Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1198 - White Haze

Chapter 1198 - White Haze

Chapter 1198: White Haze

Three Spiritualists!

The warriors from the Black Angel Corporation were all surprised. No one had expected that this bunch that had only recently entered Alpha Universe would actually have more than a single Spiritualist supporting them!

In terms of combat strength, because Spiritualists utilized a different energy system, they were able to wield a power more explosive than the Soul System, and even more crucially, Spiritualists were capable of forging Soul Weapons! It was a position that far surpassed elite artificers from the Law Realm!

Warriors needed the Soul Weapons Spiritualists created; a warrior without a Soul Weapon might as well not fight at all. It was also precisely because of this reliance the Soul System had toward the Spiritualists that decent Spiritualists could easily gain the support of fairly powerful warriors in a fairly simple way: forging Soul Weapons for them!

That was also why the status a Spiritualist held in the universe did not solely depend on their cultivation level, but also the forces that rallied behind them.

Victor blinked. An envoy could not be too much of a fool, and he instantly realized that it might be too difficult for them to harbor designs toward the Law Realm at this rate. Furthermore, if Xia Fei was so willing to come back with them, he could at least explain himself to the corporation, and it would not be too much of trouble for himself!

With that fallback in mind, Victor hurriedly laughed, “Oh, so this young man is also a distinguished Spiritualist! Truly, a talent despite your young age. It’s rather awkward now that you mention it, because since I’ve received a death order, I do indeed need your esteemed self to take a trip back with us!”

The Skywings around watched unhappily as Xia Fei was escorted off with the hostile men, their eyebrows all arching.

Xia Fei thought nothing of it. “Don’t worry. They don’t have the strength to do anything to me.”



The Black Angel Corporation’s warship fleet disappeared into the stars, and only then did the people from the Law Realm heave a sigh of relief. However, the Wolfpack of the Skywing Clan all had ugly expressions on their faces, because Xia Fei had also gone along with them!

“How could you let Xia Fei go on his own?!” Fuchen grumbled, slightly discontent.

Xia Gucheng shook his head, “You should be aware of his temper. No one can sway Xia Fei once he makes up his mind. Despite being the Patriarch of the Skywing Clan, even I am helpless to stop him.”

Fuchen and Ulan looked at each other. What Xia Gucheng had said was true. Sometimes Xia Fei could be very obstinate!

“Alright, let’s do what we should do!” Xia Gucheng waved his hand.

The Skywing Wolfpack immediately split up and went about their business, fast but orderly. Warship after warship made ready to take off, making it look like the Law Realm was preparing to abandon this fortress.

“What are you all doing?” Ulan asked, confused. Xia Fei had not returned, and Xia Gucheng had already begun to send his men away. This seemed to be absolutely insincere!

“This is Xia Fei’s decision,” Xia Guanghai explained. “Before he left, Xia Fei gave us this order through hand motions. He wants the people who aren’t strong enough to leave, so the warriors will not have any worry.”

Fuchen and Ulan suddenly recalled that Xia Fei did indeed make some surreptitious gestures to Xia Gucheng before he had departed. It turned out that he had been giving them hand signals to give orders to his clansmen!

“So what are you doing after they leave?” Fuchen asked again.

Xia Guanghai’s face was stern as he hissed back, “The Skywing Clan avenges every slight! No one has ever provoked us and gotten away with it unscathed!”


Onboard the warship during its journey back…

The men from the Black Angel Corporation were both respectful and wary of Xia Fei. Despite Victor constantly pouring Xia Fei tea, his small and beady eyes were constantly trained on Xia Fei’s face, most likely trying to guess just what Xia Fei was really thinking.

Xia Fei stood up and said, “I’m going to the washroom for a bit.”

Two fairly good-looking female staff members hurriedly brought Xia Fei out of the guestroom. Victor had specifically instructed these two gorgeous women to take care of Xia Fei, but it was too bad that Xia Fei had never been one that let his other head make decisions for him, so he did not care for their coquettishness. Xia Fei just pretended to not see them.

“Let me help you, good sir,” a woman with a beauty mark on her chin giggled softly.

Xia Fei immediately glared and angrily barked at her, “What has me pissing anything to do with you? Scram!”


That woman’s cheeks burned scarlet red and she hid in a corner, embarrassed.

When Xia Fei entered the washroom, both women began whispering behind Xia Fei’s back. In their eyes, Xia Fei was simply a monster. He was at the age where his blood should be gushing with vitality, so why was he not showing any fondness toward women? Could there be something wrong with him?

What neither woman knew was that Xia Fei had braved a sea of women in his lifetime. Be it Zesyr Night, Suzu Treasure, or Nicole Sawyer, which of those ladies was not considered a goddess? Yet they were all similarly rejected by Xia Fei, and though it was said that men who seek to achieve greatness must never be bewitched by the fairer sex, Xia Fei was being far too strict on this aspect, and had broken plenty of ladies’ hearts.

After a quick examination of the washroom facilities, it was plain that they must not have expected Xia Fei to join them along onboard, which was why the washroom did not have any monitoring devices to speak of.

Xia Fei brushed his finger over his spatial ring and took out an orb that was constantly shifting in color. This was the communication device that Soza had given him.

People from both the Alpha and Annihilation Universe seemed to really like this orb shape, seeing as how the currency for the former were White Pearls, while the communication device Soza had given Xia Fei was also in the shape of an orb.

“That’s the Bixia Orb, right? The device that allows you to contact the Annihilation Universe,” Radix clarified. Xia Fei did not keep much from him, so Radix knew about Xia Fei’s secret dealings with the Blue Blood Zadins.

“Yep,” Xia Fei nodded. “Soza said that I can contact the Alpha Universe representative to the Annihilation Universe through it. I figured that this is a good chance for me to give this thing a try.”

Radix stuck out his tongue. Xia Fei’s personality was simply too black-hearted. He did not even trust the communication device that Soza gave him, and wanted to find a chance to test it before letting the matter go. No wonder Xia Fei was still alive today. It was because of this trait of his that most people would have trouble attempting anything funny against Xia Fei.

Spirit Energy surged, and Xia Fei easily turned on the Bixia Orb. Two options popped up on the orb: one was emergency communications that would directly connect him to Soza, all the way out in the Annihilation Universe, and the other was the contact person from Annihilation who was out here in Alpha, someone who went by the name of White Haze.

Tapping with his finger, a screen suddenly popped out, and a man in his forties appeared. He was dressed like a merchant, and even wearing a comical pom-pom hat.

“Are you the contact person from the Annihilation Universe stationed out here in Alpha?” Xia Fei asked without any preamble.

White Haze chuckled, “The Bixia Orb is an exclusive communication device from Annihilation. Not many people would have such a treasure here in Alpha, yet you still suspect my identity?”

Xia Fei nodded. White Haze’s composure made it seemed like he was not telling any lies. But this person looked rather cunning when he chuckled, not looking a bit like an expert at all. In fact, Xia Fei even thought him to be similar to a hawker selling candied haws right out on the streets.

“Is there something you need from me, Sir Dragoon?” White Haze asked with a smile, still looking as slick as ever.

Xia Fei frowned, “Call me Xia Fei. I’m still a Neophyte and not officially an Evil Shadow Dragoon yet.”

White Haze hurriedly corrected, “A Neophyte Dragoon is still a Dragoon! I have no idea how capable others are, but seeing just how distinguished you look, I’m sure you’ll make it to be a Dragoon. No questions!”

Hearing his words of flattery, Xia Fei was momentarily startled, but soon understood that White Haze definitely fit the bill of an unscrupulous businessman!

White Haze suddenly wrinkled his eyebrows and asked, “What Dragoon did you say you’re just now?”

“Evil Shadow,” Xia Fei replied.

White Haze’s expression changed, instantly changing his attitude toward Xia Fei. Among the four Dragoons paths, the Devil Shadow Dragoon was one of the most mysterious. White Haze had been a contact person for all the other different Dragoons, yet this was the first time he would be doing so for an Evil Shadow Dragoon. His eyes glowed as he regarded Xia Fei.

Xia Fei did not really care much about White Haze’s attitude. A Dragoon was no more than a title, and it was not even an official position just yet, so Xia Fei did not place much importance on it.

“I need information about this Black Angel Corporation that is active in the fringe region of Alpha,” Xia Fei said.

White Haze nodded repeatedly, “No problem, I’ll get on it right away.”

It did not take more than a minute before White Haze returned with a file of information he had just researched. He skimmed through the information quickly and gave his report, “The Black Angel Corporation is considered a fairly large force in the fringe region. It is said that the Corporation doesn’t act too differently from a clan, only their name is different. At present, the chairman goes by the name of Xu Nanjun, and is a Spiritualist, a disciple to the Spiritualist of Heavenly Might, Qiu Xingbang. The Black Angel Corporation has been a family business handed down since their ancestor’s time.”

White Haze lived up to his name as the spokesperson for the Annihilation Universe. The information he had was first rate, and Xia Fei very quickly had a cursory understanding of the Black Angel Corporation.

The Spiritualist of the Heavenly Might Sect and Qiu Xingbang. Xia Fei could not help but think of the sinister Qiu Yang, and his expression gradually filled with killing intent. The fact that the Black Angel Corporation’s chairman was actually a Spiritualist was unexpected.

“Okay. I understand what’s going on now.”

Xia Fei ended the connection with White Haze with that. Xia Fei did so with such speed that White Haze had no time to discuss the matter.

Looking at the now dark screen, there was sweat beading down White Haze’s face already. He muttered to himself, “Crap! Could Xia Fei be acting against Xu Nanjun? His master Qiu Xingbang is a Dragoon as well!”


“You fool! What use is it to bring Xia Fei to me?! Use your head and think! Since you’ve already butted heads with Fuchen, then shouldn’t you just call it quits on this matter?! Do you know what sort of person Fuchen is?! He was once the Sect Master of the Unrestricteds! Even if they don’t make a move on us this time, the grudge will already be made! It’ll be a matter of time before we clash!”

Xia Fei had left for the washroom, so Victor used the time to rush over to the command deck to make a report to his chairman. Never would he have thought that Xu Nanjun would berate him as a result.

Victor panicked and hurriedly asked, “What should I do? We’re already on our way back!”

“You feckless fool! What are you getting flustered for!” Xu Nanjun rebuked him forcefully. “First bring him to me, and if he dares to do anything strange along the way, just kill him!”


Xu Nanjun waved his sleeve angrily, turning the screen off in a huff. He held one hand to his head and kept massaging his temples. josei

Fuchen had been quite renowned in Alpha Universe all those years back, and he was getting quite a headache from having accidentally angered this elder.

It was at this moment when a slender figure came walking from a distance. He was yawning as he strolled, seemingly very tired.

“Nanjun, who have you gotten so riled up with so early in the morning?” the skinny man asked nonchalantly.

“Sect brother, your arrival has been timely. My underling has messed up, and I’m currently fretting over it,” Xu Nanjun sighed.

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