Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1086 - Zesyr’s Request for Help

Chapter 1086 - Zesyr’s Request for Help

Chapter 1086: Zesyr’s Request for Help

Translator: Exodus TalesEditor: Exodus Tales

Xia Fei’s Law of Speed had broken through level 6, letting him achieve eight million meters per second of speed. With an activated Soul Mark as he sprinted at maximum speed, he could even achieve sixteen million!

As of the most difficult laws, Speed had always been known as a lethal law. This was because this law, which let one move as fast as lightning, was something that opponents of the same level who were practicing other laws simply could not deal with. Only someone several ranks higher than Xia Fei would

possess the sharp reactions necessary to fight against him. Warriors of the same level would almost all be instantly killed.

As Xia Fei returned to Fuchen’s side, he was clearly rather tired.

Fuchen lightly stroked a finger across his spatial ring, producing a bunch of small bananas. They were golden, looked adorable, and exuded alluring aroma.

“Not bad! Not bad at all! You’re the youngest among all the speed-type warriors I’ve met who have reached level 6. This means that you have some incredible talent in the Law of Speed.

“As a fellow Orthodox Spiritualist, you possess an Unrestricted Soul Spirit Mark which provides you with a powerful energy foundation. Creating soul weapons is your main skill, but in the battle, you need to rely on your speed. In normal circumstances, a Spiritualist can’t compare to warriors of the same

rank in combat power, but with your speed, you don’t suffer from this problem at all,” Fuchen said with some satisfaction.

Xia Fei took the small bananas, peeled them, and quickly devoured everything, This was the breakfast that Fuchen had prepared for him. It went without saying that these bananas were incredibly expensive, but Fuchen had been so excited that he had forgotten to take money from Xia Fei. Of course, Xia

Fei would not pass up such an opportunity and ate everything at once.

These small bananas had an astounding effect and quickly began to work on Xia Fei, recharging all the energy he had used up in a night of cultivation.

Fuchen’s food was truly magical. The time, state, and kind of food consumed were all specifically selected, not just given at random, Xia Fei was soon brimming with energy again, not even feeling the slightest fatigue.

After a brief pause, Fuchen added, “Now that we’ve made progress in the Law of Speed, we should move to the Law of Primal Chaos. Lady Aquamarine is a very mysterious person, and the Law of Primal Chaos is a top-class legacy that she brought from another universe, possessing the ability to reverse

black and white.

“Your grandfather stole Lady Aquamarine’s supreme techniques back then, and while he ended up getting caught, he left behind an enormous opportunity for you. From what I know, Lady Aquamarine is the only one in the Alpha Universe who possesses this subversive power, and now, you are the


Xia Fei shook his head and said, “Besides me, I have two friends in the Law Realm who practice the Law of Primal Chaos.”

Fuchen was shaken, hurriedly asking, “Other people have learned it?! Have they reached level 5 like you?”

Xia Fei replied calmly, “Not at all. The Gods of Black and White are stuck at level 3 and unable to get into level 4. It’s actually quite funny. They’re the ones who gave me the Law of Primal Chaos, but they ended up lagging behind me.”

Fuchen laughed and then muttered, “Being unable to break into level 4 means that they lack the talent to cultivate the Law of Primal Chaos. After all, stepping into level 4 is getting through a major threshold and becoming an intermediate expert.

“Almost all law powers are divided into nine ranks, with level 4 and level 7 being important benchmarks. A normal person won’t find it very easy to break through.

“For you, breaking into level 6 of the Law of Speed is a very important step. Rest a little. Tonight, we will start cultivating the Law of Primal Chaos, and I’ll prepare some food specifically for that purpose. Right, those six golden orchid bananas are one hundred thousand a pop. To congratulate you for

breaking through that major Law of Speed threshold, I won’t take a commission. Six hundred thousand in total, hand it over.”

Fuchen beamed and held out his hand.

Xia Fei was speechless. He thought that Fuchen had forgotten, but he had actually just left the payment for the end.

There was nothing to be done. Fuchen’s food was just too incredible. Xia Fei had been able to break through so quickly largely because of Fuchen’s diet plan, and so no matter how unhappy he felt, he could only fork out the money.

“Tonly have 4.1 million pearls left. This can’t be allowed to continue,” Xia Fei muttered as he shook his head.

It was not just the food that took more than a million pearls every meal. The school also had significant expenses. While the Aurora Clan had not stopped Xia Fei from opening his school, it did not give him even one pear! in support, and Xia Fei had to cover all the expenses himself. If he did not find a

source of income soon, bankruptcy was just a matter of time.

Fuchen never stayed at Xia Fei’s side for long. He always promptly left once day broke.

Xia Fei knew that Fuchen was not actually having an easy time of it. He both needed to guard against Lady Aquamarine’s sudden appearance while also preparing suitable food for his cultivation lessons every day. All of this took a lot of energy.

As for why Fuchen was going to such great lengths just so he could help him, Xia Fei had thought about it very carefully. Was it really because of healing-type soul weapons? It was not unreasonable. It was clear that Fuchen had his own considerations, but since the man had no malice for him, Xia Fei

decided to keep trusting the other.

Xia Fei was in a good mood after his breakthrough. When he arrived at the gate of the compound, he saw that numerous Aurora Clan descendants had lined up to ask questions and apply, and Little Schott and Wistview were so busy that they hardly had time to breathe.

After some thought, Xia Fei decided to avoid the main gate. After all, it was very annoying to be surrounded by people and pestered with questions. Xia Fei had cast aside all other thoughts besides cultivation and his preparations to deal with an abrupt attack from Lady Aquamarine.

As he was walking and thinking, he suddenly heard someone call his name.

He turned around and saw that it was Suzu Treasure and Zesyr Night.

“Xia Fei, I came to find you yesterday, but you weren’t here! Thankfully, we were clever this time and came to intercept you at the rear gate, or you’d run off again!” Zesyr said, sounding rather frustrated.

The two girls had different expressions. Suzu was still rather afraid of Xia Fei, while Zesyr was completely without restraints while with Xia Fei, which was quite fitting with her personality. After all, she was not some ruthless businesswoman like Suzu, and she did not understand the relationship

between Spiritualists and ordinary people. In her view, Xia Fei was just an ordinary friend, so there was no need to be restrained around him.

Xia Fei shrugged and said lightly, “I don’t have any grudges with you, so why come and intercept me?”

Zesyr pulled on Xia Fei’s sleeve and asked urgently, “I heard that you know a Spiritualist master. Is that true?”

Everyone knew by now that Xia Fei had a Spiritualist master, and Xia Fei did not see the need to hide it and would even openly admit it when someone asked. josei

“also heard that your master is a Spiritualist of Healing,” Zesyr tilted her head and asked.


Xia Fei gave Suzu a sharp look. Only the higher-ups of the Aurora Clan, the upper echelons of Chaos Society, and Suzu knew that he was a Spiritualist of Healing, Xia Fei had told them not to spread this word around, but since Zesyr knew, it must be because Suzu had been a blabbermouth.

Suzu was startled, and then she said swiftly, “While many things can be hidden from those below, they can’t be hidden from those above. The Venus of Eternal Night Clan is a top tier clan in the Alpha Universe, and it has a widespread information network. The moment Zesyr heard of this matter, she

grabbed me and came over to find you.”

Xia Fei nodded slightly. Suzu had spoken very clearly; she had not been the one to leak this news, and Xia Fei also knew that she did not have the guts, so he did not pursue the matter.

“Correct. My master is indeed a Spiritualist of Healing,” Xia Fei said nonchalantly.

Zesyr was elated and said quickly, “Wonderful! Since he’s a legendary Spiritualist of Healing, my grandfather can be saved! Hurry up and get him to treat my grandfather. If you can treat my grandfather’s illness, I’m willing to pay any amount of money!”

Xia Fei found it rather laughable. If he were willing to show his face, why would he go to the trouble of hiding his identity? Zesyr was truly naive; her one request was asking Xia Fei to expose himself.

However, when Zesyr brought up money, Xia Fei suddenly had an idea.

Given how much money he had to spend with Fuchen, it would not be three days before he spent all four million of his remaining pearls. Xia Fei was sorely lacking for money, so treating the Venus of Eternal Night’s old patriarch for a large sum was a decent choice.

Treating someone also took up Spirit Energy, but while healing would cost one standard unit of Spirit Energy at most, forging a soul weapon took three to four.

Xia Fei’s first priority was to preserve Spirit Energy in preparation for the big battle. Fuchen had promised him that he would kill Lady Aquamarine, but Xia Fei had a habit of never entirely relying on someone else. He had to have a back-up plan. If Fuchen could not do the job, Xia Fei could rely on his

formidable Spirit Energy reserve to fight a battle to the death with Lady Aquamarine.

Thus, Spirit Energy was very valuable to him, and it was best if he minimized his use. If he could use up one unit of Spirit Energy to keep himself in the green, that was a pretty good choice.

Xia Fei chuckled and said, “This isn’t a good place to talk. Let’s find a tea house.”

Suzu and Zesyr agreed. The three of them found a tea house and asked for a secluded VIP room.

Xia Fei lit a cigarette and said coolly, “First, Spiritualists of Healing aren’t omnipotent. They can only treat people with injured souls. What is your grandfather’s situation?”

Zesyr pouted and said, “That’s exactly the injury my grandfather has. A few years ago, my grandfather left home without a word, and when he came back, he was injured.

Over the years, he’s been experiencing throes of pain at set intervals. I saw it once with my two eyes. Our Venus of Eternal Night was holding a feast when my grandfather, while talking to someone, suddenly collapsed and started twitching, nearly scaring everyone to death!”

Xia Fei nodded as he got a measure of what he was dealing with, muttering, “This situation truly is within the abilities of a Spiritualist of Healing to deal with. Unfortunately, my master doesn’t like showing himself. If you don’t give him a good enough reason, I’m afraid that his venerable self won’t appear

to treat your grandfather.”

Xia Fei squinted at Zesyr as if to say: “I can treat the illness, but you’ll have to put up a big sum.”

However, he did not expect Zesyr to be so inexperienced and not get his meaning. Instead, she thought of her arranged marriage to the Aurora Clan and grimaced.

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