Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 929 - Big Client, and Stealing Business?

Chapter 929 - Big Client, and Stealing Business?

Chapter 929: Big Client, and Stealing Business?

Looking at Selina, who looked like she had lost her soul, Luke put his hand to his forehead. “Last time, my eyes only returned to normal after three days. Don’t tell me it’ll take longer this time?”

It was a little troublesome to wear sunglasses all the time, and he would have to take them off in formal situations.

He could only avoid going to the police department for the next two days. Thinking that, he gave himself three more days off.

After dinner, which was much quieter than usual, Luke went out, or Selina would watch him from the couch the whole night.

She couldn’t control it.

Firstly, she was curious herself, and secondly, Luke’s powerful mind was like a magnet that forcibly drew her attention.

It just so happened that he had some ideas he wanted to test out, so he just went out to do so.

Tonight, he was only wearing an ordinary gray hoodie and black jeans. At night, he was half-invisible.

It wasn’t until midnight that Luke returned to the lab and recorded the experience of using Basic Hypnosis and Mental Communication.

The weather remained fine in New York the next day.

Except for slightly more clouds which dimmed the sun a little, the weather was still sunny.

Luke didn’t go out in the morning. He stayed in the lab and waited for his body to adapt to the sudden increase in Mental Strength.

Selina went out with Gold Nugget to buy a new pair of sunglasses.

She put it on him and nodded in satisfaction.

The bluish-purple lenses completely covered his eyes, and she wouldn’t be distracted again.

It wasn’t a bad feeling, but it wasn’t convenient to be stupefied every now and then.

At most, she would make him take off his glasses to look at her for a while when she wanted to rest. That was the “practical” thought she had.

At seven in the evening, they drove to Sister Margaret’s School for Wayward Children Bar again.

This time, the bartender was very proactive. “What do you want to drink?”

Luke asked, “Your treat?”

The bartender smiled. “Of course... you have to pay. Boss, you don’t need me to buy you two bottles of Coke, do you?”

Luke looked up at a bottle of wine in the corner of the bar. “I can accept that bottle.”

The bartender quickly shook his head. “That belongs to a customer. I don’t dare give it to you.”

Luke looked away. “That’s true. It’s a 40-year-old McCullen whiskey. Your bar probably doesn’t serve that sort of thing. Also, that half-bottle is the only genuine thing in this place.”

The bartender shrugged. “It seems that I don’t need to introduce the drinks here. Let’s get down to business.” He then took out a piece of paper and put it in front of Luke.

Luke glanced at it. There were almost 50 to 60 names on it.

“How much?” asked Luke.

The bartender tapped the bar with two fingers.

Luke took out a thick paper bag and threw it onto the counter. “Take it.” josei

The bartender was stunned. He didn’t expect Luke to be so straightforward.

But he wasn’t slow. He quickly picked up the paper bag and counted the two stacks of hundred-dollar bills.

After confirming that the amount was correct and that there were no fake bills, he took out a briefcase from the counter and placed it in front of Luke. “It’s all here.”

Luke looked at the briefcase and then at the bartender. “I’ve already given you the money. Let me confirm one more time: Is this what I want? I don’t want to waste time on the wrong target.”

The bartender nodded calmly. “Of course. My reputation has always been good.”

Looking at his expression, Luke nodded with a smile. “Very good. I like law-abiding people. You can ask Wade. I’m always generous to law-abiding people. Right, how should I address you?”

“You can call me Weasel!” said the bartender.

Luke nodded and picked up the briefcase. Selina followed him and they disappeared from the bar.

Looking in the direction in which the two of them disappeared, Weasel felt uneasy.

Thinking for a moment, he dialed a number. “Wade, who’s your big client?”

Wade was busy and said vaguely, “Who? Also, what does it have to do with you? If you have something to say, just say it. If not, get lost.”

Weasel said, “I’m talking about the young man named Luke, the one with the hot Latin American girl.”

Wade paused and asked suspiciously, “Why are you asking about him?”

Weasel: “...I just made a small deal with him.”

Wade suddenly understood and was furious. “F*ck you, you dare steal my business?”

Weasel said, “You wouldn’t have been able to dig out most of the information I gave him.”

Wade said, “Isn’t that still stealing my business? 100 bucks a person. You stole at least 50 of them from me, right?”

Weasel was lost for words. “I only gave him information on 54 people, and ten of them are super hitmen whom I casually wrote down. How is that stealing 50 of your business? Are there only four people on your list? Then, I’ll give you 400 dollars, and the mission will be transferred to me. How does that sound?”

While he said that, he mumbled to himself that with Wade’s talent in mathematics, he shouldn’t discover the problem.

As expected, Wade, who wasn’t good at primary school math, didn’t notice. “Get lost! You want to send me away with 400 dollars?”

He already had a list of more than 20 people. If he found a few more people to make up the numbers, he would be able to ask for 10,000 dollars. Why would he only get 400 dollars?!

Weasel said, “Cut the crap. I don’t care how much your information can be sold for. I’ll give you 20%, okay?”

Wade: “50-50.”

Weasel said, “70-30. 70 for me, 30 for you.”

Wade: “80 for me and 20 for you.”

Weasel said, “I’ll take 70 and you take 30. Forget it if you don’t want it.”

Wade: “Deal.”

After redeeming some of his future losses, a pleased Wade asked, “So, what do you want to ask?”

Weasel said, “He said that he’s a law-abiding man who is generous with his clients, but it sounded like he was threatening me not to give him fake information.”

“You really gave him fake information?” Wade cursed inwardly. He had wanted to do it himself, but someone had beat him to it.

It wouldn’t be good for him to do it now!

He said unhappily, “How can you do that? If you gave him fake info, what about mine?”

Weasel said, “...Didn’t you take 30%? You also have a hand in it.”

Wade said, “Then we’ll need to revise the split.”

Weasel said, “Bye. Just pretend that I never called you. Let’s call off the deal, okay?”

Hearing that, Wade immediately shouted, “Wait, wait. We’re all friends. Let’s talk slowly.”

“If you want to split the money, hurry up.” Weasel gave Wade his strongest threat.

Wade said, “Okay, okay. What are you afraid of? Don’t you give out fake info all the time? Are you afraid that he’ll kill you?”

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