Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1088 - Cloud Night

Chapter 1088 - Cloud Night

Chapter 1088: Cloud Night

Translator: Exodus TalesEditor: Exodus Tales

The patriarch of the Venus of Eternal Night, Cloud Night, arrived faster than expected. After just one day, Zesyr Night came to find Xia Fei so that he could arrange a time to have her grandfather treated.

Xia Fei talked with Fuchen. They would need to use the threat of getting stronger to lure out Lady Aquamarine, making her feel anxious that if she did not strike now, she would never get the chance. In this way, Lady Aquamarine would cast aside her apprehensions to have a battle with Xia Fei.

With the plan set, Xia Fei immediately had someone notify Zesyr to meet in the Aurora Clan’s compound.

It just so happened that, on the same day, Iron Tiger’s group of three returned from their mission. They were gone for five days but returned with four suitable teachers for Xia Fei’s newly established school, which was quite efficient.

“Mm, go and find Wistview. He’ll arrange the food and board for these people. If there’s nothing else, you’re all dismissed,” Xia Fei said sternly after looking through the dossiers of the four new instructors.

Iron Tiger reported to him every day, so he already knew the situations of these four instructors and did not need to interview them personally. With Iron Tiger’s trio, these seven made up the first batch of instructors for his school.

Zesyr and a rather formidable old man arrived at the compound. While the Venus of Eternal Night was powerful, Cloud Night did not bring many followers with him. All he had was Zesyr’s uncle, Sivatu.

Xia Fei did not come out to welcome them himself; instead, he had Little Schott lead the three to the place he had readied.

Zesyr seemed rather displeased, muttering, “That Xia Fei is truly despicable, not even showing his face. Isn’t he just a Spiritualist’s disciple? What’s so great about that?” josei

As she spoke, Zesyr intentionally puffed out her chest. Ever since Xia Fei had commented about her figure, Zesyr had started to care a lot about such aspects. Today, she had specifically worn a navy blue gown, stuffed padding into her chest, and even used her makeup to accentuate the curves of her face,

all in hopes of her appearance being more attractive.

Unfortunately, despite all her preparations, she still came across as childish and simple no matter what.

Cloud Night chuckled and said, “You can’t say that. After all, we’re the ones seeking his help. I’m actually quite excited to meet a legendary Spiritualist of Healing. Don’t complain anymore. That man is already showing us enormous kindness by being willing to help us.”

Zesyr pursed her lips and said, “It’s not like we’re getting this for free. We’re not taking advantage of him.”

Cloud Night shook his head, saying with a slight frown, “Many things can’t be bought with money. I’ve been bearing these injuries for three years, and none of the countless apothecaries I’ve met before were able to do anything. If I could truly be completely healed, I’d even be willing to pay one hundred

times the price without hesitation.”

Cloud Night turned to Sivatu and said, “Prepare a generous gift for Xia Fei and his master regardless if this succeeds or not.”

Sivatu quickly agreed while Zesyr continued to nag about Xia Fei’’s bad qualities. To tell the truth, Zesyr was initially not holding any grudge against Xia Fei, but after he had passed judgment on her figure, she could not help but find him ugly and not adorable at all.

There was nothing to be done, for girls were born to admire beauty. Appearance was more important than their own lives, and Zesyr was no exception.

At Compound No. 6, Little Schott had the Venus of Eternal Night group wait outside while he went in to call Xia Fei.

Xia Fei greeted them with a smile, and his meek attitude was completely at odds with the arrogant disciple Cloud Night had expected.

Xia Fei used this opportunity to examine Cloud Night. The current patriarch of the Venus Eternal Night had a stalwart figure and did not seem at all like the stubborn and testy Donkey Night that he had heard about. At least, in his view, Cloud Night was not somebody who was too arrogant or brash.

“venerable Elder Night, please follow me.” Xia Fei made an inviting gesture with his arm.

Cloud Night strode into the garden. Zesyr and Sivatu were about to follow when Xia Fei stopped them.

“My apologies. My master doesn’t want to meet strangers; please wait outside.” Xia Fei smiled.

Waiting was fine. Even more important was that Xia Fei had not properly looked at Zesyr from start to finish. She had taken such great pains to dress up, but Xia Fei ended up treating her like empty air. Zesyr pursed her lips and stepped back with a huff.

Xia Fei naturally did not care what Zesyr was feeling, He led Cloud Night into a prepared room and personally brewed him a pot of tea.

“Hm? Why don’t I see your master anywhere?” asked Cloud Night curiously. This large courtyard was empty, holding only Xia Fei and Cloud Night. That legendary Spiritualist of Healing was nowhere to be seen, leaving Cloud Night feeling confused.

Xia Fei smiled. “Master has an eccentric personality and refuses to meet strangers. Please forgive this, Elder.”

Cloud Night nodded in disappointment, muttering, “I’m fine with being unable to see your honored master, but if he doesn’t see me, how will my injuries be treated?”

Xia Fei said calmly, “Senior, this Xia Fei has learned some skills from my master. Ina little while, I will assess the seniors injuries; upon which, my master will choose the proper method to treat you.”

“Then I’ll be in your care,” Cloud Night said politely.

Several minutes later, Xia Fei removed his hand from Cloud Night’s back. His examination method was quite strange. He had simply placed his hand on Cloud Night’s back and had done nothing else.

Frowning, Xia Fei said, “Venerable Senior, your injuries are quite serious. Someone used Soul Eater arts to damage the foundation of your Soul Mark. I presume that every time your injuries flare up, your seventh brain region will be left in excruciating pain, as if tens of thousands of ants were gnawing

away at it, and the frequency of the flare-ups is increasing. It might have only been once a month in the past, but it’s now happening once every week.”

Cloud Night was stunned, saying quickly, “Correct. It’s exactly as this little brother said. That year, I fought with a powerful Soul Eater and was unable to dodge his strike. Thankfully, I had powerful allies with me at the time, and they barely managed to keep me alive.”

Xia Fei shook his head. “This isn’t good. If you don’t receive treatment soon, you won’t be able to last the year.”

Cloud Night fell silent. Xia Fei was speaking the truth. Otherwise, as Venus of Eternal Night Clan’s patriarch, he would have never rushed over to meet Xia Fei upon hearing about a Spiritualist of Healing.

He looked expectantly at Xia Fei, Cloud Night knew that Spiritualists of Healing were formidable, but he had not expected this young disciple to be so formidable, too! With a simple inspection, he had managed to figure out the root cause of his illness.

After a pause, Xia Fei added, “Senior, you’re not being honest with me.”

Cloud Night’s face tuned white as he said anxiously, “What do you mean, young one?”

Xia Fei faintly smiled. “The one who had injured you was no Soul Eater. From what I could tell, this was a compound attack. There is, as of yet, no one in the Alpha Universe who can be both a Soul Eater and a Soul Hunter. The person who injured you probably wasn’t from the Alpha Universe but rather an


Cloud Night was stunned!

If Xia Fei had merely diagnosed his illness, Cloud Night would not have shown such an exaggerated expression. Crucially, Xia Fei had been able to deduce the nature of Cloud Night’s opponent! This was simply miraculous!

Cloud Night seemed to be rather embarrassed, saying, “Yes, the person who injured me went by the name of Lady Aquamarine. She’s a Wanderer.”

“Lady Aquamarine?” There was a subtle glint in Xia Fei’s eyes. Lady Aquamarine had once laid down an insidious curse on Xia Fei’s family, and even this Cloud Night had been wounded by her. That mysterious woman truly had a list of impressive feats in the Alpha Universe.

“Oh, I’m no stranger to that name. I’m sure that the elder is aware of the Aurora Clan’s history with Lady Aquamarine,” Xia Fei said calmly.

Cloud Night thought it over and replied, “That should be something from a very long time ago when your Aurora Clan was still at the peak of its power and I had yet to become patriarch. I heard that a Wistful Valley angered Lady Aquamarine, and your clan was ultimately forced to call out its reclusive old

monsters to calm the storm. As for Wistful Valley, he was exiled from the clan because of that incident.

“It’s truly a pity. Wistful Valley was said to be Aurora Clan’s strongest genius, but for him to end up like that…”

Cloud Night suddenly stopped and looked at Xia Fei in shock. “You’re a part of the Aurora Clan, but your surname is Xia. Could it be…”

Xia Fei replied calmly, “Wistful Valley is my grandfather, but he has already passed away.”


Cloud Night’s face twitched. There was no doubt that Wistful Valley had been a very formidable character. Although Wistful Valley, just like the rest of the Aurora Clan, had rarely fought with others, at key moments, he could perform impressive feats like opening the Cosmic Gate! In the face of Lady

Aquamarine’s curse, he had managed to live for many years. All of those were signs of his strength.

As Wistful Valley’s grandson, Xia Fei had returned to the Alpha Universe. It must be understood that Lady Aquamarine was still alive! This meant that Xia Fei would very likely have to deal with a sudden attack from her, and so Cloud Night was puzzled as to why Xia Fei could so divulge his identity freely.

What made him so confident?

Xia Fei continued calmly, “Senior is the Venus of Eternal Night’s patriarch, and those who you had partied with can’t be minor characters. Can I presume that your group had a reason for attacking Aquamarine?”

“That…” Cloud Night was momentarily speechless. Xia Fei seemed to be concerning himself with too many things, even wanting to know why he had tried to attack Aquamarine.

“Tm afraid that I can’t answer that question,” Cloud Night whispered.

Xia Fei chuckled and said, “I was just asking. Please wait a moment. I’ll explain the situation to my master. Your injuries are serious, and only his venerable self will understand how to proceed.”

In the next room, Radix said, “We’ve gained a lot from this meeting with Cloud Night. For his group to attack Aquamarine, she must truly be a wicked character who has offended all of the Alpha Universe.”

Xia Fei replied nonchalantly, “That’s not for certain. Aquamarine had the Beast Spirit Codex, the Law of Primal Chaos, and the Immemorial Mystical Armaments. She might have had even more good things; it would be quite normal for Cloud Night’s group to try and steal from her.”

Radix nodded. “It makes sense. Given the kind of person Cloud Night is, he’ll only take action if he stands to benefit enormously from it. No wonder Fuchen speaks so solemnly when it comes to Aquamarine. She’s no ordinary woman. Even with Cloud Night and his people working together failed to kill


Xia Fei replied, “What I worry about is that, even if we do manage to take down Aquamarine, other people may catch wind of it and come to find me. Aquamarine’s belongings are bound to bring trouble down our heads..”

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