Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 756 - A Young Selina and an Irascible Robert

Chapter 756 - A Young Selina and an Irascible Robert

Chapter 756: A Young Selina and an Irascible Robert

There were all kinds of cars parked on the edge of the woods, and there was a bonfire on the beach. A large group of people were laughing and drinking beer.

Selina was wearing a loose orange bohemian dress and looked more laidback than usual.

Luke was still the same. He was wearing a loose shirt, casual pants and a pair of sneakers. He looked no different from a high school student.

Without attracting anyone’s attention, they blended into the crowd.

Luke sighed.

Claire would be able to drink as much as she wanted here. There were a lot of cadets in this batch who were more than 21 years old, and they could easily buy a lot of drinks. Nobody would be nosy and forbid her from drinking.

However, Claire, who was chatting with Karen and Hux in a low voice in the center of the clearing, only sipped on her beer.

Luke gave her a tick in his heart.

To be able to control herself in this situation and not drink wildly like the rest, she had good self-control.

In comparison, Karen and Hux were far more free in their drinking.

There was a set of speakers on the beach playing dance music, and it was actually Sheerah’s old song.

This big star’s popularity had skyrocketed recently, and she was charging toward the top.

If she did what Luke told her, she might really be able to become one of the top female singers; it was just that her methods were a little unorthodox.

But luck had always been part of a successful person’s strength.

Luck was a necessity for most top celebrities.

Strength alone wasn’t enough to guarantee that they could stand out from the millions of competitors.

Looking at the dancing crowd, Luke reached out to Selina and asked, “May I have the pleasure of this dance?”

Stunned for a moment, Selina then smiled and stretched out her hand. “As you wish.”

They were surrounded by people dancing and chatting.

The people who were chatting were gathered to one side of the fire as the others danced enthusiastically around it.

It was the kind of dance where they took off their clothes and capered about wildly.

Of course, Luke and Selina didn’t join in on the fun, but danced on the edge.

It wasn’t like this was a state competition, and no one had outstanding dance skills. The people who were dancing on the fringe were just huddled together as they whispered to each other.

It was the same for Luke and Selina, but their topic of conversation was a little different.

“Look, someone’s hitting on Claire,” Selina alerted him in a low voice.

Luke didn’t think much of it. “Plenty of boys chased her when she was in high school, and there were even more when she joined the cheerleaders. She knows her limits.”

Selina said, “At least four guys have hit on her since we got here, one more than Miss Karen. Hm, how come I usually don’t feel that she’s so popular with the guys?”

Luke chuckled. “What about you? Did no one chase you at Knox High?”

Selina sighed. “It’s different. Now that I think about it, if it wasn’t Latino guys, even the more serious guys still just wanted a bit of fun. Most of the white guys also thought that I would be easy to hook up with.”

Luke gave a light “wow.” “And then? I seem to recall Robert helping you deal with a few ‘minor disputes’?”

Of course, that was something he and Robert had talked about after Luke and Selina became colleagues.

Selina chuckled. “I knocked out the teeth of three white boys who tried to drug me, and got my hands the drug which they had on them.”

Luke understood.

The three boys had lost their teeth, which was proof that she had hit them.

But with the drug as evidence, if the school dared to touch her, they would be accused of discrimination.

“Actually, my teacher almost convinced me to hand over the drug,” Selina said in a low voice. “But Robert rushed over and pushed the teacher back.”

Luke hummed in response.

If she had handed the evidence over, the school would inevitably turn it into a small incident.

Selina, as the “perpetrator,” might even have been expelled in order to quell the situation. After all, she was just a Latin American.

“I remember that when Robert entered the office, he immediately locked the door and pointed his gun at the teacher’s head and said, ‘Do you believe that even if I shoot you dead, I can still prove that you were going to help those little b*stards destroy evidence that they tried to attack my niece?’” Selina’s movements slowed down and she stared at the night sky.

“Niece?” Luke found that odd.

Selina chuckled. “If he didn’t say that, he wouldn’t be able to intimidate the other party so easily.”

Luke nodded. “That’s true.”

“It wasn’t until I became a sheriff in Shackelford that I realized that the police weren’t that great.” Selina couldn’t help but laugh. “Because it was Robert who was amazing, not the police.”

Luke also laughed.

That was right.

Even if Robert wasn’t the sheriff, he was still as hot-tempered, and dared to point a gun at the teacher’s head.

Luke asked, “The teacher didn’t sue Robert?”

Selina burst out laughing, her whole body shaking. “I was there. I really think that if the teacher had said anything else, Robert would’ve blown his head off. After that, the teacher didn’t even dare fart, and he ran far away whenever he saw me.”

Luke chuckled.

He never saw this side of Robert at home.

That was because Catherine was at home, so this rough man never revealed his violent side to his family.

Selina said, “When we left the school, I was still afraid to approach Robert. In the end, when we got into the car, he threw the gun at me and let me play with it.”

Luke: “Huh?”

“It was an air gun,” said Selina.

Speechless for a moment, Luke shook his head. “So Robert can be evil?”

“He’s not as reckless as he looks.” Selina said, “After working so many cases, I’ve realized that he does things the same way you do. Hm, even if you don’t look the same on the outside, you’re the same inside.”

Luke said solemnly, “The outside is what matters. He’s not as handsome as I am.”

Selina slapped him on the back with a smile. “You shameless b*stard!”

Luke, however, understood.

Selina was right when she said that he and Robert used similar methods.

Robert knew Flegg. Even if he hadn’t been in some secret armed force before, his methods were like the army’s, swift and ruthless, while he had a secret agency’s attention to detail.

This was indeed similar to how Luke did things.

Selina was an old detective with excellent observation skills! Luke was quite pleased.

A moment later, he found it funny. His mentality seemed a little... old. josei

His line of sight fell on Claire, who was chatting and laughing. Luke had to admit that his mentality was indeed a little old.

Selina was already 25, but Luke couldn’t help but view her as a junior.

Claire, who wasn’t even eighteen yet, was even more so.

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