Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 955 - Superhuman + Legendary Killer = ?

Chapter 955 - Superhuman + Legendary Killer = ?

Chapter 955: Superhuman + Legendary Killer = ?

Legendary killers were basically terrifying existences that only existed in legends.

They had even more nicknames, such as Extraordinaries, Nonhumans, or... King of Killers!

Everybody felt as if they had been hit by lightning, and their hair stood on end.

It was the subconscious fear and reverence of a predator who was far superior to them!

But Luke didn’t give them any time to hesitate.

In just a tenth of a second, his powerful Mental Strength manipulated the inventory’s storage function and took the empty shells from the Colt King Cobra to be instantly replaced with six new bullets.

Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!

The silver gun exploded in the night with bright sparks as it swept through all obstacles in front of Luke.

Another small section in the semi-circle of hitmen was missing.

The remaining hitmen were all shocked. Most of them had already stopped moving and were now lunging for the nearest cover.

In a confrontation with a legendary killer, the stupidest thing to do was face them head-on.

Whoever faced him would be the first to die.

This was an iron law that countless rookie hitmen and bodyguards had verified using hundreds of lives and blood.

Nobody wanted to be the first person to die.

Luke reloaded the gun in one tenth of a second, and the Colt Python opened fire.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Broken branches, leaves, and wood chips were sent flying by the gunshots, and six killers who were one step slower were all shot in the face or neck.

Most of them were wearing bulletproof vests, and would only sustain minor injuries at most when shot in the chest.

Luke aimed at the unprotected faces and necks.

He was less than twenty meters away from the six targets.

It was harder for him to miss than to hit his target in this range.

Supported by 40 Mental Strength, his brain was as calm and clear as the first snow of New York’s winter night. As he shot his targets one by one, he still had the capability to judge his next move.

Compared with 20 Mental Strength, his brain was like a CPU which had been upgraded from a single-core, dual speed processor to a quad-core, quad speed processor.

Previously, shooting rapidly at multiple targets with two guns would affect their accuracy and speed slightly. Now, however, it was as if both guns operated independently, but perfectly distributed the shooting load between them.

The lethality of this attack was obvious by how there were almost 90 people in the hitmen group, but they had instantly been thrown into disarray.

Not only that, his brain was also able to quickly analyze each individual hitman’s battle characteristics and come up with a simple focused plan of attack.

A hitman on the other side, who liked to open fire only when he was 90% sure of his chances, noticed that the way Luke was moving put him at an extremely awkward angle.

He hesitated for half a second and didn’t open fire.

Then, a bullet hit him in the head, and he no longer had to think about when to open fire.

As for another hitman who liked spraying his targets with bullets, he realized that his bullets could only follow behind Luke.

Before he could adjust, he was shot as well and fell to the ground.

Other hitmen who preferred getting closer to battle, who preferred to pull back, who liked to play dirty tricks, or who liked to fight head-on all experienced similar things.

This was the qualitative change brought about by 40 Mental Strength.

Luke would change his movements and attack rhythm several times in a second.

Even though there were dozens of elite killers on the other side, they couldn’t find a chance to fire.

Thus, they were either hesitant or reckless, and couldn’t hit Luke.

What was even more terrifying was that they soon discovered something strange — how was he firing his two revolvers without needing to reload?

From the first to the eighth round of bullets, the smiling man’s two revolvers fired continuously without any gap to reload.

If it was just one revolver, they might’ve been able to picture the other party reloading a gun with the other hand.

But how could a person with two revolvers reload both at the same time? That didn’t make sense at all.

Ordinary people might be dumbstruck, but the experienced elites immediately thought of a possibility — a superhuman!

Everybody’s hearts turned cold at the thought. Some of them even cursed when they figured it out.

Killing a superhuman was completely different from killing an ordinary person.

Kill a legendary killer with super abilities? Sorry, they had never carried out such a mission before.

Or rather, they didn’t have the qualifications to take on such a mission.

For a mission like this, they would have to recruit a lot of killers who were a level higher, plan carefully, then ambush the target with absolute numbers and a terrain advantage.

That was the only way to succeed.

The combination of a legendary killer and superpowers wasn’t just 1+1. It was 2×2 or even 10×10.

Their strength could only be counted as 1.

Even a hundred of them combined might not necessarily be able to stand up to such an existence.

Those who were quick-witted and figured this out immediately left the battlefield. josei

At the same time, several black objects flew toward Luke.

Luke wasn’t surprised at all. He finally unleashed half of his strength, and with a muffled burst of noise, he left small holes in the ground.

He suddenly sped up and disappeared from the hitmen’s sight.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Four explosions rang out in a row as two grenades flew out to cover a large area.

The other two stun grenades exploded with blinding white light and a deafening noise that could make one’s heart stop.

For a moment, Luke’s gunshots were drowned out.

At that moment, the hitmen’s huge weakness was exposed.

Those who didn’t have companions wouldn’t help the others when they were under attack, and the ones who retreated beforehand didn’t care if the others were in danger. In fact, they deliberately didn’t warn the others.

Two flash grenades and two grenades were suddenly thrown out.

Apart from the dozen or so hitmen who had dodged the sudden attack, most of the others were caught in the crossfire.

The two stun grenades, in particular, blinded at least 30 people. The other ten or so people were either injured by shrapnel or were overwhelmed by the loud noise.

Several hot-tempered hitmen cursed angrily.

The moment they were affected, they knew that their chances of survival were almost zero.

Their only hope was that the terrifying smiling man no. 2 was also affected.

Unfortunately, that was impossible.

Luke, who had an electronic earpiece, automatic filter and anti-glare lenses, and a full bulletproof vest, only felt that some parts of his body were hit, but the impact wouldn’t even cause bruises.

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