Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 799 - Cast the Net and CatChapter Fish

Chapter 799 - Cast the Net and CatChapter Fish

Chapter 799: Cast the Net and Catch Fish

On his Dallas trip, Luke had pissed off a super bigshot, Mephisto, who was already on the 3-star dark red list of enemies.

If the old man returned to Earth ten years later, the first thing he would probably do was find a way to kill Luke.

Next time, the old man wouldn’t be so stupid as to use mental attacks on him again.

Naturally, Luke had to work hard.

The system had given him almost 3,000 experience and credit points for stopping the attack tonight.

Host’s experience: 10,200/100,000

Credit: 29,000

This harvest was worth how busy he had been the whole night.

The next two days were peaceful.

No criminals showed up to launch an attack during the second charity show in Los Angeles.

Luke, however, didn’t give up.

That night, he and Selina went out again and wrecked several gang nests in a row.

What was different was that these gangs were all involved in selling weapons on the black market, and explosives were also within their scope of operation.

Selina didn’t feel anything as she watched Luke beat up these guys until they wailed.

Who knew how many deaths had been caused by the weapons and ammunition they sold. Not killing them was already too merciful.

Breaking seven or eight bones was just a small thing. After all, the bones could recover. That was what the L.A. Knee Breaker thought.

That night, they sat on the rooftop of an apartment building and enjoyed the night view of Los Angeles as they sucked on lollipops.

They weren’t famous, so they weren’t afraid of being discovered. If they were discovered, they would be regarded as cosplayers.

Work was important, but so was adjusting their mindframes.

“We’ve already cleaned up half of the bigger black market gangs in L.A., but we don’t have any leads. Could it be that the guys behind the attack brought in the explosives from elsewhere?” she asked.

After a brief silence, Luke nodded and said, “That’s possible. Checks were run on those three. They’re from D.C., and haven’t contacted anyone here. The accomplices they’re talking about are very well-hidden. It makes sense that they didn’t get the goods from an L.A. gang.”

Selina sighed. “Then did we do all this work for nothing?”

Luke chuckled. “Not really. At least we know that these guys are very cautious. Just pay more attention in the future.”

As he spoke, he looked at the system notification.

Host’s experience: 15,500/100,000

Credit: 34,300

He could earn 50% of the experience and credit points with Selina as his teammate. How could that be a waste of time?

In the last few days, Robert, the retired sheriff who had been traveling, had finally beaten up a few thieves. Only then was Luke able to determine the percentage of experience he would get from this 1-star teammate of his.

10%! Luke could only get one-tenth of the experience and credit points from 1-star teammates.

Based on Robert’s relaxed lifestyle in Shackelford, he wouldn’t earn as many experience and credit points as Selina did in a week, even if he worked for a year.

But in terms of numbers, any teammate was rare.

Luke was truly lucky that he was able to train Selina into a 3-star teammate.

Their personalities were compatible, and they didn’t have conflicting views on life and could understand each other.

Along the way, the trust between them gradually deepened until it finally reached the 3-star level.

Dustin, Elsa, Elizabeth, and Harrison would probably help Luke out when he needed it, but they hadn’t reached the teammate level.

Luke speculated it was because his relationship with them was still lacking.

They were all adults with their own views; it was hard to form a rapport so quickly. Everything could only be left to time.

Also, while the contribution rate for 3-star teammates was high, it was too difficult to specially train one.

He wouldn’t waste too much time painstakingly chasing high-level teammates.

In the spirit of sustainable development, Luke’s best choice was still the old saying: Cast the net wide, catch more fish, and choose the best.

As long as he had enough 1-star teammates, he could also earn a neverending stream of experience and credit points, which was more efficient than relying on his own efforts.

Time was fair to everyone.

No matter how strong Luke was, there were only 24 hours in a day; he didn’t have a second more than anyone else.

Thinking this, he then recalled those three female brats.

The copy girl, Stacy, and the Cassidy twin sisters had already been training at the temporary base for a week. It was time for him to make an appearance, or the lumps on Miss Stacy’s head would never go down.

The next night, Luke went to the temporary base on his own.

At the door, he rang the bell.

Ding dong!

The doorbell rang, and for a moment, there was no reaction from the three girls who were still training inside.

They had been in this remote place for a week and hadn’t gotten any visitors.

Only four or five thieves had run over at various points to try and break in, but before the girls could do anything, Butterfly automatically shocked them with the yard’s electric defense measures.

While dealing with the thieves, Butterfly would also considerately let them know, “Ladies, there’s some garbage outside that needs to be disposed of.”

The three of them would then go out and throw the unlucky thieves into the garbage can on the street corner, where they would sleep for a few hours.

That moment, the doorbell suddenly rang. Stacy, who was focused on combat training, couldn’t react in time.

Stephanie, who was reading a book, was a little more attentive. She was stunned for a moment before she exclaimed, “Is that the doorbell?”

“Yes, Stephanie. The Great Wizard is outside. Do you need me to open the door?” Butterfly’s gentle voice rang out.

Inside the house, the three girls were all stunned, before chaos ensued. josei

The house was usually completely sealed off, and no one outside could see in.

It was summer, and there weren’t any neighbors here. To make it easier for them to train, they were all wearing very little clothes.

Meeting a mysterious “wizard” like this made them feel extremely insecure.

In less than two minutes, the three girls had put on T-shirts and shorts. They gathered at the door and looked at each other.

Stephanie asked, “Can you open the door and let him in?”

Artemis didn’t say anything. Stacy gritted her teeth. “I’ve been waiting for him for a long time. Hmph! Butterfly, open the door.”

“Yes, Miss Stacy,” Butterfly replied.

The door opened silently, and a dark figure stood in front of it.

When he saw the three girls, he took off his Zorro hat and bowed slightly. “Good evening, ladies.” It was clearly a British accent.

The three girls didn’t say anything and just stared at him.

“Can I come in first? You should have a lot of questions for me,” said the newcomer unhurriedly as he put on his hat.

Stephanie nodded blankly. “Of course.”

The corners of Luke’s mouth curled up behind his mask. This girl with the lion’s roar was the most susceptible, and was very suitable as a breakthrough point.

After he entered, Butterfly immediately closed the door.

Luke gestured. “Let’s sit down and talk, shall we?”

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