Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 952 - Hunters and Hunting the Hunters

Chapter 952 - Hunters and Hunting the Hunters

Chapter 952: Hunters and Hunting the Hunters

Luke had this idea because the man wasn’t very strong, but he was very good at hiding.

At the same time, the man only had a pistol, but he had been using an extremely high-end professional camera to document Wade’s fights.

If Luke didn’t have Sharp Nose, he might not have been able to find the man.

The thought only lasted for a moment.

Luke almost immediately forgot about this unlucky guy, but he didn’t know that the surveillance feed would disappear in front of a certain person in Manhattan as the lookout disappeared from this world.

He didn’t know that someone had already decided to sit back and watch the tigers fight it out.

Even if he knew, Luke would only laugh.

If he was running low, a certain someone would spend money to buy “monsters,” or even lure them in for Luke to kill. He really didn’t mind having a few more of this type of “kindhearted person.”

After all, he had many aliases.

After taking them off, Luke was still that diligent and dedicated detective.

Whoever wanted to fight V could only wait.

The choice to do battle was up to them, but Luke had the final say on where and when.

He really enjoyed the privilege of killing monsters at his designated time and place.

But now, Luke, who didn’t know anything at all, was completely focused on his task.

Swamp Park’s full name was Swamp State Conservation Park, and the vegetation here was more overrun.

After all, Staten Island was the smallest of the five major New York districts.

There were even fewer people in the southwest corner. There weren’t even any skyscrapers in the area, and the buildings here were just small shops that provided tourist services. josei

At night, there was only one night watchman at the park entrance far away. Luke had already called and sent him back to the city.

No innocent victims would be harmed here with this place as the battlefield.

Naturally, nobody would call the police since there were no witnesses. The battle here would end with the complete disappearance of one side.

Ordinary people wouldn’t know about it, which was what Luke wanted the most.

Let dark matters remain forever in the dark.

This time, Luke started cleaning up from the outside in.

He killed the lookouts first before he started to clean up the mid-range shooters from behind.

Compared with the lookouts, these mid-range shooters were much more troublesome.

They were closer to the battlefield, and could observe each other.

Of course, no one was stupid enough to expose themselves.

The shooters hid in dark corners, waiting for an opportunity to deliver the fatal blow.

Luke’s first target was a shooter hiding in a tree.

The shooter, who was dressed in camouflage, was hiding on a thick tree branch. He moved very slowly.

Ordinary people might not notice him even if they stared at him for a long time.

He was an extremely patient hunter who hadn’t fired a single shot since the beginning.

Unfortunately, a hunter who wasn’t as patient as he was appeared tonight.

While he was silently waiting for an opportunity to attack, a special cloak fell from above him.

It was gentle and natural, like a cold wind blowing past out of the shooter’s line of sight, and it enveloped most of him.

If the shooter could see himself from a third person perspective, it was like he disappeared from sight.


With a low thud, the shooter’s gun barrel and scope were dragged up into the air.

Luke didn’t put the man into his inventory until he was completely under the optical camouflage cloak.

He wasn’t happy or excited. He glanced at his experience and credit points to confirm that he hadn’t killed the wrong person, before he moved on to the next target.

One of the hitmen fired two shots from a distance and cursed under his breath as he quickly bent over.

The smiling man was still far away. He wasn’t worried that the other party would counterattack, but he was worried about the other hitmen.

He had to be more vigilant with his own life.

With that in mind, he squeezed through a gap in the bushes and hid without making a sound. He stuck his gun out of the gap and waited for an opportunity.

Just as he entered the bushes, the bushes behind him parted silently, and a transparent shadow slipped in.


It went dark for the hitman as he died on the spot. His body was covered by the optical camouflage cloak, and he entered Luke’s inventory to accompany the other hitmen.

“A hitman has withdrawn from the battlefield and is retreating. He was alerted when you killed his partner,” Selina warned.

“Got it.” Luke nodded and headed in the direction of the fleeing hitman.

As the first hitman ran, four of five others at the back started to retreat.

It was one thing for the competition to be intense, but the less resolute hitmen also retreated at Wade’s brutal counterattacks.

The chance of snatching the bounty from dozens of competitors was very low, and they might be killed if they weren’t careful.

Luke had killed the first batch of people who had chosen to leave.

These were the ones who had lookouts for teammates, and when they didn’t get any response from them, their sense of danger immediately increased.

It was inevitable for assassins to be sensitive and suspicious.

It was even easier for assassins with partners to fall into this mood.

Luke watched as Wade was chased by a bunch of hitmen as he headed for a neighboring park.

He knew that this guy wouldn’t die.

He would occasionally pick up the guy’s mic, and when he heard the guy cursing, he knew that he wasn’t at the end of his rope yet. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have the energy to talk.

Luke retreated from the middle and outer circles of the battle and stood behind a tree next to a small road.

A few seconds later, a figure emerged from the bushes on the side and was about to step onto the road.


An extremely soft gunshot rang out, and the first hitman to run away was shot in the head and immediately fell.

Luke walked over to the body and covered it with his cloak.

He didn’t stop. With a light tap of his foot, he quickly reached a tree on the side of the road. The M110 rifle appeared in his hand again, and he pointed it at another area.

All that took just two seconds, and he pulled the trigger lightly.

Pa! Pa! Pa!

The silencer basically made the flash from the muzzle invisible, and the sound was a lot softer.

By the time other hitmen looked in that direction, Luke had already left the tree.

In the driver’s seat of a car in the distance, a hitman lay limply out of the open door. There were two bullet holes in his chest, and blood was pouring out.

Struggling, he pressed down on the wound with one hand and tried to pull himself into the car with the other.

But in less than ten seconds, it was over for him.

The rapid blood loss made him lose consciousness. He could only lie there and wait for death.

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