Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1200 - The Enhanced Wolfpack Formation!

Chapter 1200 - The Enhanced Wolfpack Formation!

Chapter 1200: The Enhanced Wolfpack Formation!

Indeed, Fuchen was no longer who he was in the past, as he no longer had any combat strength. But that did not mean he could be bullied arbitrarily, because there was still the top Spiritualist of Botany beside him: Ulan! There was also the thousand-year-old inheritance of the Botanist: the Bittervine Sky Entangler!

Spiritualists of Botany were considered one of the weakest types of Spiritualists, and so often found themselves oppressed by other Spiritualists. However, the reason why these plant-rearing Spiritualists had managed to survive through the ages was because they controlled a type of enigmatic plant that was very powerful!


The huge Bittervine Sky Entangler shattered! Like a skyscraper that had instantly turned into fine sand, the countless vine-shaped plant rhizomes became like a murky cloud of ants that dragged out those warriors hiding in the darkness!

Spiritualists of Shadow were a type of Spiritualist rarely found in the Alpha Universe. They were masters of the shadow, a truly Dark energy!

Beihe was a Spiritualist of Shadow, and could manipulate shadows however he pleased. Those Soul Practitioners that Xu Nanjun had sent over had been sent into the shadow by his hand, and had used that cover to get close to Fuchen and Ulan.

The original plan was, with the hundreds of warriors hiding in the shadows, all they needed to do was drag Fuchen and Ulan into the shadows. No matter how powerful the two were, there was no way they could escape once inside. After all, Spiritualists had their Domains, and the shadows were Beihe’s territory. He could turn it into his enemies’ Hell!

But right now, the fragmented Bittervine Sky Entangler was like a wave made up entirely of insects! It tunneled into the darkness and dug into the bodies of those warriors, using the cruelest methods to drain them of their flesh and blood!

No one knew that the Botanists, who usually kept a low profile, would actually have such a sinister and vicious plant! This style of fighting was like an evil technique, completely slaughtering the other side!


The warriors let out a cacophony of piercing screams, and began running out from the shadows. The vine-like insects were crawling all over their bodies, rudely gnawing bloody holes through their flesh! josei

No matter the armor they were wearing, it could not stop the Bittervine Sky Entangler!

There was no such thing as an airtight wall, and by that same logic, there did not exist a war armor that was impregnable. As long as there were gaps, the Bittervine Sky Entrangler would be able to find them, and countless insects would tunnel into their enemies’ bodies in a black mass, exiting out from their various orifices!

Xia Gucheng had trained his Law Realm warriors well, and they had swiftly rushed to the incident and formed up.

When they saw this scene in front of their eyes, any human with common sense would feel their heart tremble, for this was an ocean of insects, entering through every opening. It was absolutely sinister to behold! Bloodthirsty!

“ALL OF YOU SHALL DIE!” Ulan bellowed, his face flushed with rage.

This was the second time his best friend Fuchen had been injured right before his eyes. Ulan could no longer stand this, and had finally exploded!

At this moment, Ulan’s expression was so savage that he would have frightened even himself! When someone reached an extreme point of anger, even the nicest person would turn into a demon.


Ulan extended his arms and raised them up to the night sky, letting out a rage-filled shout toward the heavens

A keening sound followed, and the Bittervine Sky Entangler changed once more! The bugs became even more plentiful, more numerous!

There were so many that the wicked plant covered nearly half the planet!

No wonder Ulan had always been cautious with it, unwilling to easily use his killer move. As it turned out that when this Bittervine Sky Entangler came out, even Ulan himself would have a hard time predicting just what might happen.


Beihe was bound like a mummy, and as he was engulfed by the plant, he inadvertently found himself deposited right by Ulan’s side.

The insect-like plants had already perforated his body with countless bloodied holes, and at this very moment, he was in a state between wishing he could die and yet not attaining the relief of death. He was in a grotesque amount of pain, and it only increased with every second.

A Great Spiritualist was not an empty title. In this fight between the Shadow Manipulator and the Botanist, Ulan had completely dominated Beihe! Not only did the former kill off all the Soul Practitioners who had come along with the latter, even Beihe himself was completely at the mercy of Ulan.

“Who are you?! Why did you wish to attack us?!” Ulan demanded with a glare, his eyes bloodshot.

Beihe hesitated, and Ulan immediately urged his Bittervine Sky Entangler to dig into Beihe’s body even further, constantly churning through his internal organs. This sensation was similar to having tens of thousands of arrows piercing his heart all at once, and Beihe let out an appalling wail.

“Who are you?! Speak, or I shall kill you!” Ulan ordered again.

“Spare me, venerable sir. I have been forced by the Black Angel Corporation’s Xu Nanjun. I had no choice!” Beihe cried out in anguish, and he was not pretending. The thousands of insects that were running rampant in his body felt worse than being sent to the depths of Hell. The Bittervine Sky Entangler was truly a ruthless method of attack!

Ulan was still pissed, and Beihe had abandoned what brotherly camaraderie he shared with Xu Nanjun. The cad was willing to do anything as long as he could ensure his own survival.

Ulan slowly lifted his left hand, his fist rising like a mountain, looking like he was about to land the killing blow as he spoke.

Beihe panicked and yelled, “Venerable sir, I am a disciple of the Great Spiritualist Qiu, from the Heavenly Might school! Please spare my life and stay your hand this one time, on account of my master!”


Ulan’s anger was so great that his mind was blank. He did not hear clearly what Beihe was saying, and he simply struck down with one palm, right on the top of Beihe’s head. Brain pulp and blood spurted out in every direction instantly, painting Ulan’s face with a mess of viscera.

Wiping his face off with one hand, Ulan flicked away the traces of blood on his face and forced himself to help Fuchen up to his feet with a smile.

At this moment, Fuchen’s eyes were empty, and his expressionless face was staring right out into the dark night. He was not saying a word and sighing repeatedly.

The difference was too great. Fuchen had once been a Peak Spiritualist, representing the Orthodox Spiritualists who possessed the strongest combat strength, but he was now reduced to being a mere mortal. To think he would actually need the Spiritualist of Botany, Ulan, to protect him. How could Fuchen take this?

He had been expelled from his sect by his own sect brothers, and Fuchen was already feeling abject sorrow for what had happened. Now that his cultivation had also been crippled, how was he any different from an ordinary human being?!

As the saying went, the higher you stood, the deadlier the fall. A person who had not once stood atop the summit would never understand the despair that Fuchen was feeling right now.

“It’ll be fine. Everything will be fine. Xia Fei has already said that you’re only temporarily losing your powers. Give it time and you’d be back to how you were,” Ulan consoled Fuchen.

Fuchen shook his head, voicing out in pain, “Stop lying to me. Did Xia Fei really say that?”

Ulan was at a loss for words. Xia Fei’s original words were that he was helpless as well. Saving Fuchen’s life had already been the limit of his capabilities.

Forcing himself to smile, Fuchen said, “You’re nowhere as slick as Xia Fei, unable to even tell a lie. From the first day I’ve known you til now, after all these years, this is one part of you that you’ve not made any improvements on.”

When people were depressed, they enjoyed reminiscing on old memories. Fuchen began recalling plenty of things in the past, and Ulan began crying on hearing them.

“Wait here for me,” Ulan hissed, getting up and wiping his eyes with one hand.

“Where are you off to?” Fuchen asked carelessly.

“Though I haven’t been willing to admit this after all this time, the truth is that you’re the one I’m the closest to, after my master! I, Ulan, have never enjoyed killing people, but today, I’m willing to kill everyone I lay my eyes on!”

Hearing these words coming from his heart, Fuchen was at first stunned, but soon muttered, “What for… Is there even such a need…”

Ulan made his way to the spaceport, only to discover that Xia Fei’s Silver Specter was already gone!

“Where’s that ship of Xia Fei’s?” Ulan asked, curious.

“It’s already gone,” answered Xia Lianning, who had been guarding the ship.

“Where’s it gone to?”

A mild glint of killing intent flashed in Xia Lianning’s eyes as he replied, “No one that provokes the Skywing Clan will remain safe and sound for long. If I’m not mistaken, we of the Skywing Clan must already be officially declaring war on the Dark Angel Corporation!”

“So soon?!” Ulan was surprised. These maniacs were no doubt the sort that would leave no slight unavenged! While he had been taking a breather with Fuchen, the Skywing Wolfpack had already set off without a word!


About ten minutes before Beihe attempted his ambush on Fuchen and Ulan; the fringe region of the Alpha Universe, outskirts of the Black Angel Corporation’s main base…


Xia Fei’s strange silver warship had appeared in space from out of nowhere, using its stealth systems to remain hidden amid the stars.

Onboard was the full might of the Skywing Clan. Aside from the two retainers Xia Ke and Xia Lianning, who had stayed behind to defend, every able-bodied warrior that was above the level of Law God had been mobilized!

Grand Ancestor Xia Gucheng strode purposefully toward the largest viewing window on the command deck, standing before it as he pointed toward the well-lit planet not far away in front of him.

“This afternoon! That was when this lousy corporation called the Black Angel had our only stronghold in the Alpha Universe surrounded! Though they merely surrounded us and did not attack, and while no one was injured, we are the Skywings! Forget surrounding us, even if they glared at us a few more times, we will gouge their eyes out as a recompense!”

“Unfortunately, because we had plenty of common citizens with us just now, yours truly could not truly go wild this afternoon, and that angered me immensely! What dogshit Alpha Universe!? What higher tier warriors!? We Skywings aren’t some punching bag that will take things lying down. Rules?! Anyone that dares point their cannons at us means they will see their people exterminated!”

Xia Gucheng’s words were unruly and illogical, but when had the Skywings been people who were reasonable?!

The Skywing Wolfpack behind him were invigorated from his words, breaking out in laughter.

Ever since they had arrived here in the Alpha Universe, the Skywings had felt very awkward. That was because there were always people provoking them. After all, this was no longer the Law Realm, and who would not take an alternate route when they saw the Skywings walking down the streets there? But it was different here; there were actually people out here who treated the Skywings like they were soft persimmons, ripe for the picking. How could these Wolves with their strong personalities accept that?

“Well said! We should slay them right now!”

“Quick, give the order! I’ve been impatiently waiting to charge right up to them for a very long time!”

Xia Gucheng reached out his hands to settle the crowd down, before turning around and hollering, “Begin the main assault! CHARGE!”


Xia Guanghai grit his teeth and pushed the Silver Specter’s acceleration handle to its maximum!

Silver Specter was a higher-tier superspeed warship that came from another universe. In an instant, a brilliant meteor appeared in the sky, rumbling loudly as it came hurtling down.

At the same time, the Skywing Wolfpack all donned their gloves, which were none other than the close combat Soul Weapons that Xia Fei had forged for his comrades: the Winged Roar gauntlets!


Silver Specter crashed into the ground like a missile, but because of just how sturdy the ship was, it was not in the least bit afraid of the impact, which was why the Skywing Wolfpack treated the ship like a bomb that they crashed right into the enemy’s military base.

At the same time this was happening, the Skywing warriors came charging out from the warship right before the ship crashed, and using their superspeed, they swarmed right into the base of the Black Angel Corporation!

Kill Kill Kill!

They killed everyone they saw!

In this world, there was a type of law that was the hardest to cultivate: Speed! Every member of the Skywing Clan were the experts among speed experts!

There was also a type of weapon in this world known as fists! Close-combat fighting that was as violent as they come! A single punch could shatter bones!

Then there was also a type of tactics that speedsters utilized, known as the Wolfpack Formation!

Against a single enemy, a Wolfpack would attack in unison. Against an army of thousands, the Wolfpack would still attack together!

These were the very assets that the Skywing Clan had established themselves with! No one would dare attempt to mimic them, but today, was the Skywing Clan’s Wolfpack Formation perhaps a bit different from before?

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