Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 721 - Superior Law Overlord Guli

Chapter 721 - Superior Law Overlord Guli

Chapter 721: Superior Law Overlord Guli

Finally, the Moonward Clan had resorted to unleashing its ultimate attack, vainly hoping that sacrificing the lives of the ordinary members could bring down the Skywings and elicit resentment from the entire White Horse Constellation toward the Skywings.

Behind Golcen Ward were millions of clan members. They were not strong fighters, and while there were a lot of them, as long as the thirty-nine Skywing wolves wanted to, these people could all be slaughtered in a matter of minutes.

Yes, the Law Realm truly was established by a group of the supremely strong, who arrogantly laughed at the rest of the universe, including the members of their clans. Over countless years, the Law Realm had given birth to peerless madmen like the Skywings, but it had also produced many ordinary people who could fight and who served as the framework of an actual society.

Xia Buyun furrowed his brows. Everyone knew that war was a matter between the strong. The Xia family had only mobilized those of the Law Emperor and above. Those warriors of lower cultivation had not taken part in this slaughter, precisely to honor that eternal law.

The clans were represented by their strong warriors. If their experts were annihilated, the clans would gloomily withdraw. Countless conflicts over the years had played out like this. However, the Moonward Clan had cast aside everything to pull the ordinary clan members onto the battlefield. This was a sinister move that undoubtedly broke the rules, and for the first time, Xia Buyun hesitated over whether to kill or not.

In the blink of an eye, Golcen Ward completed law integration. His body exuded a faint light, making him seem like a legendary god who had descended from the heavens. The entire power of a level 5 Law Overlord had been unleashed, and it could not be underestimated!

A battle between the thirty-nine elites of the Skywing Clan and the entire Moonward Clan was about to take place!

Once the slaughter began, the entire Law Realm would undoubtedly be dragged in, and the consequences would probably be beyond anyone’s ability to predict!

The atmosphere reached maximum tension!


A dark figure descended from the sky. It was a little black dot at first, but this dot rapidly accelerated, and people soon realized that this was actually a person—an important individual of the White Horse Constellation who was capable of calling the wind and summoning the rain!


As this powerhouse landed, a plume of dust rose to the sky!

Kuzan Feng!

The Feng family’s patriarch, Dragon Ascension’s hallmaster, and White Horse Constellation’s only Superior Law Overlord with a level 7 cultivation!

At his side were the Four Heavenly Kings of Dragon Ascension, Salem, Kurani, Dotzel, and Busey, all of them Law Overlords!

These five people descended and divided the Skywing Clan and Moonward Clan, using their bodies to stop any further battle.

Xia Buyun was taken aback. His face turned cold as he asked, “The Dragon Ascension’s Feng Clan? Do you also wish to become enemies with my Skywing Clan?!”

Such arrogance from the Skywings! Even when they were facing the Dragon Ascension Martial Hall with its five Law Overlords could head off their resolve to exterminate the Moonward Clan! It was just like what Xia Zonghai had said before: “The moment this war begins, only one side will survive between the Skywings and the Moonwards! It’s either you or us!”

Xia Buyun’s attitude had made it clear that the Skywings were determined to drive the Moonward Clan out of White Horse Constellation!

Golcen Ward was startled. He did not have the daring to challenge Dragon Ascension. Although the Dragon Ascension’s Feng family had opened a martial hall, everyone knew that it had actually been given the important task by the God Race to recruit elites. It was one of the strongest hidden agents the God Race had placed in the Law Realm, directly subordinate to the Celestial Court! It represented the will of the God Race!

The fact that Kuzan Feng had explosively arrived here with the Four Heavenly Kings meant that the God Race had made its final decision on this storm!

Kuzan Feng knew that the Skywings were unreasonable and unruly. In the face of Xia Buyun’s question, he bitterly smiled and said, “Brother Buyun, you misunderstand. This Feng has only come to invite the representatives of the Xia and Ward families for a chat at High Water Pavilion.

Golcen Ward was startled. High Water Pavilion was the private residence of the Feng family, the residence of generations of its clan patriarchs. As expected, Kuzan Feng really had come as a representative of the God Race to calm this storm!

Golcen Ward almost began weeping tears of excitement. He suddenly saw a lifesaving rope that he wanted to grab on to. Even the Skywings might have to give the God Race a little face.

The Skywings were simply too strong. Besides the thirty-seven Law Emperors and two Law Overlords, it was even hiding the supremely powerful Xia Wu. The Moonward Clan had already suffered a major loss, almost twenty Law Emperors killed or heavily injured and one Law Overlord slain. Meanwhile, the Skywing had suffered losses of only four heavily injured.

Golcen Ward was very willing to have the God Race appear and calm this storm. After all, only if one survived did one still have a chance. Only if the Moonward Clan remained in White Horse Constellation did it still have a chance of developing. Otherwise, everything would come to an end!

However, Golcen Ward was not sure about the Skywings’ attitude. These madmen were known for their stubbornness and were not prone to dropping the matters.

Xia Buyun glared as he spoke. “High Water Pavilion? It’s been a long time since I was there, but I have other business to attend to, so let’s postpone the visit for another day!”

His sharp eyes fell on Golcen Ward. It was clear that Xia Buyun would not rest until he had brought down the Moonward Clan!

“Don’t you realize who this order is from?!” Kuzan Feng asked in frustration. He had already spoken very clearly. It was not his Dragon Ascension’s Feng family intervening in this storm but the God Race itself!

Xia Buyun clearly understood what he was saying, but to the other’s surprise, he still refused. No one else could be this brash and arrogant.

Kuzan Feng bitterly smiled. Even he could do nothing about these madmen from the Skywing Clan. These crazies would not care about anyone except the old monster of their clan; even the God Race was no exception!

Suddenly, something startled Xia Buyun, who lightly placed his left hand on an encrypted communications device attached to his right arm. A signal that no one else could detect entered his mind. The grand ancestor of the Xia family spoke.

“Negotiations are fine. We have only one condition: The Moonward Clan is to disappear from White Horse Constellation forever or else the talks are off!”

Upon reading his grand ancestor’s message, Xia Buyun smiled. Old monsters were old monsters. His meaning was very clear. They had to give face to the God Race, but if the negotiations fell through, they would sort out the Moonward Clan all the same!

“Alright. I’ll go with you to the High Water Pavilion,” Xia Buyun coolly said.

Xia Tian was startled and whispered to Xia Buyun, “Patriarch, are we ending things just like that?”

Xia Buyun replied in a louder tone, “Ending things? You take the Skywings’ rules as farts?” josei


The Skywing warriors burst into laughter while Golcen Ward’s face darkened. Kuzan Feng also scowled. These fellows were fearless and unruly existences of the White Horse Constellation, and they gave face to no one.

“Please,” Kuzan Feng sternly said, making an inviting gesture with his hands.


High Water Pavilion, the private residence of the Dragon Ascension’s Feng family.

The Moonward Clan and the Skywing Clan each took up one side of the living room. On the Skywing side were the two Law Overlords, Xia Buyun and Xia Tian, and Xia Fei, who was the main reason for this conflict. On the other side were Golcen Ward and Ulcen Ward. Kuzan Feng sat alone in the seat of honor.

The mood was tense, and as the two parties stared down at each other, sparks could be seen where their gazes met. The room was so quiet, with the atmosphere so solemn and grave, that one could hear a pin drop.

Kuzan Feng said nothing, seemingly waiting for something.

It was not long before the Four Heavenly Kings of Dragon Ascension arrived with three people. These were Yu Hua, the Skywing caretaker Xia Wu, and a thin and feeble man who no one recognized. His body was covered in armor, and a savage-looking alloy mask concealed his face. He limped as he walked, so it seemed like he was suffering from some severe injury.

Yu Hua no longer had any of his usual confidence and grace. His face was ghastly pale and his eyes were listless.

Upon seeing Xia Fei, Yu Hua was startled and then he shook his head with a bitter smile.

Busey bowed to Kuzan Feng and sternly said, “Hallmaster, all the people have been invited over.”

Busey placed emphasis on the word ‘invited’, but everyone could guess that these three people had not been invited; rather, they were arrested!

In the time it took to drink a cup of tea, Dragon Ascension Martial Hall had been able to ‘invite’ two Law Overlords and one Great Law Emperor. This was proof of the Dragon Ascension Martial Hall’s power, proof that it deserved its place as the number-one martial hall working for the benefit of the God Race in the Law Realm.

“Since you’re all here, please sit,” Kuzan Feng waved his hand and said.

The parties were clear. Xia Wu sat down on the Skywing side while Yu Hua and the stranger sat down on the Moonward Clan side.

Both sides had uneasy expressions, but Xia Fei did not understand why Xia Buyun was worriedly frowning.

After pausing, Kuzan Feng said, “I will not lie to you all. Those above do not wish to see the White Horse Constellation remain in turmoil, so they had me serve as mediator. As I could not find a good reason to decline, I reluctantly took the job.”

Xia Buyun coldly snorted. “Those above are truly concerned about us, but I don’t think we need any mediator, for the Skywings don’t have a habit of negotiating with our enemies!”

Golcen Ward’s face seemed to be a sheet of ice as he glared at Xia Buyun and gritted his teeth.

Kuzan Feng chuckled. “Brother Buyun spoke well, but what if this matter dragged in the other members of your Xia family? For example, Xia Wu who took his seat last; perhaps I should call him Guli?”


The Moonward Clan Law Overlords and that unknown Law Overlord instantly paled, their eyes instantly focusing on Xia Wu. Only Yu Hua remained unaware.

“Superior Law Overlord Guli?! That was you?!”

“Good! So you Skywings have been concealing a wanted criminal of the Law Realm! You’d better have a good explanation for this!” Golcen Ward viciously said, his eyes cold.

Xia Tian and Xia Buyun both frowned, while Xia Fei curiously looked at this old man. This old butler of the Galewind Garden was actually a Superior Law Overlord?! He had truly concealed himself well. Why would a mighty Superior Law Overlord stay in the Galewind Garden and serve as a caretaker?

Xia Wu seemed unperturbed, calmly replying, “Yes, I am Guli. Everything I did has got nothing to do with the Xia family. The Skywing Clan never knew who I really was.”

Guli was very loyal. Worried that his status as a wanted criminal would hurt the Xia family, he immediately stated that the Skywings had nothing to do with him.

The Moonward Clan clearly was not willing to let this matter go, so Kuzan Feng pursed his lips and coldly said, “The Skywings are naturally in the wrong for harboring a criminal, but your Moonward Clan colluded with the Exiled Grounds, privately recruiting the Barren Mountain Mercenaries to disturb the public safety of White Horse Constellation and make an attack on the Galewind Garden. This must also be explained, yes?”

Golcen Ward coldly sneered, arguing, “Our Moonward Clan certainly didn’t hire Qin Huang. Don’t go making accusations unless you have the evidence!”

Qin Huang was the Law Overlord who had attacked the Galewind Garden and been heavily injured by Xia Wu. His eyes burned with resentment, for he had not expected a Law Overlord like Golcen Ward to renege immediately on their agreement and abandon him.

At this time, the spectating Xia Buyun suddenly spoke. “No matter who Xia Wu really is, he is a member of my Skywing Clan!”

His words instantly left everyone stunned!

The Xia family was determined to protect wanted criminals in the Law Realm! Not just Xia Fei, even Guli!

The Moonward Clan denied the evidence the God Race had presented, but the Skywings stubbornly risked offending the God Race just to insist on protecting its people!

When comparing the two, it was instantly known which was more valuable!

This was the Skywing Clan! Never abandon! Never give up!

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