Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1150 - Loss

Chapter 1150 - Loss

Chapter 1150: Loss


With a massive boom, Skywing Founder Xia Xiang unleashed a thunderous attack that blasted apart the head of a surviving Inverse! Gore exploded everywhere!

“The Twin Wing Roar is so strong! Xia Fei, I like it!” Xia Xiang laughed heartily as he waved a pair of bloody gloves.

As a peak Law God of the Skywing Clan, Xia Xiang had long ago ascended to Founder, tapped into dark energy, and learned how to use a soul weapon.

Xia Fei nodded. “It’s fine as long as you like it. This is only the beginning. You will come to understand more and more the true power of the Twin Wing Roar.”

Xia Xiang gave Xia Fei a heavy pat on the shoulder before turning around and throwing himself back into the fight.

Fuchen and Ulan came up to Xia Fei. Ulan said in surprise, “Is this the Skywing Clan that you spoke of? These madmen are really quite powerful! Their rank isn’t high, but when they fight, they’re all reckless and ruthless!”

Xia Fei smiled. “As I’ve always said, the Skywings are invincible! This doesn’t have much of a direct relationship with level, for they’re crazier and more ruthless! It’s rare for warriors to have such traits, and besides, the clan already has more than ten Founders. One year ago, when I left, the grand ancestor was the sole Founder.”

Dust nodded. “Mm. This sort of situation is known as level explosion. These warriors were repressed too hard in the past, but they actually had the strength to advance to the Founder tier. Alas, someone forced them to remain at the lower levels, creating many challenges to advancing. Now that this limit has been broken, it won’t be long for the Skywing Clan to produce hundreds of Founders. This is something that I’m very sure about. Just look at their seventh brain regions; all are very open. Once they can tap into dark energy, they’ll undoubtedly soar upward!”

Xia Fei also appeared to be very excited. Not just the Skywings, the Law Realm as a whole was much stronger than before. In the past, several Founders had kept the Law Realm under control, but now, the Law Realm had several hundred Founders! In one year, the number had even surpassed one thousand!

To call this phenomenon ‘level explosion’ was not an exaggeration at all!

The longer one was repressed, the greater the explosion would be, and no one could say what the upper limit of the Law Realm was and how many Founders it would eventually produce. In short, as long as it was given enough time, this universe, which had been under the Inverse’s firm grip for so long, would inevitably welcome its spring.

“Requesting reinforcements! Requesting reinforcements!” someone screamed.

The voice seemed to belong to one of the Aurora Clan warriors.

Xia Fei was startled and quickly flew to the front. When he arrived, he saw an Inverse with golden eyes! This high-level Inverse had exploded with much killing intent!

Several Aurora Clan warriors had surrounded this surviving Inverse, but they did not dare to step forward, for this one exuding a terrifying strength had the power of an Intermediate Founder. Thus, the Aurora Clan warriors had settled for merely surrounding this Inverse at a safe distance.

“Where’s the enemy?! Where?!”

Xia Fei was just about to strike when several Skywing warriors arrived. Unlike the Aurora Clan warriors, the Skywing came with eyes red from immense bloodlust! Murderous energy radiated from their bodies!

“Wolfpack formation! Kill him!”


They moved far too quickly. The Skywing warriors instantly took up the wolfpack formation and charged in, tearing apart that surviving Inverse with golden eyes in a flash!

The Aurora Clan warriors were all left dumbfounded. These were the Skywings! When they saw an enemy, they would try to get at them first! The power of the wolfpack formation had far surpassed their actual level!

“Ugh! I was a little too slow! Xia Jing got here first!” Xia Guanghai bemoaned his tardiness, apparently rather frustrated that he was unable to get in a few swipes.

“There are still some alive over there!”



The Skywing wolves instantly charged over with raised weapons, appearing like devils descending upon mortals!

The Aurora Clan warriors swallowed as they took it all in, cold sweat pouring down their faces. Surround and kill! These were only what could be seen on the surface. What was truly amazing was the Skywings’ combat mentality!

The Inverse with golden eyes were very powerful, but these warriors did not show the slightest hesitation, raising their weapons and charging in! Such an insane combat mentality was what made a true warrior!

Xia Fei smiled as he grabbed an Inverse with golden eyeballs and said, “It seems like there’s nothing to worry about. My brothers can already surround and kill Inverse with golden eyes. Their combat power is far superior to what it used to be.”

Suddenly, Xia Fei had an idea.

The Aurora Clan warriors had the level but lacked the intimidating aura, and who had a more intimidating aura than the Skywing wolves? Rather than having them study tactics on their own, it would be better to have them follow the Skywings! Would they not learn the real laws of survival?!

Thus, Xia Fei immediately sought Xia Gucheng and explained the situation to him, to which Xia Gucheng happily agreed. The five hundred Aurora Clan warriors were distributed among the Skywing squads and were tasked with guarding the perimeter.

Any warrior would feel alarmed upon first contact with the Skywings. These reckless and unreasonable madmen were definitely unique in the universe. They seemed to have been born for battle, and when they revealed their savage side, the universe would pale!

The shock was even greater for the refined and cultured Aurora Clan warriors. Even the Alpha Universe had never heard of such crazy warriors. They used soul weapons to attack, hands to tear, and teeth to bite! The Skywing wolves did not care as long as they could kill their enemies!

“Skywings’ business! Those uninvolved can scram!”

Someone shouted the clan slogan, and more and more people began to crazily recite this slogan in the sea of stars!

The arrogance, the unparalleled madness, was all on full display!

Xia Fei’s heart thumped; he felt like he had returned to the era where he fiercely battled alongside his brothers, where the Skywing wolves shouted this slogan and slew anything in their path, dismantling the Law Realm and rebuilding it!

After a while, Xia Gucheng called Xia Fei over. Xia Fei introduced Fuchen and Ulan to the grand ancestor. This was the first time they had met, but they were all rather affectionate with each other. Fuchen had always liked Xia Fei’s persistence and unwillingness to take a loss, and now that he had encountered this group of warriors who were all like Xia Fei, he naturally took a liking to them, too. Ulan, on the other hand, was very shocked.

“Xia Fei, what level are you at right now?” Xia Gucheng asked with a smile.

“Three Soul Marks,” Xia Fei replied.

Xia Gucheng was startled, an embarrassed look on his face. After all, he had only reached three Soul Marks himself. It was quite shameful for the patriarch to let a clan member catch up to him.

“What about your Fiendwing?” Xia Gucheng asked.

It was Xia Fei’s turn to be embarrassed. For some reason, Xia Fei was stuck with one Fiendwing. The other one had yet to unfurl despite how high his level was.

Xia Gucheng shook his head. “While dark energy is good, you can’t disregard what has been passed down by our ancestors. Have you been cultivating the Law of Speed lately?”

Xia Fei scratched his head and replied, “I really haven’t been cultivating the Law of Speed much. There’s been plenty demanding my attention recently.”

Xia Gucheng said, “You… Your problem is that you’re dabbling in too much, but that’s not a bad thing. After all, that’s your specialty. There’s no one in our clan with as broad of a skillset as you, but speed is the Skywing Clan’s foundation and root. You’re the only other Fiendwing other than me, so I hope that you can unfurl your second Fiendwing soon. When the time comes, you might make many new discoveries.”

Xia Gucheng mysteriously blinked his eyes at Xia Fei.

Xia Gucheng had never put on airs, and he rarely spoke in such an officious tone, too, so Xia Fei was left feeling rather uncomfortable.

“Right, where’s Hosu?” Xia Fei asked.

Xia Gucheng thought for a bit and then replied, “He said he’d look for his brother and went into that giant wreckage. He seemed to be very uneasy.”

Xia Fei was startled. Hosu and Radix had an extremely good relationship. With the two of them having been through so many trials, they naturally treated each other like brothers. Hosu had definitely sensed Radix and gone to look for him.

Xia Fei used his mental connection to communicate with Radix and ask him what was up with him, but he received no answer.

This was very strange. Xia Fei could sense that Radix was not very far from him, but for some reason, he could not establish contact with him. This situation had never happened before.

“Something must’ve happened!” Xia Fe muttered. He shot off toward the wreckage of that gargantuan warship, Xia Gucheng, Fuchen, and Ulan following him in confusion. josei


With a thrust of his White Dragon’s Screech, Xia Fei killed a surviving Inverse and strode into the wreckage.

The Inverse’s giant capital ship was huge and tough; in fact, the explosion triggered by the Silver Specter’s impact had failed to blast apart the outer shell. At this time, it was a giant lump of black metal, riddled with holes as it floated in space.

The insides of the ship had been obliterated, the equipment and instruments within had been blasted out into space, leaving behind a large space. The Silver Specter’s prow was buried in the wreckage, leaving the rear half sticking out like a spear in the dirt.

Xia Fei arrived quickly and saw Hosu dumbly standing outside the ship. Despite the massive explosion, the Silver Specter had only suffered some frictional damage. The outer shell was still intact, a sign of just how tough the warship was.

“Where’s Radix?” Xia Fei asked.

Hosu shook his head. “There is no Radix. I don’t know where he went.”

Xia Fei was stunned, crying in dismay, “Impossible! It can’t be! I can clearly sense his existence, so how can he not be here?!”

Xia Fei had a connection with Radix, and as he knew that the latter was safe, he had not worried about him much, but now, Hosu was telling him that Radix could not be found in the Silver Specter?! Xia Fei simply could simply not believe it!


Xia Fei charged into the warship, but there was truly no sign of Radix in the command deck. Even Xia Fei’s fiendish blade Nirvana had vanished!

“What’s going on? What the hell is going on here?!” Xia Fei yelled. “Radix, hurry and answer me: Where are you?!”

Alas, there was still no reply to Xia Fei’s shouts. He could sense Radix’s existence, but he was unable to communicate with him at all, and his every shout was met with silence, like a stone sinking into the ocean.

After several minutes, Xia Fei walked out of the Silver Specter in a daze, his eyes filled with much confusion. He looked back at the warship, which might have come from beyond this universe, and suddenly felt as if he did not recognize it.

“This ship, just how many secrets does it have? I’m not wrong! Radix has to be inside!” Xia Fei muttered incomprehensibly.

Before one wave had settled, another had stirred. Just when Xia Fei thought that he had won, he suddenly found that he had lost his personal soul servant along with his fiend blade!

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