Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 715 - Start of the Earthquake, and the Tycoon Enters the Ring Again

Chapter 715 - Start of the Earthquake, and the Tycoon Enters the Ring Again

Chapter 715: Start of the Earthquake, and the Tycoon Enters the Ring Again

Luke didn’t bother too much with these people.

If they wanted to take action, he would beat them up without any hesitation and see how much experience and credit points he could earn.

Those who worked for government agencies weren’t necessarily good people; they might even be rich in experience and credit.

Daddy System gave the same experience and credit to people who did bad things. They didn’t become good people just because they helped the government do bad things.

For an acquaintance like Flegg, beating him up would earn Luke a lot of experience and credit points.

Of course, Luke wasn’t the system’s puppet.

The system’s restrictions were just the limits of a range, and it was up to him whether to act or not.

While he was thinking that, he felt a sense of danger. He dashed out of the window and went straight to the top of the apartment building.

At that moment, the building trembled slightly, and the fluctuation quickly grew stronger. In the end, the building started to shake and stir.

The earthquake was here!

Luke sent a message to Selina. “Tell Gold Nugget to take good care of Claire.”

Once the earthquake happened, all police officers, including Claire, would be deployed to maintain order and save the citizens.

It was impossible to keep Claire at home unless she was willing.

Luke didn’t like it when people criticized his actions, and Claire didn’t like it when people made all the decisions for her.

Don’t do unto others what you would not have done unto you!

Selina simply replied, “Got it.”

An ear-piercing siren rang out, followed by faint cries of alarm.

But after receiving Lawrence’s warning two days ago, the residents of Los Angeles were far less panicked than during the first earthquake.

The TV channels had also been playing earthquake survival knowledge. Coupled with the fact that night had already fallen, the chaos from the earthquake wasn’t too serious.

A minute later, the earthquake stopped. The sounds of all kinds of objects shaking disappeared, and the noise of people filled the city once more.

Luke raised his head and looked at the helicopters in the dark. He snorted. “I hope you don’t mess with me tonight, or I’ll attack you too.”

Saying that, he jumped down.

Getting into Selina’s car, Claire asked, “Is it okay for me to follow you when you’re on duty?”

Selina said, “Dollar follows me. An extra person won’t make a difference.”

Claire was upset. “I’m not a puppy.”

Gold Nugget barked.

Claire said, “Fine, Dollar, you’re a big dog.”

They drove Luke’s car out.

There was nothing else the police department could do except order all the officers to go out into the field.

It was impossible for the police officers to follow any sort of plan.

By the time they reached their destinations, it wouldn’t take long for Los Angeles to fall into chaos.

The police department could only send out most of the officers first before adapting to the situation.

After hearing the news from the police radio via his earpiece, Luke leapt into the air and headed east.

All the accidents he saw on his way were minor ones.

Most people in the last few days had gotten used to learning about safety from the TV, and made preparations before they went to bed.

Most of the cars on the road were crawling forward, and unlike before, there were very few high-speed collisions.

The buildings in the city center were pitch black. The people who were used to partying had canceled their gatherings in the last two days as the rich hid out on flat terrain outside the city.

But there would inevitably be problems with such a big earthquake in such a big city.

When Luke arrived at an overpass on the main road, countless people on the overpass were in a panicked state as they looked around their cars.

A gap had appeared in the middle of the overpass.

Luke observed the situation under the overpass for a moment before he shook his head.

Four to five cars had been smashed and buried under fallen cement blocks; the people inside were dead and he couldn’t save them.

On a bus near the gap in the overpass, everybody hid in the back half as they looked to the front in fear.

Half of the bus was hanging in the air, as if unable to make up its mind whether to fall or not.

Nobody dared to break the windows, for fear of tipping the balance.

Earlier, only the front of the bus had dropped, but after everyone ran around in a panic, and the road in front of them collapsed again, half of the bus was now hanging in the air, as if it was about to fall.

Some quick-witted person had yelled, “Go to the back and weigh down the bus!” Only under everyone’s weight was the bus able to maintain this balance.

This was the center of the overpass, which was twenty meters to the ground below. Only God knew how many would survive the fall.

Luke landed behind the bus and tied rope darts to the guardrails on both sides of the road before he locked down the tires.

Someone spotted him and exclaimed, “Batman!”

Everyone in the bus looked over.

Luke just said, “I’m going to break the glass. Don’t panic, and help the person in front of you climb out.”


Not long ago, in a villa on Malibu Beach, a gentle male voice rang out. “Mr. Stark, Lawrence’s system has issued a high-risk alert.”

Tony stopped what he was doing and looked up. “What level?”

“An earthquake with an estimated magnitude between 7.2 and 7.5. It will happen in ten seconds,” Jarvis reported unhurriedly.

Tony cursed and ordered, “Mark 1, get ready.”

Jarvis said, “Mr. Stark, you have yet to test the prolonged operation of this armor. A lot of calculations are incomplete. It’s too dangerous...” josei

Tony said, “Jarvis, my dad always said, do first, talk later, okay?”

After a brief silence, Jarvis said, “Please wait to don the armor after the earthquake in case of danger.”

Tony said, “Got it.”

As he spoke, he put out the light screen in his hand. “Remember to record all data from the moment I set out until I return. Remember to record everything about that guy.”

His eyes flashed with eagerness. “Batman, you’re finally here.”

Half an hour ago, Jarvis had been monitoring LAPD’s comms, and when the AI reported Batman’s appearance, Tony started making preparations.

Now that an earthquake was about to happen, he didn’t believe that Batman would slip away as quietly as he had during the first earthquake.

Five minutes after the earthquake started, a shiny silver suit shot out of a passage, trailing white fire as it flew toward Los Angeles in the east.


Luke smashed the rear window with his fist and tore it open. “The people at the back, help push the people near the window out. Don’t move too fast or waste time.”

A man cried out and fell out of the hole. Luke caught him and said, “Run to the back yourself.”

Stunned for a moment, the man watched Batman catch and put down a woman and a kid. He helped them up and ran to the back, still saying, “Thank you, thank you, Batman.”

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