Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 928 - Long Forgotten Side Effect

Chapter 928 - Long Forgotten Side Effect

Chapter 928: Long Forgotten Side Effect

After lying down for another hour, Luke put Osiris and the medical robotic arm back into his inventory and destroyed everything on the bed before he returned to his room to take a shower.

Wearing a loose and comfortable hoodie, he took out a bottle of guaraná from the fridge and took a sip. He sighed in satisfaction. “This feels too great.”

Gold Nugget, who was watching HBO on the side, turned its head to give Luke a baffled glance before immediately turning back around.

Sometimes, the fiend liked to sigh. There wasn’t anything strange about that; watching dramas was more important.

Looking at the time, it was already six in the evening. For once, Luke went to personally make dinner himself.

He had been too busy recently, and the smart kitchenware was basically responsible for cooking.

However, Luke felt that he needed to use cooking to adjust his mood for now, to prevent him from being too excited.

Humming softly, he busied himself in the kitchen.

When the dog heard the sounds of chopping, its ears twitched, and its attention was instantly diverted.

Was... the fiend making dinner? It dashed to the kitchen door and looked at Luke in disbelief.

Luke naturally knew it had come. Without turning around, he asked, “Is there anything in particular you want to eat tonight?”

Gold Nugget’s eyes widened even more. It could even make a request? How many days had it been since it had gotten this treatment?

It immediately fled.

Luke didn’t think much of it.

The dog head had definitely gone to Selina to discuss the dishes.

A few minutes later, Selina grumbled as she wiped her hair, “Hey, it’s just dinner. Why are you so excited? I haven’t even dried my hair yet.”

Walking up behind Luke, she looked at the ingredients and said, “Pork ribs, beef sirloin, streaky pork, tenderloin, prawns, green peas, carrots, and celery. There must be braised pork, sweet and sour pork, or barbecued pork. Fry the pork ribs with garlic. Anything else?”

Gold Nugget was unhappy and whined.

Selina said, “Okay, okay. Luke, it wants the sad rice.”

Luke: “Okay.”

Of course, that sad rice was some nonsense he had simply cooked up, saying that it could make people cry when they ate it. josei

Actually, it was just Yangzhou fried rice with barbecued pork and onion.

If Chinese chefs saw this combination, they might really be depressed and shed sad tears — it was just a joke!

Actually, it was Gold Nugget who came up with this combination.

It liked this dish because it looked good and took more effort to make.

It wasn’t easy to get the fiend to generously do things for it, so it naturally wouldn’t waste this opportunity.

In any case, the other dishes were ready, and it would have a share.

Selina said, “Just let it be. All it’s been doing recently is watching TV or scolding people online. You don’t have to worry about it.”

Luke didn’t think much of it. “Isn’t watching dramas and being a keyboard warrior two of life’s great pleasures? With these two hobbies, happiness is always easy to find.”

Gold Nugget nodded vigorously, feeling that the fiend’s words had hit the nail on the head.

Watching dramas was to savor life along with the characters, and it was fun to be a keyboard warrior and harangue people online. One had to create their own enjoyment.

Selina was still too young to understand anything.

Condemning the young woman inwardly, the dog head happily returned to the living room to continue watching its show.

After complaining about the dog, Selina asked, “Why are you making dinner today? You weren’t in a good mood at lunch. Wait, did the two girls ask you out tonight?”

Luke chuckled. “Even if they dared to, I wouldn’t dare go. Both of them are only in high school. You know I have rules.”

Selina was lost for words.

Luke had a lot of self-control.

To use his own words, he was usually too busy to go out and play with little girls.

“Fine, keep it to yourself.” She was about to leave.

Luke stopped her. “Wait, take this out. The two of you can eat this first.”

He took out the new snack for today, which had been kept warm in the oven, and piled them up like a small mountain.

Selina was curious. “Huh? Is this baked fish? Why doesn’t it smell like fish?”

Luke turned around and handed her a bowl. He said with a smile, “It’s taiyaki. It’s actually a dessert made from flour, and there’s chocolate and red bean paste in it.”

Selina nodded and picked up the bowl.

She was abruptly dumbfounded.

The bowl which Luke had placed in her hands tilted and almost fell.

Thankfully, he reacted quickly and grabbed the bowl. He shook it a few times so that the taiyaki which had tilted to the side settled, and none of them fell out.

“What’s wrong?” He looked at Selina strangely.

Selina’s eyes were wide open as she stared into Luke’s eyes. Her mouth was open, but she didn’t react.

He realized that she was even holding her breath.

Frowning, Luke suddenly realized something.

He slapped his forehead and said, “Gold Nugget, come here.”

Gold Nugget immediately scuttled over. “Hm?”

Luke said, “Combine with her first so that she returns to normal. The two of you can then try out the new snack after that.”

Gold Nugget didn’t say anything, but a golden Slime emerged from Dollar’s body and stuck to Selina’s calf before it disappeared.

Selina finally came back to herself. She took a deep breath and couldn’t help but yell, “Luke, what did you do this time? What happened to your eyes?”

Luke smiled bitterly. “Okay, bring me my sunglasses. I’ll be wearing them for the next two days.”

Selina thought for a moment and asked, “Is it like last time?”

Luke said, “Sort of. It’ll be fine in a couple of days.”

Seeing that Luke wasn’t going to say anything, Selina stopped asking and went to his room to get him his sunglasses.

Only then did Gold Nugget separate from her. It returned to Dollar and whined.

Selina pushed the dog head away. “Wait, let me take a look.”

Looking Luke in the eyes for a moment, she frowned and shook her head. “No, you won’t be able to cover it with these sunglasses this time. It’s best if you wear pitch-black or tempered ones.”

Luke was stunned. “It’s that obvious?”

What happened just now had happened before when his Mental Strength reached 20.

With the boost in his Mental Strength, the anomaly in his eyes would directly affect the person he was looking at.

Caught off-guard, Selina had been snared once again and was frozen to the spot.

But her situation was even worse this time. She had to rely on Gold Nugget to neutralize the effect of Luke’s mental attack.

She observed his eyes for a moment, and seemed to fall into a daze again.

Luke could only turn his head. “We’ll do it this way at home for now. I’ll go out and buy a pair of sunglasses tomorrow.”

Selina nodded but didn’t move.

Luke said helplessly, “You and Gold Nugget can go and eat the snack. It seems anxious.”

Selina said, “Okay.” Holding the bowl of taiyaki, she turned around and left obediently.

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