Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 954 - Now, Pick a Lucky Audience Member

Chapter 954 - Now, Pick a Lucky Audience Member

Chapter 954: Now, Pick a Lucky Audience Member

At that moment, Wade had already retreated to a corner of the park, where there was a small peninsula wrapped halfway around a lake.

The hitmen were also excited.

This was dead territory.

As long as Smiley Face dared to jump into the water, they could wait by the lake and shoot the guy in the head. It would be impossible for him to dodge.

There was no way a person could move faster in the water than on land. When it came to someone as quick as Smiley Face in particular, this was basically throwing away his advantage.

If he didn’t jump into the water, he could only move around on this narrow peninsula. The extreme lack of space would also cripple most of his swift movements.

The remaining assassins were all top-notch experts, and almost all of them noticed this. josei

This was the critical moment to kill him! That was what all the hitmen thought.

They subconsciously started to force their way onto the peninsula, but they were still cautious and maintained their positions on the same line as their temporary accomplices.

Nobody dared to leave their backs to their temporary accomplices, and nobody wanted to charge forward and be killed by the smiling man.

The closer they were to the end, the more cautious they had to be.

At that moment, Wade finally retreated to the lake.

Unexpectedly, he plunged into the lake without any hesitation.

Stunned for a moment, the hitmen finally gave up on keeping their distance and ran to the shore near where he had jumped.

They dropped their guard significantly after the smiling man jumped into the water.

Even if the smiling man fell into dire straits after he jumped into the water, everyone had lost this target at that moment, and any other thoughts they had were superfluous.

The lake wasn’t small. If there were fewer people, the smiling man might come ashore again to kill them.

Bingo! Luke suddenly materialized.

His V suit was unusually neat, and his hat was firmly on.

Wade’s hat had long fallen off, and his V had been pissing his pants the entire time. It was a tragic sight.

Taking a deep breath of the cold night air, Luke murmured, “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Those who need to leave can’t stay.”

His voice wasn’t loud, but he didn’t try to hide it. A hitman ten meters away heard something and turned around warily.

When he saw Luke, his hair stood on end.

The smiling man!

He opened his mouth to shout.


The hitman’s head jerked and his body spun half a circle before he crashed to the ground.

“Life is just a journey. It doesn’t matter if it’s sad or happy,” Luke murmured. He seemed to be walking leisurely, but he was actually moving at an astonishing speed.

Another hitman heard the gunshot and saw the fallen hitman out of the corner of his eye. Sensing someone moving very quickly, he took a wary look.

He was stunned when he saw Luke.

That was a fatal mistake.

Of course, his ending wasn’t any different.

While the man was still in a daze, Luke was about ten meters away when a black dagger flashed through the darkness and flew at his face.


Another body fell to the ground.

At this point, it was hard to hide his whereabouts.

The remaining hitmen were all highly vigilant.

Luke had killed the two men in a moment when all gunfire had paused, and it was especially abrupt.

The sound of his own gunshot was a little further away, but some people still looked over.

When they saw Luke, they looked like they were seeing a ghost.

A few of them couldn’t help but look at the lake and then at Luke, as if to confirm that the smiling man who had jumped into the lake wasn’t an illusion.

Luke suddenly sped up. The two silver Colt revolvers in his hands were a stark contrast to his basically black appearance, and left faint afterimages in front of him.

Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Eleven bullets were fired like falling rain, but there was a strong rhythm to the gunshots. Six shots from the Colt Python mixed with five shots from the Colt King Cobra.

The hitmen who had been leaning over the lake in a semi-circle instantly collapsed.

And Luke officially occupied the key position: the exit of the peninsula.

All the hitmen were now confined to the small peninsula. They were now in the same situation as Wade.

But none of them had noticed.

There were too many of them.

Wade had killed eight people, and Luke had only killed 39 people on the periphery so far.

At that moment, Luke was still facing 87 people.

87 versus 1!

No matter how careful the hitmen were, they wouldn’t think that they were surrounded.

Furthermore, they were all elites in the business.

They easily recognized the make of Luke’s revolvers.

After twelve gunshots, the smiling man would only be holding two empty guns.

At that moment, a quick-witted hitman finally shouted, “Be careful! He’s not alone. There are two Smiley Faces!”

Most of the hitmen who hadn’t understood immediately realized what was going on.

Whether it was Luke’s revolvers, his Zorro hat, or his almost spotless equipment, they all proved that he wasn’t the guy who had been beaten up just now.

Luke smiled and said unhurriedly, “The answer is correct. You’re the first lucky audience member!”

As he spoke, he swung the Colt King Cobra in his hand.


A bullet arced in the air before it finally turned 90 degrees and hit the forehead of a hitman hiding behind a tree.

He was the first lucky audience member who had reacted the fastest and revealed the truth.

He was also the first lucky audience member whom Luke selected out of the 87 people to die on the spot.

The hitmen were stunned again. Huh? What happened to a revolver having just six bullets? Was this a special model with seven bullets?


The barrel of the Colt Python sparked, and a hitman who had just raised a HK416 was sent flying.

The hitmen were surprised. Both guns had seven bullets? What kind of freakish revolvers were these?

Luke moved at lightning speed, turning into a blurry shadow in the night as he approached the group.

Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The first line of hitmen who had just turned around and raised their guns were cut down, and ten more people fell.

Everybody’s hair stood on end. The most sensitive strings in their hearts thrummed: super expert!

No! That wasn’t right!

The first smiling man who had been sent running was definitely a super expert.

But compared with this second smiling man, he was at least one level lower.

Legendary killer!

Everybody thought the same thing.

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