometers an hour.

He had put in a lot of effort to repair this old Vespa; he would feel bad if he even so much as scraped the paint.

The scooter circled the streets for half an hour before it finally reached Karen’s house.

Seeing that Luke was about to leave with a smile, Karen couldn’t help but invite him in. “Come in and sit for a bit...”

She paused for a moment before she said, “You must be a little tired after sending me back.”

Luke was amused. “It’s fine, I’m strong.”

Karen: “...”

He waved goodbye to Karen and rode off on his scooter as he murmured to himself, It’s almost ten at night. What will your parents think if I go in to rest?

He understood Karen’s intent, but he really didn’t have time to mess around with a young miss, especially one who was in search of thrills.

He wouldn’t be in Los Angeles for long and had a lot of work to do. He didn’t want to waste his time hooking up with Karen.

Riding on the scooter, he avoided areas with more cameras and deliberately passed through areas that lacked surveillance. He also beat up a few gangsters who wanted to rob him.

Those hooligans didn’t recognize the scooter, nor did they know how valuable it was.

This could only mean that law and order in the city was so bad that even poor people on scooters weren’t safe.

He found a safe house that he had set up earlier. He put on his Batman suit and sighed. “You really will retire soon.”

Compared with the new White Wolf Armor’s quick kit-out function, the Batman Armor was severely outdated in how it had to be put on manually.

But Batman was set up as a strong character and was a very useful target. Luke had to use the armor a few more times to make sure he got the most out of it.

Leaping down from the top of the apartment building, he moved through the dark alleys and buildings.

A group of hooligans was forcing a woman with a child into a dark corner. The woman shouted in panic, but the hooligans only laughed smugly. “Go ahead. Nobody will come even if you scream your throat out.”

“I’m here.” A mechanical voice rang out behind the hooligans.

The woman holding her kid stared at the black giant behind the hoodlums with wide eyes. Her lips trembled and she was so excited that she couldn’t speak.

Enraged, the gangsters turned around to see who dared mess with them.

They saw a black giant standing a few meters behind them. He slowly pointed at them. “All of you, guilty!” josei

“Bat- Batman!” a thug shouted as he trembled.

The next moment, the black giant charged into their midst, and the dull sound of flesh being hit and bones breaking rang out. All the hooligans’ arms were broken and they screamed.

Luke showed them no mercy. He picked out the gunmen and broke their thumbs and index fingers.

This wouldn’t affect them running for their lives during the earthquake, but with those two fingers out of commission, it would be very difficult for them to exert force with their hands, like in shooting.

The black giant looked at the woman with his dark red eyes. “Ma’am, you should hurry home.”

“Ah, what’s that? Ah!” The woman cried out as the black giant picked her up.

Taking a few running steps, Luke glided out to the main street, put them down, and left right away.

Stunned for a moment, the woman murmured, “Thank you, thank you!”

“Mom, Uncle Batman told us to go home. There are a lot of bad guys out,” the little boy in her arms reminded her.

The woman came back to her senses and ran off with her son in her arms.

The encounter with the hooligans had really scared her.


A bunch of hoodlums were happily moving things out of a supermarket.

The Chinese boss of the supermarket had already collapsed at the counter with blood all over his face.

He wasn’t dead and his injuries weren’t severe, but he didn’t want to be surrounded and beaten up again.

Helpless, he could only hide in one corner behind the counter and allow the hoodlums to pry open the cash register and start wantonly moving the goods out of the supermarket.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and the electronic female voice rang out. “Welcome.”

The criminals who were celebrating excitedly turned around.

“All of you, guilty!” Another cold and low mechanical voice rang out.

The black giant grabbed a beer chest and blocked the automatic doors before he charged into the supermarket.

The Chinese boss who was hiding behind the counter heard a series of bangs, and then four or five hoodlums flew past the counter.

He trembled and didn’t dare stick his head out.

In less than thirty seconds, everything settled down.

Footsteps approached the counter, and the boss felt a shadow cover him. He subconsciously raised his head and was stunned when he saw who it was.

The loose cash that Luke had found on the hoodlums fell from a giant palm and landed on the counter. “Keep your money safe.”

Stunned for a moment, the boss nodded. “Thank you, thank you!”

“Close your shop and call the police to arrest them. Now’s not the time to do business,” the black giant said before he walked out.

The Chinese boss stood up, only to see that the black giant had a rope dart in his other hand as he dragged out the five hoodlums.

The hooligans were very quiet. They were all suffering minor concussions, and as usual, all of them had their hands broken.

Outside the supermarket, Luke flicked his hand, and the rope dart flew back into it as if it were a living thing. The black figure then took a running leap and flew off.

Gritting his teeth, the Chinese boss dragged his aching body to the door. Looking at the unconscious hoodlums, his eyes flashed with relief. “You had this coming! You usually take a protection fee, but now you want to rob my supermarket!”

Getting up as he spoke, he grabbed a mop near the door and started beating up the hoodlums.

In the air, Luke turned to take a look, before he sped up.

These hoodlums had guns, and often extorted money from the Chinese boss.

They deserved to be beaten up by the boss!

He wouldn’t look down on this boss for beating dogs when they were down, and he didn’t feel that the boss was exploiting Batman’s power to do so.

Most of the time, ordinary people who ran small businesses quietly endured the pressure and didn’t resist.

A lot of phones started ringing at the same time, and the first words were all basically: “It’s Batman again.”

Ten minutes later, Luke dropped the two drug dealers he was holding and flushed the white crystals down the toilet.

He heard the warning from his smartphone via his earpiece. “Helicopters are coming. Several special vehicles are approaching.”

A simple map was displayed on the lenses in front of his eyes. Luke was the green dot in the middle, and more than twenty red dots were approaching him at varying speeds.

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