Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 814 - Ascending to Heaven and Almost Becoming an Immortal

Chapter 814 - Ascending to Heaven and Almost Becoming an Immortal

Chapter 814: Ascending to Heaven and Almost Becoming an Immortal

Even the heavy armor couldn’t withstand heavy machine gun bullets. Tony’s body shook violently, giving the other criminals more opportunities to attack.

Looking at the machine gun no more than fifty meters away, Tony was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

The flamethrowers had been the only long-range weapons he was able to make from the raw materials the criminals had provided him with in a short period of time, but they couldn’t reach the machine gun which was more than fifty meters away.

If this went on, this armor made from ordinary materials would soon be pierced through by the heavy machine gun.

His gaze involuntarily fell on a red button on his left arm.

Leave? he thought unwillingly.

Suddenly, he felt a heavy stab to his thigh. He glanced down and saw a small bullet hole in the armor.

Thankfully, the bullet didn’t completely penetrate the armor, and the thick leather inside cushioned the impact from the shattered outer layer. Although his thigh hurt, he could still move.

Tony gritted his teeth. Wait until I come back with Mark 2; all of you will be crying then.

He stopped the flamethrower on his right hand and quickly activated the red button on his left forearm. Then, he ramped up the flamethrowers on both arms to the max and set fire to a bunch of ammo boxes not far away.

This was something manufactured by his company; naturally, he knew very well which ones would blow up easily at high temperatures.


A box of ammunition finally couldn’t withstand the high temperature and exploded.

There was a series of explosions, and the surrounding criminals couldn’t help but hide in nearby bunkers, and no longer attacked Tony.

In the clouds of dust from the explosion, the jets on Tony’s legs started to move.

The huge force pushed the heavy armor off the ground and the output continued to increase.

In less than two seconds, the steel lump broke free from the restraints of gravity and suddenly charged up into the air.

On the ground, there was an even more violent explosion from the ammo boxes, and the shock wave propelled him forward even faster. Very soon, he swept over a ridge on one side of the valley and completely left this hell on earth.


Luke reached the outskirts of the valley and broke the neck of one of the criminals in the observation post.

He grabbed the criminal’s rifle with one hand and took two clips from the criminal’s chest with the other.

This was a first-rate Stark Industries product. It had better aim and was gentler to handle than a regular rifle.

Luke had never used one like this before. L.A. gangs rarely used them since they were easy to track.

At that moment, practically all the criminals in the valley had guns like this, and Luke decisively grabbed one for himself to play with.

This way, he wouldn’t leave any clues behind.

Luke believed that after the tycoon was rescued, the American military and subsequent investigation teams would turn the entire valley upside down.

The best choice was to use whatever weapons were lying around.

Raising the gun, Luke immediately pulled the trigger.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After three consecutive shots, his goggles immediately sent him feedback on the hits, and the armor’s smart program also gave him the rifle’s range of deviation.

For a mass-produced rifle, it had outstanding precision!

Satisfied, Luke opened fire without hesitation.

As Luke worked his way inward, the criminals were shot in the head one by one before they knew it, and didn’t have a chance to raise the alarm.

By the time he finished the two clips, more than twenty criminals had already been killed.

Two criminals were turning their machine guns to focus on Tony on the other side.

But as soon as they turned their guns, they collapsed on the sandbags.

Luke reloaded his rifle. After adjusting it for a moment, he aimed at the shooter who was firing at Tony and pulled the trigger.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Two holes appeared in the shooter’s head, and he was sent flying.

However, the last round of bullets almost pierced Tony’s leg armor, which made the tycoon determined... to escape.

Just as Luke was about to continue killing the most “diligent” criminals around the tycoon, Tony blew up the ammo on the field.

The next moment, a huge lump of iron soared into the sky and flew out of the valley.

Luke couldn’t help but raise his head as he followed the tycoon’s trajectory. He cried out, “Are you crazy? You dare fly so high when you’re so big?”

He couldn’t believe that this crude armor which had been put together in a hurry had a flight system. Without Jarvis’s help, Tony would fall to his death if he flew so high.

By the time he called out, the tycoon had already flown a hundred meters into the sky and was still accelerating.

Luke threw the gun away and jumped high into the air. He turned on the short-range burst mode and flew off in Tony’s direction.

In the air, Tony couldn’t help but curse.

The jets on the legs of this suit were too crude.

It wasn’t because of his craftsmanship, but because most of the raw materials weren’t up to standard.

As soon as the armor accelerated, Tony knew that he was in trouble.

After a normal acceleration, the jets should immediately reduce the output so that the armor named Mark 0 would fall at a slow rate.

Before the suit touched the ground, the jet propulsion system would release one burst of energy and complete this super “long jump” maneuver.

But now that the system had malfunctioned for some reason, the output wasn’t reduced after Tony took off. Instead, the flames burst out even more fiercely.

“No!” Mark 0 soared into the sky amidst the tycoon’s plaintive cries, and soon broke three hundred meters.

At that moment, the malfunctioning jets finally shut down due to overload. After soaring another hundred meters, Mark 0’s momentum gradually slowed, and then it began to fall.

“A ~” Tony howled in despair.

They were at an altitude of four hundred meters.

Mark 0 wasn’t Mark 2, and without the help of the jets, there was no buffer at all. If he fell like this, the only thing that awaited him was death!

Damn it! Why have I been so unlucky recently? The thought couldn’t help but drift through the tycoon’s mind as the yellow sand grew closer and closer.

He couldn’t help but hold his breath.

If he landed on the sand at the right angle and let Mark 0 roll down the slope, there was a small chance he could survive.

Tony, who wasn’t resigned to his fate, tried to adjust his posture in the air and prepare for the final collision.

“Are you bungee jumping?” A voice suddenly rang out not far away. josei

Even as he fell, Tony heard him clearly.

He turned his head and saw a pair of silver wings.

“Angel of Judgment?” Tony subconsciously called out.

But he cursed inwardly and returned his attention to the impending collision.

Whether he lived or died was up to him!

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