Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1199 - Ulan’s Trump Card!

Chapter 1199 - Ulan’s Trump Card!

Chapter 1199: Ulan’s Trump Card!

“Senior sect brother, your arrival has been timely. My underling has messed up, and I’m currently fretting over it,” Xu Nanjun sighed.

This skinny and frail-looking man was none other than his senior sect brother Beihe. The Spiritualists of Heavenly Might was the second largest organization that nurtured Spiritualists, if the Spiritualist Association was excluded. Under Qiu Xingbang’s leadership, their sect had acquired several decent students these last few years, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that they had disciples everywhere.

Xu Nanjun and Beihe had formed quite a decent relationship when they were in school. The latter had a hard life and did not have any capital to his name, while Xy Nanjun had inherited his family business when he was very young. With all his money, he often treated Beihe to meals, and this helped them become fast friends.

Xu Nanjun had not had too much potential as a Spiritualist, and was quickly kicked out of school by Qiu Xingbang. He had returned back home to manage the matters of the Dark Angel Corporation.

Meanwhile, Beihe was completely different from Xu Nanjun. He had been absolutely miserable for the first half of his life, but suddenly became enlightened when he reached middle age. Now, he had actually become an entrant disciple of Qiu Xingbang, and was a level 6 Spiritualist, just a step away from being acknowledged as a Great Spiritualist!

On the account of Xu Nanjun treating him well when he was down and out, Beihe would often make a trip out to Xu Nanjun’s, and when the former saw how the latter was getting stronger and stronger as time passed, he even offered his wealth to help him out.

Xu Nanjun told Beihe about the incident that had happened when his underling encountered Fuchen, and Beihe could not help but arch his eyebrow. “Outsiders always think that Spiritualists get along well with each other, so how could any of them know that the internal conflict we face in the circle is far more ferocious than what they have out there. All it takes is a momentary slip-up and we might find ourselves falling for the ploy of another. This underling of yours is really far too naive; since the other party has a Spiritualist backing them, wouldn’t it be better to show them face, sending your troops back to foster a budding friendship, instead? This way, you could avoid future misunderstandings from happening.”

Xu Nanjun let out a bitter laugh “You’re right. How would they know that once Spiritualists become enemies, neither side will ever let things go? Now that he has actually made his own decision and brought this person to meet me, how could we not know what they are thinking? Perhaps this Xia Fei person plans to commit my face to memory so that he can kill me off in the future.”

The more powerful experts became, the less likely it was that they could build trust between them. Xy Nanjun and Beihe were certain that there would not be a simple solution to this case any time soon.

After some thought, Beige grit his teeth, “Well, now that it has come to this, we might as well see this through to its end.”

Beihe mimicked himself cutting a watermelon, causing Xu Nanjun to jump as he hurriedly said, “Senior sect brother! This is Fuchen we’re talking about! He’s the ex-Sect Master of the Unrestricteds!”

Beihe rumbled, “Right, he was once the Sect Master of the Unrestricteds. I heard from my master that Fuchen had been expelled from his sect by his own sect brothers, which means to say that if we really were to finish him off, the Unrestricteds will not be avenging him, but would instead secretly cheer for his death. As for this Xia Fei person and that other nameless Spiritualist, I’m positive they will not be any problem. Given how many men you have at your command, would they really have trouble slaying three Spiritualists?”

Xu Nanjun was still somewhat hesitant. “Those people do indeed not have many experts on their side. From our reports, they have little more than thirty warriors at the Founder Tier, which is hardly a powerful force out here in the fringe region of Alpha Universe. However, they also have a group of Aurora Clan warriors that hail from the core region. I’m afraid a direct confrontation would result in losses.”

Beige impatiently waved his hand, “How could you expect to accomplish anything of significance if you’re being so indecisive? Besides, I haven’t told you how we’re going to do this. Don’t you forget what your big brother is adept at, and in the worst case scenario, we still have our master and other disciples of the sect that could support us.”

Xu Nanjun was slightly taken aback, but his eyes soon revealed a glint of ruthlessness. “Fine! Since that’s the case, then I’ll beseech my senior sect brother to help with this. Once this matter is settled, Nanjun will be sure to reward you handsomely!”

Beihe flashed a knowing smile and waved his hand dismissively, “We’re all fellow brothers of the same sect; there’s no need to nitpick on the details. We can always discuss the finer details later.”


While Xia Fei was being ferried to the headquarters of the Dark Angel Corporation, Beihe secretly led men back toward the Law Realm’s fortress. The moment it was time, both sides would act at the same time!

Standing by the window, Xia Fei gazed out at the looming silhouette of the Black Angel Corporation’s headquarters. The company had occupied a planet with decent scenery. After countless generations of people running businesses here, this planet had already become densely populated and heavily guarded.

After the warship docked, Xia Fei followed Envoy Victor toward the tallest building. There was a large meeting room on the top floor, and Xia Fei finally got to meet the chairman of the Black Angel Corporation.

The two of them exchanged pleasantries for a while. Xu Nanjun invited Xia Fei to sit in front of a window that afforded a good view outside, and Xia Fei’s ability to pretend was decent enough that the two managed a fairly enjoyable conversation, which eased Victor’s worries considerably.

“Brother Xia Fei, to think you’ve made a breakthrough despite your young age, attaining the Spirit System and learning to harness Dark Energy. Truly, you’ve opened my eyes to the world beyond. I can’t help but wonder who Xia Fei’s master might be, and whose sect you’ve sought training under?” Xu Nanjun asked with a smile.

Xia Fei returned an even brighter smile as he breezily answered, “I’m considered an independent, how would I belong to any sect?”

Xu Nanjun was slightly surprised and flabbergasted. “Brother, have you established your own sect? Is Grandmaster Fuchen not your master?”

Xia Fei shook his head, “How do I explain this? I met Fuchen due to a chance meeting, and he can be considered my mentor and friend, but I really am not related to him on paper.”

Xu Nanjun nodded repeatedly as he listened. It was even better that Xia Fei and Fuchen did not have any formal relationship to speak of, and there was even less of a problem killing an independent Spiritualist, too!

With that thought in mind, Xu Nanjun revealed a hint of impatience in his eyes. Xia Fei continued to drink his tea, pretending to have not noticed it.

Like he was spending time with an old friend that he had not met for a very long time, Xia Fei and Xu Nanjun began to have a chat, each harboring unspoken thoughts and designs in mind.


At the same time, the fortress that the Law Realm had established in the Alpha Universe, nighttime…

“How is it? Have you located the positions of those two Spiritualists?” Beihe whispered while hiding in the shadows.

“Not yet. But our spiritual searcher said there’s something strange about this situation.”

“What’s so strange about it?”

“Fuchen is a Peak Spiritualist, and so he ought to have a very powerful Spiritual sense, but our searchers have had trouble locating him with it. This situation could mean that Fuchen’s strength has deteriorated, or perhaps he knows of some other trick that intentionally suppresses his spiritual signal.”

Beihe was taken aback. He stroked his chin and contemplated this new information. Given how Peak Spiritualists had the most powerful spiritual senses, an experienced searcher would locate them very easily. But right now, Fuchen was actually very hard to locate, which was something the searcher had not expected.

“That’s impossible. There’s no way Fuchen could know what we are up to. There must be some problem with him. Transmit my order to continue the search!” Beihe ordered. At the same time, he smirked as he thought to himself, ‘Truly, it is as if Heaven is on my side! It turns out Fuchen has been heavily injured!”


Back in the guest room, Fuchen and Ulan were seated facing each other, a pot of tea and a few snacks shared between them. josei

Fuchen seemed to have something on his mind. He reached a hand out and waved it in front of him, muttering, “How could I become like this? I feel like I cannot exert even a bit of strength at all. I clearly have energy stored in my brain region, yet I don’t seem to be able to release it. Just what is happening to me?”

Ulan quickly consoled Fuchen, “Xia Fei had already said that someone sealed your seventh brain region, and recovery will take some time. There’s no rush, take your time to recuperate.”

Although that was what he said, Ulan was nevertheless even more nervous than Fuchen. While Fuchen’s condition had stabilized and he was no longer at risk of dying, he was becoming weaker and weaker by the day. There was not even a shadow of the Peak Spiritualist that could cause havoc everywhere he went.

Fuchen felt helpless. All he could do was nod slightly and take a sip of tea. His gaze shifted out the window. Everything around the Cosmic Gate was pitch black. There was no moonlight, and it was always very lonely here at night.

“I wonder how Xia Fei is doing, and whether those people will make things difficult for him,” Fuchen said to no one in particular.

“Make things difficult for that rascal?” Ulan stuck his tongue. “It’s not like this is your first day meeting Xia Fei; is there anything in this world that could make that kid take a loss? In any case, I don’t believe it. When it comes to cunning, treachery, and viciousness, I’ve yet to meet anyone that could outstrip Xia Fei in those aspects.”

These two old men laughed as their eyes met, and they began to feel a lot better. Xia Fei was like someone that always made them happy. No matter how simple a situation could be, he would always find a way to complicate things, and over time, they had derived a perverse form of joy from living like this.

These two were only focused on chatting. Neither noticed that a shadowy figure was slowly entering through the window from the murky darkness, drawing closer to Ulan and Fuchen. It hardly made a sound, like a venomous viper slinking through the shadows.

This dark shadow moved very slowly. It slowly crept up to the shadow cast by Ulan and Fuchen by the overhead lights, and just as the shadows merged, something strange happened!

At that very moment, Fuchen nor Ulan stopped talking. That was because both men felt their bodies being weighed down with a force of over a million kilograms. The pressure was so immense that their bones rattled and immediately had them sprawled on the ground!

“Oh no! There’s a Shadow Manipulator!” Fuchen was very experienced, and had sensed the peculiarity at the first instant.

The situation was dire. Ulan was still fine, but Fuchen was no longer who he was in the past. This Shadow manipulator was doing serious harm to him, and if Fuchen could not regain control in time, he just might suffer permanent damage, and might even die!

“Bittervine Sky Entangler!” Ulan was at first stunned, which then turned into rage!

A single tree vine full of thorns came shooting out from his sleeve, instantly breaking rock that dug deep into the ground!


This tree vine made a lot of noise! It was actually engaging in a fight with the shadow!

Ulan’s two eyes were bloodshot, looking extremely scary and savage!

Ever since Xia Fei had met Ulan, this might have been the first time he could have seen Ulan so enraged! It was because someone had ambushed them, and injured his best friend!


A huge wave rose, like a mystical dragon emerging from below!

This vine from Ulan was extremely frightening. It had instantly grown to well over dozens of kilometers in length! It was also unreasonably thick, spanning well over a kilometer in width, and was completely covered in thorns!

From afar, it looked like a super gigantic centipede, tearing the ground apart, destroying that two-story building that Fuchen and Ulan were staying in!

“DESTROY EVERYTHING!” Ulan bellowed loudly, and that vine suddenly exploded open, turning into millions of frenzied insects, crawling all over the entire world!

It was an extremely terrifying scene, a scene far more dreadful than the most frightening horror flick!

Had anyone not seen it with their own eyes, no one would believe that someone as honest and good as Ulan would actually have such a nefarious weapon in his arsenal!

Yes! This was the final trump card Ulan had up his sleeve: the Bittervine Sky Entangler!

A humongous vine, punishing the sky! It was enough to make the Heavens cry!

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