Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 891 - Life Is a Play, It’s All About the Acting

Chapter 891 - Life Is a Play, It’s All About the Acting

Chapter 891: Life Is a Play, It’s All About the Acting

In fact, with Luke’s basketball torture, injection, and mental telepathy, Kilgrave lost his will to resist at ten o’clock, and started to tell them everything.

The information included the source of his abilities, the bad things he had done, and his connection to Kingpin.

All his answers were cross-checked repeatedly, and any slip-ups, deliberate or otherwise, were uncovered.

For the rest of the time, Luke simply had Kilgrave enjoy the basketball challenge every half an hour, and had Little Snail ask the questions for him.

After two and a half hours of happy basketball, the heavily wounded Kilgrave began to suffer organ failure. Apart from struggling feebly, he could no longer give any useful answers.

Luke returned to the office, and the moment the door of the secret room opened, he whipped out his gun.

The bullet pierced Kilgrave’s forehead before it left a huge hole in the back of his head.

If this Kilgrave was still alive after more than half of his brain was gone, Luke would be even happier.

That would mean that Kilgrave had at least an intermediate or advanced healing ability.

However, after reading the system notification, he gave up the unrealistic idea.

System: Kill Zebediah Kilgrave. Completed.

Total experience: 1,000. Total credit: 1,000.

Contribution rate: 100%. EXP +1,000. Credit +1,000.

The host’s experience is 92,500 / 100,000.

Credit: 90,200

System: You have killed Zebediah Kilgrave and have received a list of his abilities.

Kilgrave’s abilities: Basic Psychology... Elementary Pheromone Control (Prerequisites: 40 Strength, 20 Mental Strength, 20,000 Credit, partial learning available)

Luke scratched his head. Partial learning? That wasn’t very reliable.

Most of the abilities that could be learned were actually partly based on his body’s capability.

For example, after learning the female vampire Raquel’s Hibernation, Luke could only hibernate for around ten days.

According to the information he had tortured out of the vampires, true vampiric hibernation was more exaggerated than a bear’s, and could easily span a decade.

Some ancient vampires could even hibernate for more than a century with the use of certain methods to reduce the rate of decay to their bodies.

Of course, Luke could control his hibernation. He wouldn’t sleep like a vampire, and required certain preset methods in order to wake up.

To put it simply, he couldn’t hope that learning part of an ability would give him the same effect as the original ability.

But when he thought of what Kilgrave could do, Luke was still tempted.

If he had a full version of Kilgrave’s power from the very beginning, he wouldn’t have laid low in this world for so many years.

Kilgrave’s ability to control people was too perfect for doing dirty business as the boss behind the scenes.

That had been one of Luke’s countless dreams.

It was a pity that a lunatic like Kilgrave used it to play with women.

With this ability, would it be difficult to make a lot of money? With so much money, there would always be women willing to play with him. Why did he have to be so vile?

Recalling what Kilgrave had told him, Luke shook his head again. It was true that the man had a mental problem, which was why he went down a dead end.

But Luke wasn’t a psychiatrist or a judge; according to Daddy System, killing someone even when you were psychotic was still a crime.

Kilgrave’s defeat and death was worth 4,000 experience and credit points in total, which meant that he had done too many bad things.

The system in fact judged him as guilty as those three demons from hell.

A villain boss like this with a “skill book” should die a quick death.

Kilgrave had only enjoyed three hours of pain; that had indeed too little.

However, in order to wrap up the aftermath smoothly, Luke could only kill the lunatic at midnight.

He went in and got Kilgrave out, and then threw him along with the dozen or so bodies of the other criminals onto the yacht next to the manor, before steering the yacht to the other side of the river.

He used one of the criminals’ phones to call the police. He simply said, “Dozens of people died on a yacht five hundred meters southwest of Whitestone Park. Hurry over.” Then, he threw the phone into the pile of corpses.

Luke and Selina turned into transparent shadows in the night and left the river.

After they returned home, they washed up and cleaned Gold Nugget carefully to make sure that they hadn’t overlooked anything, before they went to the basement.

Half an hour later, both Selina and Gold Nugget had undergone machine tests.

The preliminary results didn’t show any abnormalities, but Luke still had to confirm the details himself.

But he probably wouldn’t have much time tonight.

When they returned to the living room, Luke’s phone rang.

It was Dustin. He said, “There’s a big case by the river five hundred meters southwest of Fort Tryon Park.”

With her hands on her hips, Selina asked helplessly, “Do we really have to be so realistic in our acting?”

Luke pulled her upstairs and said, “Love what you do. Forget about becoming a leader if you can’t even act a little!”

Selina shook her head. “Walter has too much to worry about as a lieutenant. I’ll just be a sergeant like John – a small pay rise is enough.”

Luke said, “Life is a play, and it’s all about acting. If you can’t act, it’ll be hard to bluff your way out of something in front of your boss. Look at John. It’s because he can’t act that he’s still a sergeant.”

Selina said, “...You call that bad acting? When he and Joe interrogated the criminal, he was like an Oscar-winning actor.”

Luke said, “You call that acting? At most, he just smiles coldly, broadly, devilishly... Fine. In any case, he just smiles a little with that poker face.”

The two chatted on the way back to their rooms, and after changing into clean clothes, they left.

Gold Nugget was taking a break tonight. Dollar was too tired to stay up all night.

After all, Kilgrave was already dead, and Selina was with Luke. josei

Luke deliberately drove at a slower speed so that it would seem like they had been woken up to work overtime.

There were times when you should let your boss know how hard it was for you. That way, when he asked you to work overtime again, he might... be a little more tactful.

They drove for half an hour before they arrived at the bay in Whitestone Park. They got out of the car and walked to a small pier that had been blocked off by patrol cars and yellow tape.

Luke walked over to Dustin and asked, “Boss, what case is so urgent?”

Dustin grimaced. “Go take a look.”

Luke took a few steps forward and observed the scene from the pier next to the river for a moment before he came back.

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