Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 953 - One on One

Chapter 953 - One on One

Chapter 953: One on One

After killing the fleeing hitman on the opposite side, Luke slowed down.

Stuck at a corner of a scenic rock, a killer charged out a few seconds later.

Before she could react, she felt her vision go dark, as if she had scurried into a trap. Her entire face was flattened as if it had hit a wall, and the bones in her face cracked.

Then, there was nothing else.

From the side, it looked like when the female assassin turned around the boulder, she suddenly disappeared into thin air, like a TV ninja.

The world lost yet another elite assassin.

The transparent shadow disappeared into the dark again and moved on to the next target.

On the other side, Wade was breathing more and more heavily.

In the beginning, he relied on his suit and his guts to kill a few hitmen who were impatient to take advantage, which made him very proud.

But when his pistol blew up the eighth hitman’s head 25 meters away, none of the hitmen approached him anymore.

With Wade’s bursts of speed and a hit rate of almost 50% within a 20- to 30-meter range, the success rate of such an explosive technique was terrifying.

Almost all the hitmen who died were killed in this way.

Once they became cautious, Wade started to suffer.

The enemy was completely relying on the range of their rifles to bully him and didn’t engage him in close combat at all.

To a certain extent, he had made the same mistake as Lawyer Matt.

Although his twin guns had a longer range, it was 40 meters at most, and wouldn’t reach an enemy that was 50 meters away.

Wade’s useless longswords were already back on his back, and he could only use his pistols to suppress the fire. He had practically lost the ability to counterattack.

Thankfully, the support system had repeatedly told him to bring at least twenty clips with him.

The knife that would have originally hung from the belt of the V suit had been replaced with clips.

For the sake of the five million, Wade had resigned himself to this heavy burden.

He rarely brought more than five clips with him when he was on a mission, and he was now glad that he still had so many bullets.

He couldn’t kill the enemy, but if he couldn’t even shoot, his longest ranged attack would be a pair of blades less than two meters long. It would be hard for him to escape.

It wasn’t even an hour yet, not enough for the remaining 2.5 million.

Why didn’t he bring a rifle?

Because the support system forbade him from carrying a rifle or a machine gun, a rocket launcher, or a grenade.

Luke had already given Wade this life-saving V suit; how could he allow him to use those lethal weapons? Wouldn’t that be stealing his experience and credit points?

It was fine as long as the guy didn’t die; it was only right for him to suffer.

How could he earn five million without suffering?

Wade fled with difficulty into a service area that was made up of single-story buildings. Panting heavily in one unit, he didn’t forget to curse. “A bunch of lunatics. It’s not easy to die. If you have the ability, fight me one-on-one!”

As he spoke, he couldn’t help but search his body.

His hands and feet hurt; what was worse was how his back hurt everywhere.

With his combat awareness, he would naturally try to shift the attacks to his back.

After all, pain in his limbs would greatly affect his shooting and movements. Although his back hurt, it was still bearable.

More importantly, Wade wasn’t going to let his front take any bullets.

It was fine if they hit his chest or abdomen, but if they hit a vital part below his abdomen, he would have to drop to his knees on the ground even if his suit was bulletproof.

After all, although Mr. Wade’s “vital part” was strong, its strength wasn’t in its ability to endure a blow.

Rubbing furiously, he mumbled, “Vanessa doesn’t have trypophobia, does she? My back definitely doesn’t look like a Dalmatian’s anymore.”

At that moment, SpongeBob’s cheerful voice rang in his earpiece. “Brother Octopus, you have five seconds to move, or you’ll be surrounded.”

Wade crawled to the back door and opened it. He asked, “What’s the time now?”

“7:15 and 27 seconds. 28 seconds.” SpongeBob SquarePants immediately reported the time happily.

Wade gritted his teeth. “Isn’t that just a quarter of an hour so far?”

The agreement with V was one hour, from seven until eight.

It had only been fifteen minutes, but he already felt like he couldn’t hold on any longer.

It wasn’t that he was weak, but that the mission restrictions were quite troublesome. He couldn’t use large-scale weapons or set up traps, nor could he leave or make contact.

Otherwise, Wade could’ve lured them into a trap and killed most of his opponents in one go, or after they broke out, he could pick them off one by one.

As long as he killed more than half of them, the rest wouldn’t be so arrogant anymore.

Wade’s idea was indeed good, but the person who was paying him didn’t want him to kill too many people.

He was a moving target that had been pushed out to be beaten up tonight.

At that moment, SpongeBob suddenly said, “Brother Octopus, you have a new message. Please check it.”

Wade: “F*ck! What the hell... Wait, open it.”

SpongeBob SquarePants: “Brother Octopus, please take the following route and leave the battle completely. Consider the job finished early. -V.”

Wade: “What?”

What happened to one hour? It had only been fifteen minutes, and he was already leaving? That was too much!

Hm, forget it. Let’s just slip away! In any case, the client said that the job was complete. josei

Apart from his vitals, his entire body was in pain. He really couldn’t take it.

Looking at the route projected by the support system, he decisively started to slip away.

This route wasn’t a simple line. The support system constantly warned him when to adjust his speed and direction.

Wade wasn’t stupid and quickly realized the reason.

As he moved along this winding route, many of the hitmen around him were already fanning out in one area.

Compared with how they had been scattered about earlier like sesame seeds on a biscuit... wasn’t it easier to get rid of them in one go like this?

However, he had been shot seven or eight more times as the hitmen were lured into position.

Wade didn’t have time to think too much, and did his best to make sure the bullets hit the meatiest parts of his back.

It stung like repeated muscle injections, like when the last needle hadn’t been pulled out before the next one was stuck in, but he still endured the pain and stubbornly moved forward.

On the other side, Luke couldn’t help but sigh as he watched Wade leave the battlefield and approach the escape route. “Sorry, but all of you have to die today.”

As long as two or three of the remaining assassins made it out alive, the news of V being beaten to a pulp would become a legend, just like this battle.

Although V was just an alias, Luke felt like he was going to become obsessed with cleanliness when he thought about how the distinguished V might develop a reputation for dirty tricks.

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