Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 892 - Analysis, Report, and New Ability

Chapter 892 - Analysis, Report, and New Ability

Chapter 892: Analysis, Report, and New Ability

Returning to Dustin, Luke said in a low voice, “Boss, it seems the people who died are Kingpin’s men?”

Dustin nodded and said in a low voice, “According to the preliminary investigation, it’s probably the work of those two mysterious new ‘vigilantes.’ There are fractures and knife wounds on the bodies of the gang members. The blunt force trauma matches previous cases.”

Pondering for a moment, Luke said, “It seems that Kingpin isn’t the only one who has allies.”

Something flashed in Dustin’s eyes. “You mean...”

Luke said, “In the previous explosions, the black mask was most likely framed by Kingpin’s people. Then, two similarly masked vigilantes appeared and attacked Kingpin’s forces. It’s quite possible that they’re teammates with the black mask.”

“That’s true.” After a moment of silence, Dustin agreed with the hypothesis.

He pointed at the other side of the river. “Also, the gang’s nest is right across the river. It seems the two vigilantes were worried that we wouldn’t have jurisdiction over there, so they dragged the bodies to New York across the river and called our police department instead of 911. That’s interesting.”

Luke asked in a low voice, “Are you saying that they’re doing this for the black mask? That’s right. Maybe they know that it was Kingpin’s men who attacked Walter since what he’s doing can help clear the black mask’s name.”

“This may not be a small matter.” Dustin rubbed his forehead helplessly. “But these two have worse tempers than Mr. Black Mask. This time, they’ve killed sixteen people. Are they trying to fill up the morgue in NYPD?”

Pretending to hesitate, Luke said after a moment, “Boss, there’s someone among the bodies who’s related to a case I’ve been investigating recently.”

Dustin was stunned. “Who?”

Luke said, “The skinny man in the suit who’s lying on the top.”

Dustin asked, “What case?”

Luke said, “He’s suspected of abducting an underaged high school girl. He uses the name Zebediah Kilgrave, but I didn’t find any record of that name in the police database. It might be an alias.”

Dustin frowned. “Is he part of a gang?”

Luke shook his head. “I’m not sure. I don’t know much about him. Even his profile was drawn by a professional artist based on the victim’s description.”

Dustin made a sound of acknowledgement. “Then make a note of it in this case.”

He then lowered his voice and said, “If this person is indeed connected to Kingpin, tell me if you find any clues. Don’t mention it to anyone else.”

Luke said, “Okay.”

However, he was sighing in his heart. There was a connection between the two, but Kilgrave didn’t know Kingpin’s real identity, nor had he ever seen Kingpin himself.

For someone with such a formidable superpower, Kilgrave was truly mediocre.

He had worked with Kingpin for a while, but had no interest in the latter’s matters at all. Instead, he used his ability on innocent girls every day. It was inevitable that a brainless person like this would get himself killed.

And that was indeed what happened. Although he wasn’t brainless, there was indeed a literal hole in his head.

After going over what needed to be done, Luke and Selina started investigating the scene.

Although they knew the details of the case best, they still had to go through the necessary procedures.

While the detectives were busy at the pier, in a room a hundred meters away, a middle-aged man in a suit and gold-rimmed glasses was looking at the scene. He made a call. “Boss, something happened.”

“What is it?” A deep male voice rang out.

“Kil is dead. He and Byas, along with fifteen of Byas’s men from his New Jersey residence, showed up on a yacht in Whitestone Park. That yacht belongs to Byas,” said the man in glasses.

“WTF!” The person on the other end of the line cursed, but very quickly fell silent again; only the sound of his harsh breathing could be heard over the line.

The man in glasses smiled bitterly and waited quietly.

“What happened?” The expected question came from the other end.

The man in glasses said, “For now, I’m not sure about anything else. I just received an urgent message from the police station that Byas’s body was found here. It wasn’t until I saw photos of the scene that I realized that Kil’s body was among them.”

There was a long silence on the other end of the line, before the other man continued, “Are you sure it’s Kil?”

“It’s him. I’m not wrong.” The man in glasses was certain. josei

There was an even longer silence on the other end.

A few minutes later, the man said, “We can’t afford to lose any more of our core. Have the people in charge of the area stop operating for now and go into hiding. Transfer the business arrangements to the external members. Also, find out who killed Kil.”

The man in glasses said, “Yes, boss.”

After a few more seconds of silence, the man said, “Wesley, you also need to be more vigilant. Don’t personally make an appearance.”

The middle-aged man in glasses said, “Got it, boss.”

After hanging up, Wesley let out a long breath. “How can I not make an appearance?”

With the current situation, if he didn’t solve this problem soon, the New York gangs might break away from their control and stuff their own pockets while they were at it.

He had to find someone suitable to deal with that damn masked man.

Thinking this, his eyes were still fixed on the Whitestone Park pier. He couldn’t help but feel depressed. How could Kilgrave be dead?! Without Kil, his boss’s plan had run into a huge problem.

Kil, that idiot, was too incompetent. Why had he run over to Byas’s nest when the masked man was attacking all the various bases?

Luke and Selina spent an hour working earnestly at the Whitestone Park pier before they drove off.

Now that they had seen the crime scene, they needed to go home and analyze the details, which was a very reasonable thing to do.

Once they got home, Selina washed up and went to bed.

Luke went to the workshop and checked Selina and Gold Nugget’s test results. In passing, he also learned Kilgrave’s Elementary Pheromone Control.

His credit points were instantly reduced to 70,200.

After testing this new ability, Luke felt a little strange.

It was as if he had grown another limb.

However, unlike Elementary Telekinesis, this limb couldn’t move objects. Instead, it was like an illusory line which he could control within a five-meter radius.

Any further than that, and the line would collapse and disappear like bubbles in the wind.

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