Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 798 - Self-worth and the Right to Choose

Chapter 798 - Self-worth and the Right to Choose

Chapter 798: Self-worth and the Right to Choose

It wasn’t just one show for the earthquake charity concert this time.

It was anticipated that there would be twelve to fifteen shows as the concert went on tour throughout America.

As one of the richest cities in America, Los Angeles had a second performance the day after tomorrow on the weekend.

If the criminals’ accomplices who were thwarted today insisted on making trouble the day after tomorrow, it would be quite troublesome.

After dealing with the two investigators, Luke returned to his car and sighed. “Great, I didn’t even get to watch the live broadcast.”

To avoid trouble, he hadn’t involved Selina. Since she hadn’t interacted with the terrorists, there naturally was no need for her to be interrogated repeatedly.

Thus, Selina was quite relaxed, and a certain dog head was completely unbothered as it ate its snacks and watched the live broadcast.

It had done a good deed again today, and was entitled to enjoy itself.

Luke had always distinguished clearly between punishments and rewards.

If Gold Nugget did well, Luke wouldn’t deliberately beat it down.

If Gold Nugget did something wrong, Luke would explain why he was punishing it.

Selina handed him an iced guanara with a smile. “I talked to Claire, but she asked me if she could tell Sheerah about this.”

Luke thought for a moment, then nodded. “Okay. Have her tell Sheerah to call me if she has any questions.”

Selina sent Claire a message and said, “Are we going to continue patrolling now?”

Luke nodded. “At the very least, we have to wait until the concert is over and Claire leaves.”

In the end, they worked into the wee hours of the morning. Up until the crowd dispersed, no attack took place.

Selina yawned and rubbed her sore eyes. “The accomplices who never revealed themselves snuck off before the bomb was triggered?”

Luke said, “Seems like it.”

Selina put down the back of her chair regretfully. “This was our first concert.”

Luke said with a smile, “We have plenty of time; there’ll always be an opportunity to watch a concert in peace in the future.”

Selina hummed and didn’t say anything else.

Gold Nugget whined a few times, and Luke could only comfort it. “You did very well today. You sensed danger ahead of time and saved a lot of people. How about I double your pocket money today?”

Gold Nugget was satisfied.

It remembered very clearly that Luke only earned around two hundred dollars a day at work; doubling its pocket money was a lot.

Its daily wage was higher than the fiend’s; why wouldn’t it be satisfied?

In any case, Gold Nugget’s private stash had been expanding like crazy recently, and it wasn’t short of money.

Every time Selina and Luke took it out to clean up a gang, it would get a share of the cash; it didn’t even know exactly how much it had now.

It was Selina who knew better. She simply said that the money was enough for it to buy a new Alien laptop every year.

Gold Nugget immediately understood this straightforward explanation.

Back when it had been saving up money for its first Alien laptop, it had worked hard with Selina for quite a number of days, and some gold teeth were even knocked out of some of the hoodlums’ mouths.

Of course, Gold Nugget was the one who knocked their teeth out.

Selina found it disgusting and wouldn’t even touch the gold teeth. She only helped knock everyone unconscious before letting Gold Nugget knock the teeth out.

These disgusting things were melted into a lump when they got back, and it was only after it was disinfected at a high temperature that it was thrown into Gold Nugget’s personal stash.

Gold Nugget wasn’t much different from Selina. It basically didn’t need to spend any money on daily necessities. At most, it spent money to open online accounts.

To put it simply, Gold Nugget was now a true blue tycoon.

The pocket money which Luke gave it every day was just a confirmation of its self-worth.

Mm, this was what Luke talked to it about when he was free.

It had never understood why the fiend was so rich, yet he was still a small detective and so busy every day.

Only now did Gold Nugget realize that it was just a way for a person to realize their own worth.

Although Gold Nugget wasn’t human, it didn’t want to be a failure like back in its birthplace.

It also longed to realize its own worth — provided that it could eat good food every day.

It was already one in the morning when they got home. Selina quickly washed up and went to bed, while Gold Nugget continued to stay up late to catch up with its favorite HBO show.

Luke was working overtime when his phone rang.

He checked the number. It was Sheerah.

After the call connected, they exchanged a few pleasantries and then talked about the terrorist attack.

Luke was the person at the center of things, but the police department wouldn’t casually divulge details of the case to just anyone

Homeland Security and the FBI were also involved in this case, and it was hard for even a big star like Sheerah to find out anything.

Luke, this old acquaintance, was undoubtedly the best choice.

Luke didn’t hide too much.

Sheerah wasn’t a police officer, so there was no point in telling her the details.

He simply summed up the general situation for her. “The security checks for your next concert will definitely be stricter. There shouldn’t be any problems. I’ll be there that day to help check for any hidden dangers. Don’t worry.”

Sheerah was very grateful.

Sheerah had overheard a little when Claire had been speaking with Luke, and she guessed that he was probably the one who had resolved today’s matter.

If something went wrong during the first charity performance, her career would be ruined.

As the person who had initiated everything, Sheerah would be under tremendous pressure if a large number of people died.

Luke thought for a moment, then suggested, “You can ask Bryan about the security work for the national tour. He probably has a lot of experience with this sort of work.”

Sheerah slapped her forehead. “I’ve become muddle-headed from how busy I’ve been. I’ll call him later. Thank you, Luke.”

Luke said with a smile, “Not at all, thanks for taking care of Claire.”

Sheerah sweated. “I didn’t really take care of her.”

Luke said, “No, you’ve already helped a lot, really. Alright, I won’t waste your time. You must be busy.”

After hanging up, he chuckled.

Sheerah had indeed helped him a lot this time.

In the end, Claire chose not to become a police officer. Instead, she planned to continue studying in college, mostly because of Sheerah.

Sheerah had pulled strings to add Claire to the list of singers, which had awakened Claire’s dream of becoming a singer.

If it hadn’t been for Daddy System coming online back then, Luke wouldn’t have been in such a hurry to decide his future.

Young people who had choices were extremely lucky. josei

The older one was, the fewer options they had for the future.

Luke hadn’t had a choice, but he hoped that Claire could choose for herself.

Thinking that, he shook his head and chuckled. He was being unreasonable.

How many people in the world wouldn’t want to have Daddy System’s amazing abilities? Even if he was given the choice again, he still wouldn’t hesitate to choose the system.

As a person, it was best to be down-to-earth and diligent, and work hard to earn more experience and credit points.

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