Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1149 - Success Achieved

Chapter 1149 - Success Achieved

Chapter 1149: Success Achieved

The Cosmic Gate had finally fallen under the attack of the Inverse!

A sea-urchin-shaped warship of titanic size had rammed apart that spatial node! Like a giant behemoth, it charged in from that other universe!

The shattering of space created unbelievably huge shockwaves, and many people were pushed into the depths of the universe by the ripples as if they were nothing but helpless ants in front of a hurricane.

The entire defense line had collapsed!

For a whole year, the Law Realm had shipped over all the resources it could to the Cosmic Gate to set up a defense line, which had numerous weapons and defensive measures installed. Alas, with the entry of this superwarship, more than half of these weapons had been destroyed, depriving the defense of its combat power.

In the distance, the shockwave had also ruined the formation of the Titan fleet. Although the Titan fleet was swiftly getting back into formation under Sophie’s orders, these Titans were large and slow creatures, so they could not present any combat power for a short time.

*Whoosh! Whoosh!*

A warrior crawled out of the ruins, dragging an old man with him.

“Patriarch, are you okay?!” the warrior roared.

“Forget about me! Hurry and reorganize our men! Go into battle!”

Their eyes suddenly widened, for the sea-urchin-like Inverse ship had already stopped in space. Countless firing ports opened up on every angle of the ship, a 360-degree coverage!


With a clack, the countless hangers within the ship opened, and countless Inverse warriors poured out!

After executing their meticulous plan, the Inverse army had finally made landfall in the Law Realm!

The Law Realm warriors were in the middle of getting back to their feet, not expecting that the first thing they would see was such a despairing sight!

The Inverse army flooded through space, blotting out the sea of stars!


As the Inverse warship accelerated, the Silver Specter hidden in the asteroid belt quietly removed its disguise. Like a cunning hunter, it traced the route of the giant warship.


The Inverse warship was traveling at maximum speed, giant flames coming out of its thrusters!

“The enemy has reached maximum speed!” Radix reported nervously!

Xia Fei raised an eyebrow and said severely, “Engines at 50% power, activate!”


The Silver Specter silently moved out of the asteroid belt, following the back of the giant Inverse warship. Though it was only at 50% speed, the Silver Specter was much faster than the Inverse warship. Their positions were very distinct, the giant warship in front and the Silver Specter trailing right behind.


Without any sort of suspense, the Inverse warship rammed through the Cosmic Gate. At the same time, Xia Fei sent out his order.

“Begin overclocking! Engines at 150% power! Prepare the escape pods!”

Radix immediately adjusted the Silver Specter’s energy distribution, and the Silver Specter accelerated, resulting in a stunning sight!

This ship was not too large, but it advanced at such an incredible speed it began to shudder visibly. It was as if it could fall apart at any second. Right now, it was even dragging a long tale of flame behind, more majestic than the trail of a thousand comets!

The speed was just too fast, and in one second, the Silver Specter had caught up to the Inverse warship!

At this time, the Inverse warship had just released its warriors from its hold. Before they had any time to attack, they were set upon by this crazy and weird warship!

“All of you can go now,” Radix said sternly.

Xia Fei gave a slight nod. After taking one last glance at the determined Radix, he pulled Ulan and Fuchen to the escape pods.

Radix, this single soul, was left alone in the command deck of the Silver Specter.

This was not important. What was important was that Radix was looking very fervently at the giant sea-urchin-like warship.

His tall and thin figure standing next to the window, Radix felt like he really had flesh and blood, as if he was still alive.

“Young lord, I’m coming.” Radix glanced at that warship, his eyes brimming with killing intent and disdain.

Radix returned to the fiendish blade Nirvana, and the Silver Specter continued to accelerate madly!

“Enter unlimited acceleration mode!” Radix muttered to himself. Although Xia Fei was not at his side to give orders, he gave himself orders out of habit.

Unlimited acceleration meant sending all energy to the engine without caring how much the ship could handle.

This was naturally very dangerous, but Xia Fei had calculated everything out. Only the craziest of methods could turn the tables at one go.

The Inverse warship was far too large, so large that nothing could shake it. It was like using a hammer to pummel the Earth. What damage could a little hammer do to a planet?

The only hope was speed! Crazy and reckless speed!

With the power of speed, even the small Silver Specter could deal a lethal strike to such an enormous warship!

Thus, Xia Fei had decided on this crazy plan: warship versus warship! The fastest ship in the universe, the Silver Specter, would ram into the Inverse mothership at a speed never achieved before!

The result was impossible to predict, but Xia Fei knew that if he did not do this, he and the Law Realm would not even have a ghost of a chance!

Radix, as the controller of the soul ship, and the Silver Specter’s hyperintelligent AI core, had bravely accepted this most dangerous job. Under his control, the Silver Specter would complete this crazy assault!

The distance closed, and the Silver Specter reached absurd speeds!

It was impossible to describe this scene in words. The Inverse warriors forgot their mission, dumbly watching as the Silver Specter crazily flew over!

The Law Realm warriors stared at that silver streak of light with widened eyes as it approached at unimaginable speed, sans a clue at what it was trying to do!

“Faster! Faster! Faster!” Radix bellowed savagely!

Radix had long ceased to be that cultured and refined Aurora Clan warrior, having seemingly been infected by Xia Fei’s madness!

Right now, his eyes were red with blood as Radix brimmed with much excitement!

Either it would all be for naught or he would have his revenge! josei

Finally, that giant warship and that grain-sized warship collided. Strangely, there was no sound on impact, as though everyone was watching a movie on mute. The small ship plunged into the giant warship like a knife slicing into tofu. *Poof!* The Silver Specter disappeared. Many people thought that this was a dream, and perhaps it was only in a dream that something so crazy could take place.

From unreal to real. Only a second.

One second later, the giant warship became a ball of flame, a giant ball of flame the size of several hundred suns!

Sound traveled to everyone’s ears, causing most of them to cover their ears as their faces contorted in pain.

Another second later, the Law Realm warriors all jumped in the air. This was the shockwave. After all, the explosion of such a huge warship contained a crazy amount of energy!

Many people thought that this was what the end of days was like.


The warship’s calamitous explosion persisted for a long time. No one knew what exactly had happened, as no one had been able to keep their eyes open when that explosion took place.

No matter how strong the warriors were, they were thrown about like fallen leaves in a tempest. It was difficult to imagine the misery the Inverse caught up in the center of the explosion were experiencing.

In this process, nobody noticed the several dozen escape pods that had been launched from the Silver Specter before it went through the Cosmic Gate, and even more so, nobody noticed that a force had already finished assembling in the chaos.


Xia Guanghai shattered the debris over his head and stood up in the ruins, frantically patting the dust off his face.

At this moment, a strong and forceful arm pulled him straight out of the debris.

“Seems that you’re not dead yet.”

Xia Guanghai’s eyes flew open and saw Xia Fei’s smiling face.


Without a word, Xia Guanghai punched Xia Fei in the chest. He then said excitedly, “Of course, I’m not dead! I didn’t think that you’d still be alive!”


At this time, the ruins became restless, debris flying up. The scene beneath the debris was very strange, for the Skywing wolves had formed a human wall that had Grand Ancestor Xia Gucheng firmly underneath it. It was as if everyone had worked together to protect the patriarch from the moment the collapse started.

“You cubs! Your grand ancestor is tougher than you think! I won’t die that easily!” Xia Gucheng yelled, his face pale. Though he was scolding them, he could not hide the emotion on his face.

This was just how the Skywings were. While they were normally very laid back, when a war began, they would display an astonishing unity.

More than a thousand people had worked in unison, all of them only thinking of protecting the grand ancestor, but this had resulted in a very embarrassing development. All of them rushing together had almost stifled Xia Gucheng to death...

“Xia Fei!”

“It’s really Xia Fei!”

“You’re not dead!”

The Skywing wolves realized what was going on and happily turned to Xia Fei. As for Ulan, Fuchen, and the Aurora Clan warriors behind him, the Skywings had chosen to ignore their existences in the meantime.

“Do you all want to see me dead that badly?” Xia Fei chuckled.

Xia Gucheng shook his head and sighed. “Was that your work again, you brat?”

Xia Fei nodded.

“Heh, good job!” Xia Gucheng waved his hand and said, his eyes erupting with killing intent!

“Now isn’t the time to chat, my cubs! Kill! No survivors!” Xia Gucheng raised his arms and called.


This mood change was incomprehensibly abrupt. Just moments, everyone had been laughing and smiling, but when the grand ancestor gave the order, these laughing warriors became wolves, their eyes erupting with flame.

“Only dead! Leave no one alive!” Xia Gucheng pointed at the wrecks of the Inverse warships. He could tell that there were still some surviving Inverse in them.


The Skywing wolves immediately began to move, charging into the fray. Those warriors who had also managed to shake off the shock of the explosion also joined the Skywings.


A surviving Inverse pulled himself out of the debris, only to be set upon by the Skywing wolves! In the blink of an eye, he had been torn to shreds! His blood and guts littering the area!

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