Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 930 - Back to Work, and Something’s Not Right

Chapter 930 - Back to Work, and Something’s Not Right

Chapter 930: Back to Work, and Something’s Not Right

Weasel hesitated for a moment before he said, “When he said that last sentence, I felt a sense of danger. What exactly does he do?”

Wade said, “You’re not scared of the police, are you?”

Weasel was lost for words. “You’re doing business with the police?”

Wade: “He’s an LAPD cop. Why can’t I do business with him?”

Weasel was stunned. “LAPD? Then why is he in New York?”

“How would I know? I’m not his wife,” Wade said casually, and his own wife immediately stepped on his face.

Wade pressed down on Vanessa’s foot to avoid being hit again. “Anything else? I’m hanging up.”

Weasel asked, “He won’t go crazy, will he?”

Some police officers didn’t have clean methods.

Wade thought for a moment. “He’s reasonable, and very generous. He means what he says.”

They talked for a while longer before Weasel hung up.

Frowning and thinking for a moment, he suddenly laughed. “He’s just a young man. Why am I so nervous? He’s not from NYPD. He can’t control me.”

Weasel wasn’t scared of NYPD himself, but his bar could easily get in trouble.

Generally speaking, he wouldn’t do business with NYPD people.

It would be best if everyone minded their own business.

Thinking that, Wesel put aside his anxiety about selling fake info and happily locked the 20,000 dollars into the safe behind the counter.


In the car, Selina flipped through the stack of files. “Are we going to look for people based on this?”

Luke hummed in acknowledgement. “Although most of them might be unreliable, the rest are still a little useful.”

Selina clicked her tongue and shook her head. “Most of the people here are ordinary. They don’t look like they’re worth 1,000 dollars.”

Luke said, “It’s fine. I’ve always been a law-abiding person. Since I’ve given him the money, he has to solve the problem. If he can’t solve the problem after taking the money, I can only do it another way.”

Selina was intrigued. “How are you going to deal with him?”

Luke said, “Give him a chance. Maybe he wants to be a good person too.”

Don’t blame me for not giving you a chance to be a good person! he mumbled inwardly.

When the time came, Luke didn’t mind taking a leaf out of Daredevil’s book.

Lawyer Matt only needed to cover his face. There was only one way he got information, and he didn’t have to pay for it.

While Luke was thinking that, Lawyer Matt happened to be fleeing in a sorry state at that moment.

Matt, who wasn’t as well-informed as Luke, finally came out again after his injuries were basically healed.

He was in a good mood following the community reconstruction and volunteer campaign. He decided to come out and do a crime sweep, and see if he could cause trouble for Kingpin.

After beating up two groups of hooligans who were robbing women, Matt returned to a roof and crouched down to listen to everything that was happening in every corner of the city.

Suddenly, he heard a voice. “Ha, I found you, Daredevil! You’re mine.”

The voice came from a building 100 meters away.

Matt subconsciously turned his attention in that direction, and heard the faint sound of clicking metal.

His heart tightened. That was... a gun!

Recalling the man’s mumbling, he immediately did a flip and fell into the shadows at the edge of the roof.


What sounded like an extremely clear gunshot to Matt echoed in the night sky.

There was now a small hole in the ground where he had been crouching.

Matt could even clearly feel the bullet shatter and scatter along with the cement debris.

As someone who was used to observing the world with his ears, even he was surprised. Sniper rifle?

He clearly heard the guy who had fired the gun pull the bolt back and reload.

Most people who used sniper rifles were professionals. The gang members whom he usually beat up couldn’t compare.

For most people, automatic pistols were more practical than sniper rifles, including gang members who often handled guns.

Matt immediately raised his guard, but he was confused. Why was a sniper looking for him? Was it... Kingpin?

But he had been looking for Kingpin for a long time, and the most unlucky thing he had encountered was the siege by eight ninjas.

A professional sniper had never appeared before.

Hit the wrong person? That was impossible.

The person who had fired obviously knew Daredevil well, and had quickly confirmed his identity and fired decisively.

Matt’s thoughts spun. Under the cover of the roof, he moved to the other side and quickly descended the stairs.

He wanted to catch this guy and ask him what was going on. josei

Keeping an eye on the sniper, Matt took a detour through the alley behind the building, before he crawled through a window on the second floor and headed straight for the roof.

In less than five minutes, he reached the rooftop and listened to the noise around him. He slowed down and silently leaned over the sniper’s back.

When he was three meters away, he suddenly lunged forward and pressed down on his opponent, punching him in the ribs.

His attack was very sudden. The enemy, who had been lying on the edge of the roof, was caught off-guard and was hit by a series of heavy punches. Cracking sounds rang out as four or five ribs were instantly broken.

The sniper wanted to curl up in pain, but Matt pinned him down and he couldn’t move. He could only scream.

Matt didn’t hold back. He smashed the man’s face against the edge of the roof with one hand, and didn’t stop with the other as he punched the man’s joints.

He didn’t stop until he heard the bones in the man’s hands crack again. He grabbed the man’s hair and pulled his ear to his face. He asked in a low voice, “Who told you to kill Daredevil? Speak!”

The sniper was in so much pain that he couldn’t even breathe. How could he answer the question?

Matt adjusted his body and pressed it against the edge of the roof.

He didn’t have a target tonight. He had plenty of time to pry open the man’s mouth.

Bang! Bang!

Two gunshots rang out, and holes exploded in the sniper’s head and chest. Matt also felt his hands turn wet and sticky.

Alarmed, he pulled up the sniper’s body in front of him.

Bang! Bang!

Two more gunshots rang out, and the bulletproof vest the sniper was wearing made muffled sounds, but Matt retreated from the rooftop unscathed.

Another sniper!

Matt felt that something wasn’t right.

The first two shots just now definitely weren’t to kill the sniper he was holding.

The real target was still Matt.

They had just been slightly off.

The two shots which followed proved Matt’s speculation right.

The second sniper was indeed after him.

Matt quickly went downstairs again to catch the second sniper and ask him everything.

He didn’t believe that a third sniper would appear later.

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