Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 813 - Luke Observes, and Crude Attack

Chapter 813 - Luke Observes, and Crude Attack

Chapter 813: Luke Observes, and Crude Attack

This wasn’t America; there weren’t any developed retail stores here, yet the bits and pieces of equipment here were mostly American, and could only have been looted.

Not long ago, the American convoy that was escorting Tony was completely annihilated, and excluding their weapons, a lot of other equipment had been plundered.

Looking at the abundant amount of Stark Industries weapons and ammo in the camp, these people indeed didn’t need the convoy weapons. The small components, on the other hand, were very practical, and there weren’t a lot of them, which was why they were very easy to loot.

These criminals were hence very suspicious.

In less than half an hour, the drone had already checked all the places it could reach.

But the criminals were like rats; many of them stayed in the caves, and there were also many steel doors and guards in the caves. There was no room for escape at all.

It was already dawn, and the criminals were frequently going in and out of the caves. It would be very easy for the drone to be discovered if it entered.

Luke sighed.

That was why he still liked American bases. When they were big, there was plenty of room to move around, and he could easily find holes to hide in.

It was even better if they had high-tech surveillance and detection equipment.

Once people put their faith in this equipment, they would be duped and lose their senses.

There weren’t many surveillance cameras in this campsite, but there were people everywhere, which was the biggest headache for Luke.

Before he was certain that the tycoon was here or knew his exact location, the worst choice for Luke was to charge in directly.

This was the most disadvantageous field for saving hostages.

The complicated cave network and complex and isolated terrain would definitely severely hamper his movements once he was exposed.

The other side had too many people, and it was very likely that they would put up a bitter fight before they were killed.

Unlike L.A. gangs, terrorists had a different mindset.

If they were forced into a corner, they might directly set off explosives to take Luke down with them.

He wasn’t afraid of that, but he was afraid that a certain tycoon would be buried alive in the caves.

Luke used Tony’s abilities every day to make one set of armor after another. He had also used Tony’s name to fend off a lot of trouble while he was on the clock as a detective. The phone company that was worth billions was also built with Tony’s skills.

More importantly, he would definitely need to brush up on Tony’s abilities in the future. How could he let something happen to this “great guy”?

He could only secretly deploy mini drones around the caves to monitor the situation in the camp from hundreds of meters away.

The morning sun had already risen over the mountains in the distance. It was another sunny day.

In a hidden cave outside the valley, Luke looked at the surveillance feed. He had a big piece of chocolate in his mouth and a bottle of mineral water in his hand as he slowly ate and drank.

With a physique that far exceeded that of an ordinary person, he consumed far more energy than an ordinary person. Three meals a day was just the basics. When he was free, he had to take out high-calorie snacks to replenish his energy.

Suddenly, he saw on the surveillance feed three people running out of a cave and yelling something as they scuttled into another cave.

Putting away the chocolate wrapper, Luke opened his mouth and crammed the remaining half of the chocolate into his mouth.

The three criminals scuttled into the cave, and more than ten criminals started to gather around the entrance.

Before long, a bald criminal hurried over from the other side and began to direct the other criminals.


There was a loud noise from the cave. Stunned for a moment, the baldie waved his hand and gestured for the criminals to enter.

Gunshots rang out in the cave.

The criminals outside the cave also entered. After a brief silence, gunshots rang out again.

Very soon, the bald criminal leader was dragged out of the cave by two criminals. He shouted something, and the criminals quickly surrounded him.

Two mini drones were already lurking near the cave.

There was a steel door and guards at the entrance of this cave. The drones hadn’t been able to enter before, so Luke didn’t know what was inside.

At that moment, the AI translated most of the words that the drone was picking up from the shouting.

“Cave,” “enemy,” “indestructible,” and “iron man” could only prove one thing: a certain tycoon was most likely in this cave, and had even put together a super simple and unsophisticated version of the metal armor.

Luke stood up, and with a thought, the blanket, tablet, and kettle that he had put out in the cave disappeared. At the same time, the White Wolf Armor appeared on his back. “White Wolf Armor, activate.”

The White Wolf Armor swiftly transformed to complete the disguise.

Luke turned on the optical camouflage system and took a running leap out of the cave as the jet system kicked in and he took off.

If the tycoon had already made a poor man’s version of the first generation Iron Man Armor to protect himself, Luke’s biggest worry had disappeared.

Thinking that, he quietly crossed the ridge and quickly glided down.

Outside the cave, the criminals nervously gripped their guns and aimed at the entrance.

The bald-headed Raza was still making hand gestures.

He wasn’t an idiot. After his subordinates got him out, he returned to normal and decisively mobilized his men. josei

No matter who that big lump of metal was, it would be fine as long as they killed him.

The Jericho missile was thrown to the back of his head; right now, he just wanted to get rid of this monster which had killed more than ten of his men.

In the depths of the cave, there was a rumble and the sound of clashing metal. Fingers pressing down a little more on their gun triggers, the criminals were ready to fire.

But the next moment, the fire came.

With the sound of a whoosh, a huge pillar of fire surged out of the cave to cover a wide range, forcing the criminals near the entrance to retreat.

A man in metal armor strode out, the flamethrowers on both arms sweeping over the criminals on both sides.

“Ahhhhhhhh!” With a series of screams, more than ten criminals were set on fire as they rolled over the ground.

Luke immediately sped up when he saw this crude tin man and the conspicuous round reactor in his chest.

Tony was the only one who could make such a reactor and place it in his chest.

“Fire! Kill him!” roared the bald criminal leader at the entrance of the cave.

The criminals immediately followed the order and aimed their guns at Tony, who was outside the cave.

The bullets pinged off Tony’s armor and sparks flew.

It was a good thing that although the armor was simple and crude, it was thick and very heavy. Ordinary rifle bullets could only cause slight vibrations.

In the face of the bullets, Tony strode forward, and his flamethrowers turned everything in his path into a sea of fire.

But a moment later, the criminals who had recovered from this fiery assault started to retaliate.

After an M2 machine gun fired from a slope not far away, Tony’s movements were immediately impeded.

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