Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1087 - Little Goldie the Courier

Chapter 1087 - Little Goldie the Courier

Chapter 1087: Little Goldie the Courier

Translator: Exodus TalesEditor: Exodus Tales

Zesyr Night grimaced and then harrumphed. “Hmph! You’re not having designs on me, are you?! Let me tell you: While my clan may have signed a marriage contract with your Aurora Clan, it’s not your place to interfere! You should just dispel any such thoughts!”

Xia Fei was baffled. What was this about a marriage contract? He was waiting for Zesyr to put out the money, so where had this come from?

Suzu Treasure saw the awkward spot Xia Fei was in and explained hastily, “Good sister, you absolutely must not misunderstand. Xia Fei has only recently returned to the Aurora Clan, so he presumably doesn’t know anything about the Chaos Pact.”

“The Chaos Pact?” Xia Fei was even more baffled, but Radix quickly understood what was going on. “Our clan truly did sign the Chaos Pact. We’re one of the founding clans of Chaos Society.”

Xia Fei asked him quietly, “What is that Chaos Pact? Why is it connected to marriage?”

Radix explained, “Back then, several thousand major clans came together to establish an alliance, and in order to ensure that the alliance remains solid, a rule was made that the major clans should marry among one another to strengthen their bonds. As one of the signing clans, our clan will have several

arranged marriages a year. It seems like it’s between the Auroreans and the Venus of Eternal Night this year. This Zesyr girl must be thinking that you’re trying to take advantage of her, which is why she’s become so agitated.

“The Aurora Clan is declining, while the Venus of Eternal Night remains strong, She presumably looks down on us.”

Xia Fei was both angered and amused by Radix’s explanation. Zesyr had somehow taken him to be a social climber, not realizing that he only had Avril in his heart. If he wanted, he could have numerous concubines, and it would never be Zesyr’s turn.

Zesyr also realized that Xia Fei might not have been making looks at her because of the marriage, but she was rather innocent, so she still did not understand what Xia Fei wanted.

“Whether you’ve got a nice chest or a nice butt, I don’t have the time to hook up with you!” Xia Fei raised an eyebrow and brusquely said. “Let me be honest with you: Spiritualists have never had a habit of working for free. If you want my master to work, you have to pay a sufficiently high price. As for you,

I wouldn’t want you even if you were handed to me.”

These words were a little provoking, and Zesyr’s beautiful face turned white as she retorted, “It’s good that you don’t harbor such a despicable thought! Though I have to marry someone, I’d rather it be Seventh Master Xiao! I’d never enter your Aurora Clan!”

spurred by her anger, Zesyr said what she was really thinking, Suzu frowned and looked at her in confusion while Xia Fei laughed.

Xia Fei knew that Zesyr was the girl who had been exchanging messages with him back on The Mammoth. It was just that she thought he was that Seventh Master Xiao.

“Haaa…. Is that really worth the hassle? It’s just a movement technique. It’s not like it can clothe or feed you,” Xia Fei muttered.

Zesyr had no idea what Xia Fei was saying, unhappily saying, “That’s what I want, so what’s it to you?! If you’ve got the skill, why don’t you use one-armed Xiao Xing and make your own peerless movement technique!” josei

The sins of heaven could be forgiven, but there was no hope if one sinned by their own volition. Zesyr had never regarded Xia Fei with any importance. She could just remain in ignorance, as he simply could not be bothered to correct her.

Xia Fei decided to stop arguing with this silly girl, holding out his hand and saying, “A deposit of fifty million, and fifty million on success, and you must do everything as I say. If you can do all this, I’ll ask my master to save your grandfather.”

Zesyr was startled. Compared to her marriage and Seventh Master Xiao, she was far more concerned about her grandfather’s illness. Moreover, her grandfather still held sway over the Venus of Eternal Night, and if he was happy, she would not have to marry into the Aurora Clan anymore. This matter was

far too beneficial to her.

“Til hold you to it. ‘m paying one hundred million, but what if you can’t get your master to help?” Zesyr asked.

“Tl compensate you with two hundred million,” Xia Fei said confidently, his reply crisp and simple.

“Alright. I don’t have the money on me. Big Sis Suzu, I’ll borrow the money from you and then pay you back in a bit,” Zesyr turned to Suzu and said.

Suzu was the behind-the-scenes boss of Heavenly Treasure Firm’s Garde 83 branch, so this sum was no trouble for her. Also, be it Xia Fei or Zesyr, both were very important people, so she was naturally happy to get a little of this business. Thus, she wrote out a check.


Xia Fei put the check away and stood up to bid farewell. Zesyr pulled on him and said, “You’ve gotten my deposit, so what’s the next step?”

“Have your grandfather come here. I’ll arrange a time for him to receive treatment,” Xia Fei said.

“What time?”

“It will naturally have to be the right time. My master is a Spiritualist, and he’ll naturally decide when he wants to come and treat your grandfather. Just wait back at this planet’s Heavenly Treasure branch for news. When the time comes, I’ll inform you.”

With that said, Xia Fei skipped away.

Zesyr fumed as she watched Xia Fei leave. Pointing at the little peaches on her chest, she asked, “Big Sis Suzu, do I really not have an ample chest or a perky butt?”

Two days went by. Under Xia Fei’s meticulous care, Little Goldie had completely recovered, but it still was not back to its big self. This left Xia Fei feeling very troubled. He already had the tiny Furball. Now that Little Goldie had truly lived up to its name by becoming this tiny, what was he going to do?

The recovered Little Goldie immediately nuzzled Xia Fei upon seeing him, biting his sleeve while moving its eyes in the direction of the Law Realm, It seemed to be saying that Xia Fei should go back.


Unfortunately, Xia Fei could not go back yet. The mysterious Lady Aquamarine was like a curse, and as long as she was not dead, Xia Fei would be unable to live in peace. However, for some reason, this Lady Aquamarine who hated the Aurora Clan and hated Xia Fei had not appeared, so Xia Fei could only

keep waiting.

Little Goldie was not very smart, and it took a while for the demon chrysalis to understand that Xia Fei could not go back, but when it did, the little fellow began to roll around on a white sheet of paper, using its body to write squiggly characters.

“Hm? What is this little guy doing? It seems to be saying something to you?” Fuchen said in surprise. Today’s cultivation was done, so he and Xia Fei were looking into Little Goldie’s condition.

“It seems… Perhaps… it wants you to write a letter so that it can deliver that to the Law Realm?!” supposed Radix in shock, his eyes widening.

Fuchen chuckled and stroked Little Goldie, muttering, “I’m liking this little guy more and more. If this fellow is really doing as you say, then it’s terrifyingly loyal to you.

“It went through many perils to find you, breaking through the seal, and now it’s trying to help you get in touch with the Law Realm. It’s risking his life going back and forth like this, you know!”

Radix was a soul, so Little Goldie naturally could not hear what it was saying, but it could hear Fuchen loud and clear. The demon chrysalis furiously nodded its head, greatly resembling some righteous martyr.

Fuchen was startled, saying loudly, “Your soul servant actually guessed it right! This guy truly wants to be your courier and help establish a connection between you and the Law Realm! Don’t you miss that girlfriend of yours, who’s still in that other universe? Why don’t you send this little fellow as your


“From what I can tell, Little Goldie is an extremely resilient creature. Though it’s small, this demon chrysalis’s body is brimming with energy, and its single eye even exudes the aura of a king. Though this guy doesn’t show it in front of you, the reality is it’s a powerful monster, which possesses the

strength to dominate dark space!”


Fuchen had a very high opinion of Little Goldie; Xia Fei could also tell from Little Goldie’s performance that it was truly different from before, and he would encounter little hardship in dark space.

Furball once more became troubled. Putting aside Peacock Blue’s rapid growth, even Little Goldie seemed about to replace him. The proud Furball could not accept this.

Shaking his head, Xia Fei sighed. “It’s still not good. What if that demonic Lady Aquamarine is watching? If I send Little Goldie back to the Law Realm, won’t that expose Avril’s location? For safety’s sake, we should wait until we get rid of Lady Aquamarine first.”

Little Goldie seemed quite disappointed by these words, dropping its head and falling silent.

Xia Fei muttered, “The world is ever-changing. I thought that the Inverse were my greatest foe, but only now have I learned that I have a mortal foe called Aquamarine, but when would that demoness appear? I’m already being very conspicuous. If she’s been paying attention to any news from Garde 83,

there’s no way that she doesn’t know that I’m back.”

Fuchen replied, “There’s no rush. Aquamarine is a mysterious woman, and many experts want her life, but nobody has ever been able to injure her—a sign of her cunning and patience. Many people know that you have a Spiritualist of Healing for a master, so she won’t act recklessly. Rather, she’ll choose a

time and location that’s most in her favor to strike you down.”

Xia Fei pouted, grumbling, “I said not to go overboard. Now, Lady Aquamarine isn’t showing up, so I just have to lure her out.”

Fuchen chuckled. “Someone as smart as you can’t understand it, but if you swaggered back into the Aurora Clan without any sort of backing whatsoever, it’d be far more bizarre if Lady Aquamarine could be taken in! This situation is perfect. The soul weapon you made is only grade 1.5, so Lady Aquamarine

will quickly understand that, while your master might be a Spiritualist, their cultivation shouldn’t be very high. She’ll inevitably make a move against you, and because of your lie, my involvement will be successfully concealed.”

Xia Fei naturally understood that Fuchen had made him claim that he had a Spiritualist of Healing for a master precisely as cover for the latter. Although Xia Fei did not know how formidable Fuchen was, he could tell from the other’s tone that, if Lady Aquamarine knew that he was supporting him, she

would never show up.

Nodding, Xia Fei said, “It seems like I need to get stronger. Aquamarine won’t just let me get stronger. After all, I already have a healer-type master. If my strength grows, she may no longer be able to deal with me.”

Fuchen’s eyes flashed. “A good idea! Get stronger so that she attacks you soon! How do you plan to do it?”

Xia Fei smiled, lighting a cigarette. “The patriarch of the Venus of Eternal Night, Cloud Night, has already come, hoping that I will heal his illness. I wonder what sort of effect getting Cloud Night on my side will have?”

Fuchen was startled, and then he clenched his stomach and laughed.

“Interesting! Truly interesting! You want that stubborn donkey Cloud Night to be your bodyguard!? That’s the stubborn donkey of the Dawn of Eternal Night! You had best think this over carefully.”

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