Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 720 - Dual Great Law Integration!

Chapter 720 - Dual Great Law Integration!

Chapter 720: Dual Great Law Integration!

“What?! A mysterious Law Overlord got heavily injured!”

Kuzan Feng did not dare to believe his ears. It had only been a few minutes. First, the death of the Moonward Clan’s family patriarch, Law Overlord White Ward, had left Dragon Ascension Martial Hall tense and nervous, and then right after, a hidden faction had attempted to attack the Galewind Garden and failed. The Law Overlord leading the force had been heavily injured by the butler of the Skywing Clan!

Law Overlords were extremely valuable, but in the space of a few minutes, a Law Overlord had died while another one had almost lost their life. How could Kuzan Feng not be shocked?!

“Keep searching!” Kuzan Feng waved his hand and ordered. “I must know who this caretaker Xia Wu of the Skywing Clan is, and which Law Overlord led this secret attack force!”

Busey’s dark face was grim as he said in disbelief, “Unbelievable! Truly unbelievable! The Skywing Clan was actually hiding a third Law Overlord. Our intelligence reports said that the ones leading the ambush force were a level 2 Law Overlord and four Law Emperors. Who is this mysterious caretaker? How could he single-handedly pull the Skywing Clan back from the brink?”

“Regardless, this battle is probably over. The Moonward Clan will find it very hard to turn the table again,” Kuzan Feng said in shock. “It seems that the mysterious group was Golcen Ward’s back-up plan; alas, Golcen Ward’s divine calculations still missed out on an important aspect. Nobody has truly expected the Skywings to have their own back-up plan and for it to be so formidable!”

The veins on Busey’s forehead bulged. “That’s right. This back-up plan was truly something else. While the Moonward Clan was holding down Xia Buyun’s Skywing warriors, that mysterious Law Overlord led that other group to mount a surprise attack on Galewind Garden, which should’ve forced the Skywing Clan to return and reinforce the Galewind Garden. In this way, the Skywings would’ve fallen for Golcen Ward’s trap and be attacked from both sides.

“The plan was good, but he underestimated the true strength of the Skywings! Right now, that mysterious Law Overlord’s group has suffered a devastating blow, and they’ve been forced to retreat with quite the losses. It seems like those people can no longer maintain their alliance with the Moonward Clan, so this means that Golcen Ward’s plan has fallen through!”

Everyone else sighed. Be it in terms of strength or plans, the Skywing Clan had had the upper hand.

The reports from the front line allowed them to determine easily what the result was. The Skywing Clan had intentionally emptied out the Galewind Garden, precisely waiting for the Moonward Clan’s killing blow to arrive; after which, they revealed their own hidden card, Old Xia Wu, and destroyed the Moonward Clan’s trump card!

Everyone believed that the Xia family’s strongest warrior was Xia Buyun, never realizing that this title actually belonged to the Galewind Garden’s caretaker, Xia Wu!

Dotzel, who had been calmly and coldly pondering these developments the entire time, suddenly said, “Right now, Golcen Ward knows that he has no other options and he’s probably already used up all his trump cards. The White Horse Constellation will fall at some point and it’s gonna be a big mess in the end!”

Kuzan Feng could not help but be shaken. As the saying went, those viewing from the sidelines could see things more clearly. Dotzel was not a human, so she could see clearly that some invisible rope was dragging the White Horse Constellation into the abyss.

The mysterious Law Overlord who had helped the Moonward Clan attack Galewind Garden, the incredibly powerful caertaker of the Xia family, Golcen Ward’s insane plan, the God Race’s ambiguous attitude, and the Law Enforcement Board’s negligence... All of these made the White Horse Constellation a highly convoluted situation and inextricable mess, which caused Kuzan Feng’s head to swell!


Galewind Garden.

Old Xia Wu still stood in front of the gate like an immovable statue, protecting this garden that he had lived in for so many years.

“Grandpa Wu, let me bandage your wounds.” Xia Boli, a member of the medical team, held back her tears as she spoke.

Just earlier, the medical team’s members had watched with their own eyes as Xia Wu singlehandedly drove away their enemies; the tribulations he had gone through were beyond words to describe.

No matter how strong Xia Wu was, he was still one man against one thousand, and the other side even had a level 2 Law Overlord! With his prodigious strength, he had fought an exceptionally tragic and heroic battle!

Though the enemies had fled, Xia Wu was still severely wounded by this assault; his body was covered in innumerable wounds.

Xia Wu lightly nodded, speaking in a gentle tone. “Don’t cry. With me here, the Galewind Garden will never fall! No one should even think about stepping into the place where the grand ancestors of our Skywing Clan have once resided!”

This caused Xia Boli to cry even harder. Grandpa Wu did not actually have the surname Xia, and he was not even a member of the Skywings, but when the clan was endangered, Xia Wu still stepped forward to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat! How could they not be moved by such heroism?!

In Old Xia Wu’s heart, the Galewind Garden was his home and he was a member of the Skywings!


The Moon Reaching House.

The battle between the Skywings and the Moonwards had finally reached the decisive moment!

With a wave of Xia Buyun’s hand, the thirty-nine vicious wolves of the Skywing Clan lunged forward!

Golcen Ward was stamping his feet in rage! He had never imagined that the Skywings would be so sinister, secretly drawing him into a trap!

Everyone knew how many Law Overlords the White Horse Constellation had. The mysterious Law Overlord leading the attack on the Galewind Garden was not a human. Inviting an external clan to interfere in the affairs on the White Horse Constellation was a major taboo! Once discovered, all of the clans would certainly join together and question him.

Golcen Ward had been bold enough to invite an outsider only because he was so sure of his victory. As long as he could seize the Skywings in one go, the pressure from above would naturally have those old fellows coming out to hold things together. The key was that he could not lose this round.

Alas, the plans of man could not keep up with the plans of heaven. The crazies of the Skywing Clan were even more vicious than Golcen Ward had predicted!

With lightning-fast speed, they had first killed Law Overlord White Ward and then the strongest Skywing Law Overlord, who had suddenly appeared, severely wounded that Law Overlord whom Golcen Ward had requested help from!

At every step of the way, the Skywing Clan had displayed incredible fighting might to the Moonward Clan, and their ability to scheme and plot was just as formidable!

The Xia family already had all the evidence it needed, and these madmen now had an excuse to exterminate the Ward family! Not even the gods could save them!

The madness! The treachery! The savagery!


Xia Fei charged in, the Blood Crystal in his hand. To fight alongside the madmen of the Skywing Clan caused an irrepressible sense of heroism to rise in his heart!

It was very easy for madmen to form a mutual understanding with each other. If he really wasn’t from Earth, then Xia Fei felt that he was a rather good fit for the Skywing Clan. It was very rare for madmen to gather together, but if they had to be crazy, it was naturally best if they were all crazy together!

Speed was the sharpest weapon!

The Skywing warriors heedlessly charged forward, and the battlefield instantly fell into chaos! People could be seen everywhere, as could death!

The ordinary Moonward Clan warriors keeping guard outside the Moon Reaching House were dumbfounded. This was a battle of nearly one hundred Law Emperors, and there were few words in the universe that could describe the bitterness of this battle!

In just a few seconds, the Moon Reaching House was devastated, and the fires of war burned all across Cherry Garden!


The Blood Crystal plunged into the chest of a Moonward Clan Law Emperor, and large amounts of energy gathered in Xia Fei’s seventh brain region!


A second later, Xia Fei had that rainbow ball of energy explode!

Enormous amounts of energy flowed through his body, and Xia Fei felt himself slowly recovering his physical and mental strength! His eyes became sharper!

Using Origin Crystals could also restore his strength, but it was not as enjoyable as devouring the energy of experts, nor was it as fast!

Xia Fei was heavily injured and his energy reserves had practically dried. He needed a cruel method exactly like this to recover!

The combined power of the Skywing warriors was simply too strong! In a flash, more than half of the forty-six Moonward Law Emperors had been killed, while the Skywings had only lost two or three people.

Xia Fei used this chance to devour two more Law Emperors, but the Skywing warriors were too impatient. Before Xia Fei could absorb all their energy, they tore his targets into several pieces!

The Skywing warriors attacked any living target and not one was allowed to survive!

“Brother, what do we do? What do we do?!” Ulcen Ward frantically called to Golcen Ward as he fought against the enemies.

Speed was the strongest weapon, and the Skywing had super speed! With their supremely ruthless attacks, they were close to flattening Cherry Garden!


Golcen Ward felt like he was being stabbed in the heart over and over again as Cherry Garden was trampled on by the crazy Skywings and the warriors of his clan got slaughtered.

He knew very well that if he did not forcefully respond now, the Moonward Clan would be finished!

“Winds and clouds stir! Law Integration!” Golcen Ward shouted, his hands swiftly forming two bizarre hand seals.

One was gold and the other was white. Golcen Ward’s hands were two different colors, both dazzling. At the same time, there was a sound like an earthquake.


One building after another collapsed because of the powerful energy that Golcen Ward was mobilizing. A fissure appeared at the bottom of the artificial lake, the waters instantly vanishing through it!

“Look there! That’s real law integration! Although Golcen Ward is using a unorthodox method, the effects are still rather good,” Oro hastily said. “He’s preparing to merge the Laws of Matter and Space on his body, mixing these two great laws together to attack!”

“Mixing together two great laws!” Xia Fei was stunned, quickly putting down the Blood Crystal so that he could watch.

The Laws of Matter and Space were two completely different forces, but Golcen Ward was actually merging these two together and using them to bolster his body! This was an extremely dangerous and crazy move!

Golcen Ward’s strange actions caused everyone to become uneasy; even Law Overlords Xia Buyun and Xia Tian were taken aback.


A powerful shockwave radiated from Golcen Ward, sweeping over Cherry Garden like a hurricane! Even the nearby mansions were not spared. East City, where the Moonward Clan resided, was instantly devastated!

It was rather laughable. Golcen Ward had been worried about the Skywings destroying the Moon Reaching House, but with his reckless harnessing of law force, he had destroyed any hope of the Moon Reaching House surviving!

A sandstorm stirred, making it hard to keep one’s eyes open!

Once the gale passed, the Skywing warriors gathered together, and the remaining Moonward Clan warriors swiftly fell back behind Golcen Ward. The ordinary members of the clan also began to gather around.

Golcen Ward’s body exuded a faint luster, which seemed to be coming from inside his body. This was the result of being possessed by the forces of two great laws!

“This is the law integration state. Remember it. In order to use law force better, you must fuse it with your body. Of course, don’t try to mimic Golcen Ward. He’s sealed the laws, and though this has doubled his strength, it will do even more damage to his body,” Oro explained.

It could double one’s strength?! Xia Fei was stunned!

However, before he had time to digest what he had just heard and seen, a dark figure descended from the sky!josei

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