Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 757 - Love Rival? Yet Another Love Rival?

Chapter 757 - Love Rival? Yet Another Love Rival?

Chapter 757: Love Rival? Yet Another Love Rival?

Luke and Selina danced and chatted for a few minutes. Finally, a sharp-eyed monkey noticed them and ran over with a smile.

Karen and Hux also greeted them.

However, Karen had a strange expression on her face as she looked back and forth between Luke and Selina.

She seemed to be sizing up... a love rival?

Luke and Selina greeted them calmly, before Luke dragged Claire into a dance.

Of course, it wasn’t a couple’s dance, but in front of the fire with the other partygoers — of course, they didn’t take off their tops.

After dancing for a while, Luke returned with the little monkey.

Claire handed him a can of beer, but Luke decisively refused, so she gave him a can of Coke instead. “You do drink, right?”

Luke shrugged. “I stopped drinking after I became a police officer.”

It wasn’t because he couldn’t hold his liquor well, but because alcohol had almost no effect on him and was no different from an old popsicle.

Cola could at least replenish a lot of calories and provide daily energy for the body.

After chatting for a while, Karen sat down on his other side.

Selina ignored them and continued drinking her beer as she chatted with Claire and Hux.

Seeing how easily Karen took off her top, it was impossible for her to catch up with Miss Jenny, so she was still far from success in her endeavor.

Suddenly, a girl walked up to Luke and stretched out her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

Luke shook her hand with a smile. “Just call me Luke.”

“I’m Clarice.” The girl introduced herself.

Luke was still smiling as he looked at their hands. “Is this an invitation?”

Clarice seemed stumped for a moment. She didn’t let go of his hand.

Hearing Luke’s words, she finally smiled. “Oh, maybe it’s because you’re too handsome that I couldn’t help myself.”

They let go.

Then, Clarice stretched out her hand to Selina. “I don’t think we’ve met before”

Luke, however, reached out and took her hand again. “Just call her Selina. But, can I invite you to dance?”

Clarice was stunned for a moment, before she smiled. “That would be great.”

As the girls watched, Luke led Clarice into the dancing crowd.

Hux was confused.

Karen was flabbergasted and cursed inwardly. Another love rival?

Claire looked at Selina and then at Karen with a strange expression. She had a feeling that her brother would be in trouble tonight.

Selina was as calm as ever. She took a sip of her beer as her gaze fell on Clarice.

She was well aware of the kind of person that Luke was.

It was definitely unusual for him to approach a girl.

Karen, the fair, rich, and beautiful young miss, had taken the initiative many times, but had never made any progress. It was even more unusual for Luke to promptly pull a girl who had appeared out of nowhere into a dance.

Recalling how Luke had stopped her from shaking hands with Clarice, Selina grew even more suspicious.

She told Claire that she was going to the bathroom, then took Dollar to the woods.

After lingering in the car for a moment, she returned to the beach and sat down next to Claire.

Of course, Luke noticed her movements. He praised her inwardly, but continued, “Really? You’re from Texas? What a coincidence, so am I...”

Half an hour later, Luke returned and told Claire to get in the car. He said he had good news for her, and told her to go home with them that night.

Naturally, Claire had no objections. After saying goodbye to Karen and Hux, she got into the car and they left.

Luke typed a name on the tablet and gave it to Selina, who was in the passenger seat.

Claire, who was in the backseat, found it strange. “Huh? Dollar, you’re very lively today. Ah, so much saliva. Haha, no licking, no licking!”

Luke knew that Dollar was only Dollar now since Gold Nugget No. 1 had already recombined with Selina.

He had a smile on his face and a strange look in his eyes. “Claire, are you very familiar with that classmate, Clarice?”

After fending off Dollar’s saliva attack, Claire shook her head. “So-so. We’ve spoken a few times, but we don’t interact much.”

“What’s her personality like?” Luke asked again.

Claire found that odd. “Luke, are you really going after her? Well, I’m not saying that she’s bad, but I really don’t know much about her. Should I ask around tomorrow?”

Luke said, “It’s fine. I just think she’s quite open-minded.”

Selina looked at him and shook her head.

She was telling him that there was nothing suspicious about Clarice’s identity, and that there were no matches in the database of criminals or important people.

Luke shifted his gaze and casually mentioned the volunteer position which he had found for Claire.

Stunned for a moment, Claire then screamed. “Ahhh! Luke, is that true?”

Luke frowned as he endured the ringing in his ears. “Are you really that happy? You’re not a hardcore fan of Sheerah.”

Claire shrieked. “Don’t you know anything about this charity show? There are already twenty celebrities and singers who are going to be in the show, including two rock bands that I like... Hm, fine, you definitely wouldn’t have heard of them.”

Only then did she remember that her brother didn’t even know that Sheerah’s new song was at the top of the charts; there was no way he would care about which stars and singers would be participating in the charity show.

Luke smiled. “Then you have to be mentally prepared.”

Claire asked, “For what?” josei

Luke quickly put in two earphones before he said, “The minimum number of stars and singers participating in this show is fifty. The ideal forecast is... a hundred.”

“Ahhh!” Claire screamed again.

Annoyed, Selina covered her ears and glared at Luke accusingly. He knew that Claire would scream again, and had put in earphones himself.

Dollar, who was in the backseat, was so scared that it whimpered and moved away from the creature that had suddenly turned into a shrieking banshee.

When they got home, Claire, who was too excited, was dragged to combat training by Selina, who couldn’t take it anymore, and the living room finally quieted down.

Luke connected to the database at home and once again searched for information on the girl, Clarice Johnson.

Just now, when Clarice touched his hand, a system notification had popped up.

System: Unknown energy detected trying to establish a link with the host’s mind. Do you accept?

He decisively chose no and stopped Clarice from making contact with Selina.

He didn’t know how the mental link was activated, but it was safer not to act according to the other party’s wishes.

Claire, on the other hand, had always had Gold Nugget No. 2 on her. The symbiotic state was very resistant to mental attacks, and there wasn’t a high chance that anything would go wrong.

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